Not a single word about the Owner's meeting eh?


Well-Known Member

The Owner's start their meeting today...

I'm sure no one knows what I'm talking about either... ugh..

Here sheeple sheeple sheeple...


New Member
The "Owner's Meeting?" Who's meeting ... must be the Rockerfellers? Maybe the Bilderbergers? The CFR? The Kennedys? The Federal Reserve Board? The Jews? ~lol~ :mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Bilderberg starts today in Virginia..

"If 125 film stars booked out a hotel, arrived in dark-tinted limousines and met in secret do you think the corporate media would be interested in finding out what they were there to discuss?​
Yet 125 top CEO&#8217;s, hugely influential philanthropists, heads of state, NATO officials, academic leaders, banking kingpins, and European royalty - the very people that shape the destiny of the world - can get together for three days without a single U.S. corporate media outlet reporting on it."​

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Maybe its a stag party?:mrgreen: But seriously, how do you know of this if noone reported on it?
Bilderberg starts today in Virginia..

"If 125 film stars booked out a hotel, arrived in dark-tinted limousines and met in secret do you think the corporate media would be interested in finding out what they were there to discuss?​
Yet 125 top CEO’s, hugely influential philanthropists, heads of state, NATO officials, academic leaders, banking kingpins, and European royalty - the very people that shape the destiny of the world - can get together for three days without a single U.S. corporate media outlet reporting on it."​


Well-Known Member
Yes yes... haha.. let's all point and laugh..

Funny.. your taxes are paying for the security of this event "that isn't happening"... :blsmoke: gotta love propaganda..


New Member
A hot topic at the meeting will be: How we as participants in the private enterprise arena can keep the slimy hands of government bureaucrats off of our profits and job creating ability.



New Member
More like, How do we enslave the peons even more?.....
And how do we institute the Nafta super highway and keep the peasants at bay while we raise the price of fuel to 10.00 a gallon. Too many pesky poor people getting in the way of our limos.


New Member
Does anyone think the Nomination of a black man to the presidential duo may have any influence to the timing of this meeting, Like hey guys, we gotta get our shit together and waylay this black dude before he gets elected or we may have to assassinate him. If he gets in, he could do some real damage to our bottom lines. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
It's only illegal if they are negotiating things, other than that, there's no laws against being chummy.
Being friendly? Like just chilin smokin a fattie,playing spades?
No dude, thats not whats going on.
The act of behind closed doors with the whos who of the world should be more then enough to get the state department/homland/senate involved.