i also forgot to mention, Buck's father stressed self sufficiency and not to depend on others because they are human and no matter how many good intentions they have, they will let you down, make mistakes, and always end up doing what is in their own best interest. his father counseled that humans are still human and power ultimately corrupts making a social utopia forever impossible.
he also kept telling buck that "governments can never, EVER, be trusted as every single one of them breaks down over time resulting in armed revolution or oppression." he was also rumoured to have said that "guns are the people's ultimate protection against the development of an oppressive government and that this period of tranquility and peace experienced within our country for the last 200+ years, is but a blink of the eye in history and that one century down the wrong path is more than enough to lead to said oppression and/or revolution."
he finished every lesson to young buck with a fervent saying, "no government has ever proven to be benevolent and it's not a question of 'if' but rather a question of 'when' the oppression will crush Americans."
he also had a tattoo on his arm of Teddy Roosevelt with the quotes, "the buck stops here" and "speak softly and carry a big stick."