man i hear you on this situation, i would hate to be in your spot. my mom is the same way would never do mmj just because it was drummed into her whole life that it was illegal wrong etc. but she will drink beer after beer and get piss drunk not remember anything and we get into a fight and she calls me a loser for smoking weed and to get a like mom, you seriously get drunk and then forget shit and be stupid, now shes no alocholic but i digress...
if she didnt want to take her legitimate meds and you had to slip them to her unknown im sure you would, as any son or care giver would, why should marijuana be any different? there are really no severe long term consequences that can happen physically, i would be more worried about upsetting your mothers mental state that sometimes comes with eating cannabinoids...honestly shes really better off smoking it to start off to see how she reacts and how her body reacts, i have had friends that ate to much brownies or something and they seriously looked me in the eye and thought they were going to die lol. i mean i knew they were fine but when u get messed up on thc ingested that way it can be a very powerful, life changing even experience...
honestly there is no right answer to this problem man, its all how you feel in your heart, dont let anyone or anything, stereo type or ''morality'' police tell you its wrong to slip her drugs without her knowledge because i would argue, 1. marijuana isnt really even a drug, i mean it is in a sense that thc is a chemical molecule therefore is by definition, a drug but if you look at it that way, coffee, ciggarettes and even food could be considered a drug. personally i feel that if thedrug your giving somoene isnt life threatening to them then i think if you feel in your heart it could be the right thing to do and could really help her then, by all means man you should do it, but if you think she may react badly to it or if she finds out she took it may react badly to that, then maybe it isnt a great idea...
no one can tell you the answer to this question, the truth lies in your heart. you already know the right answer and you already know what you have to do...
its so frustrating sometimes when you sit back and look at how human society is now adays...its like we know we have so many stupid things ass backwards that its so far gone we cant sit down and change our reality and our perceptiton of all of this. an illusion, the maya deceiving us. i guess what im saying is it sucks the MMJ, something with such HUGE medical properties, practically revelutionary in how we look at healthcare and drugs in general is looked down upon so badly, its like there are people out there that 110% think marijuana is just as bad as heroin or crack or coke or lsd or anything, people just dont know man...everyone is asleep at the god damn wheel thats the problem, sorry for the novel, best of luck to your mom, i wish her well, as well as you.