The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I got a 12" glass tube and a cheapo set of bags off fleabay. Only use the biggest n smallest, mix all the grades together, its lethal enough without fuckinn about. Who needs 8 grades of hash ffs. Pot snobs that's who. Lol.

Freezer draw full of sugar trim made 35g went for 25 a g all the way.
Pmsl pot snobs Yeh fuck having loads of grades just the one will do for me or might use a 220 bag and a 110 and see how much I u use frozen trim any is it deck better than dry trim then?


Well-Known Member
cleaned and dis infected the hell out of the tent , been up b&q to look at pots and they had the most gash selection ive ever seen so will order from charlies hydro , get x5 11L for £10.
still waiting on my seeds to crack, just checked and can see the break happening so maybe by later tonight they can be dropped in!



Well-Known Member
played 5 a side for the 1st time in a while the other night. 60 min of running up and down fuck me i think i left a lung behind havent felt right since lol


Well-Known Member
Lol not for me that mate I do enough at work can't be arsed with all that id be dead if I did
it's the cigs / joints i need to stop with. just seems whenever i put the kettle on i need something to smoke on with my brew
next harvest i may just stick to the bong, got a nice one here but dont really use it unless i take it round a mates


Well-Known Member
it's the cigs / joints i need to stop with. just seems whenever i put the kettle on i need something to smoke on with my brew
next harvest i may just stick to the bong, got a nice one here but dont really use it unless i take it round a mates
Your a brew man too then u can't beat a good cuppa ;-) I know what u sayin bout the fags mate there a killer for sure just joints taste wank without em.and I only did bongs when we used to get the old squidgy reds oh those were the days


Well-Known Member
Your a brew man too then u can't beat a good cuppa ;-) I know what u sayin bout the fags mate there a killer for sure just joints taste wank without em.and I only did bongs when we used to get the old squidgy reds oh those were the days
brews through the winter and beers through the summer. talking of summer i'm hoping it isnt reaching the 20's until june/late june but with the weather nowdays fuck knows what we're in for, all this winter has been perfect indoor grow conditions

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It'll be the london marathon next don:)
Machine wouldn't let me put more time on after an hour n 5 mins had to reset to do the 15th k. I've started, so ill finish lol goal is to be a beast by August, fitter at 30 than 20, ha probably fitter than most of these younguns
theres 1 gallon bubble bags (5 of them) for £33 i think thats a fair price for what you will get out of it
The 1 gal is tiny you'll be on doing runs forever, trust me.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
Machine wouldn't let me put more time on after an hour n 5 mins had to reset to do the 15th k. I've started, so ill finish lol goal is to be a beast by August, fitter at 30 than 20, ha probably fitter than most of these younguns

The 1 gal is tiny you'll be on doing runs forever, trust me.
i dont grow much tbh so probs would suit me theres 5 gallon ones aswell for an extra £10 defo will be making a purchase


Well-Known Member
Machine wouldn't let me put more time on after an hour n 5 mins had to reset to do the 15th k. I've started, so ill finish lol goal is to be a beast by August, fitter at 30 than 20, ha probably fitter than most of these younguns
Im the first cunt to admit i'm very unfit, I'm gonna have to do something about it like,