Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Great job man! Way to bring her back to life! IMO you should drop a couple of pieces of dry ice into a little h20 container to give her a little co2 they love it.


Well-Known Member
Looking good n green! Why do you tip 'em? :eyesmoke:
easy, i only did that to get the shitty parts of the leaves off ( the brown and bad yelow tips ) i wanted to recover the plant the best i could :) i hope i did good!

Great job man! Way to bring her back to life! IMO you should drop a couple of pieces of dry ice into a little h20 container to give her a little co2 they love it.
thanks alot dude! good to see you around !!! and i cant get my hadns on dry ice around here, but i can do a little sugar water and yeast trick to create co2 ;) thanks alot bro!! hope u stick around :D


Well-Known Member
look at the difference,






Well-Known Member
Ya buddy, you frickin did it! Its just about ready man! God, ya dont know how happy i am to see her gettin so big :):):)


Well-Known Member
Luigi what kind of bags are those? Do you like the smart pots (the cloth ones)?

As always looking good, do you feel good about where the plant is at right now?


Well-Known Member
i use just regular grow bags, they feel like plasticy mylar type material. never tried smart pots , but ive seen them around!

and i feel great right now, the plant has almost made full recovery, every day its looking better. i think im gunna water it tomorrow morning or the day after , and on the end of week 8 of veg ill flip the switch to 12.12 ... so it starts in its 9th week (as a flower) :D


Well-Known Member
for sure dude!! okay so i have work guys now, ill be uploading pictures tonight & tomorrow morning, everything looks ALOT healthier!!!

ill be flipping the switches on april 4th @ 1am, so april 5th ( week 9 begins and flowering begins ) !!! enjoy guys, stay tuned :)


Well-Known Member
Okay , so these pictures im about to post were last night (DAY 51) @ 11:45pm . Everything just keeps getting better :)
havent checked on the girl today. but ill do so later on, and i will find some time for some pictures tomorrow aswell !! enjoy guys ! , flowering starts this upcoming week :D



Well-Known Member
:O whered everyone go ! haha , anyways its DAY 53 today boys - pics taken about 10 minutes ago

everything is looking fantastic !!! now new reoccurances of defeciency .. all is green :) except for the old parts but they recovered quite well! flowering starts on friday !!!

here are some pictures for you guys !!! :D
ps. plant was just watered w. 1/5th tsp. of grow big, and 1/5th tsp. of cal mag. ( last watering before flowering :D )


So here is the difference

Before last transplant - Day 47

Day of transplant ( just after ) Day 48

Day 49

Day 50

Day 51




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the day by day pics, you really see her straightening up. Looks great Luigi, I'm getting excited for ya!


Well-Known Member
Day 54 - everythings good and green, no more spots or anything, but i did notice a few of the newer leaves bending at the tip. nutrients were used yesterday. as the pictures were taken, and it was next to nothing ( what i have been using ) also.. before that was just water.. so i know i couldnt of burnt the plant again.. but the tips are a little bent. a few leaves yesterday.. today a few more - any thoughts ? please.. everyone vacated!!



Well-Known Member
Dont worry about a single thing dude, everythings going great. The leaves are pointed twards the sky and happy as FUCK! Dont flower her yet, she still has root room. I think you could wait so you dont sell yourself short. Three four more days. Shes almost ready, i can see it ;) just throw me a side shot with the box so i can see how much room there is to the top. Kick ass :):):)


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about a single thing dude, everythings going great. The leaves are pointed twards the sky and happy as FUCK! Dont flower her yet, she still has root room. I think you could wait so you dont sell yourself short. Three four more days. Shes almost ready, i can see it ;) just throw me a side shot with the box so i can see how much room there is to the top. Kick ass :):):)
Agree 100% with this comment and would love to see how much height you have to work with before top of room/lights become an issue. :)


Well-Known Member
alright boys Day 55

ninja, i not really worrying just concerned the leaves look funny the way they bent and only on some. im gunna giver som more grow room untill friday.

and here are the pics u asked for + some bonus pictures ;)

its stretching now for suree, i can se a huge difference in a week. i see what ur saying with the shiska strain .. holyfuck - anyways i may do some tieing down in about an hour or so, ninja if ur around lets do a skype :)