Say a few kind things about the person above you.


Ursus marijanus
I've seen you around and gotten a good vibe, rooky. Sorry i can't be specific. My memory meds are working a treat ... can't remember sht. cn


Active Member
This guy again :wall: lol

see4 is kick ass in my opinion. I love reading his posts, he always makes me laugh.


Well-Known Member
Fucking LOVES coloring! ANC usually brings the A game. Finds some great shit for the NSFW thread. I always take the time to see what he's got to say.

I asked him for $5 for gas once, and he gave me a $20.


Active Member
I vote best avatar to Clayton Bigsby, I enjoy your comedic post, and how you can find the most fitting pictures for the occasion while being blind.


Well-Known Member
Catches on quickly, plays well with others. I nominate him for rooky of the year.

He made me a lemon cake for my birthday. Lemon cake is my favorite!