400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow


Well-Known Member
Like Matt said he knows me well enough and I don't really mind, most of us here are all open minded so post away ;)


Well-Known Member
Just few pictures of how the plants are doing this fine sunday evening ;)

It's day 17 of 12/12 for those who like to know ;) I think it's day 17 haha


Like Matt said he knows me well enough and I don't really mind, most of us here are all open minded so post away ;)

Well you guys just keep your eyes open when i get my grow journal started and let me know what im doing wrong. I got 3 strains (HSO's bubba kush, pineapple skunk and chemdawg.) That i just planted today, but i got a bagseed at about 2 weeks. Im currently using 42W CFLS and following seemorebuds '8 oz's for under 100$' book. Ill def let u guys know when i get a journal and my first pics up.


Well-Known Member
J, no worries buddy you will catch up ;)
FCJ is growing nicely with a even canopy but the CK is a different story I stopped training her about week into 12/12 and that wasn't enough and two of her branches are a bit higher then the rest so I think I'll have to tie her down a bit to even out the canopy.


Well-Known Member
:( man your flowering is far more progressed than mine. my ladies are just starting to stretch and show some pistol formation. i havent even started day 1 of flower yet....


Well-Known Member
Matt the only thing I can think of is that I only have two plants in there, and they getting all the light they need. My tops are no more then 6-8in away from the bulb showing now signs of heat stress so maybe that's the reason they grow how they grow ;)


Well-Known Member
So stop complaining :P you will catch up sooner or later ;) you got 1kw and I only got 400w :P
i also have 13 mj plants and 3 cosmo's and 4 morning glories and a holly hock...

thats a total of 21 plants 1000/21 = 48 wats per plant......400/2 = 200 watts per plant so eat me!!! haha jk


Well-Known Member
really though having a bigger light dosent mean shit, i need a bigger light for what im doing, you dont. with 2 plants anything over a 400w is pretty much overkill. and im pretty sure that a 400w light is just as bright as a 1000w light. the only difference is it wont cover as many sq ft as a 1000w will. :)

i just left spores101 a message and asked them when my shit will be shipped. fucking hollidays!!


Well-Known Member
lookin amazing Acid :weed: they getting smelly yet? Im starting to get a woft of fruity skunk outside my bedroom door now :-O so hopefully my house'mates' wont catch on, it seems to be only at a certain time of the day which is weird. Overpowers my carbon filter for a couple hours. Should be ok though. Im gonna check the trichs on the ak48 tomorrow to get a better idea of when she will be chopped. I think no more than a week from today, exciting times!! Shes so frosty, im really amazed with this strain, deff will grow it again. The rocklock looks kinda wierd now, its receeding but without the following burst of fresh pistils that normally come back out. Looks healthy though, so Ill just keep on keeping on. The white rhino is lookin fantastic, but THC formation is slow on her, but im beginning to see the beginning of some dankness, perhaps. Will love if these young glands swell up into juicy resin bombs but will have to wait and see. I might post a update tomorrow, or failing that, on sunday. Happy growing acid! Damn, the spring temps are in back with a vengeance today!! not long till Ill have to half my wattage!! Think il be doing my auto seed run on 250w. I doubt very much i will have time to do the durban poison this year :cry:. But heck, what hapens happens!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Low oo yeah they smell like crazy haha but I don't smell them unless I open the door to the box and that's only once a day. I got a web cam in there so if I want to look at them I just open my web browser and I can look at them when ever I want with out opening the box.

But I still got like 4 weeks if not more on the FCJ and a bit longer on the CK, but I'll get there sooner or later ;)

Low dude you be set for the summer when this grow comes to the end :weed:

I got do one more grow of photos and maybe if there's time one grow of autos before summer time temps. arrive, and then I'll be set for a while (I think) ;)
Because summer time I wont be able to grow anything in my house, it's just to god damn hot..... but I'll worry about that later on.


Well-Known Member
ill be doing some auto plants soon, germinating one today for me and one for my friend (the guy you gave the lights to) my 600w light will be in today also so ill be giving him some more lights. exciting times man :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I came to conclusion that I wont have enough time to do two more photo grows before summer time arrive so I'll do one more photo grow and then if I'm lucky I'll do one more run with autos.

Matt I'm still happy that I could help out a bit :) IMAG0722.jpg that's all I got to say.

And Yes Matt this times are Exciting!! :)))


Well-Known Member
well his plant is doing great!! im going to stat him a auto blue mammoth at my grow and get it into a 3 gal smart pot then off to his place it will go.

he has a hard time keeping seedlings so i like to make sure anything i give him can be neglected for a little bit other wise sometimes he dosent get around to things and small plants cant take the abuse.

anyways time to head out to my grow, was hoping the UPS man would be here early but no such luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's time to split, got to go and take care of few things haha.

Matt, Low and everybody else have a nice and "sunny" day.