Seedling distance from CFL


Active Member
Heya all,

I have 3 seedlings, ages are afew days apart.

one is growing its 3rd node, the second is just starting its 2nd node, and the third is on its first node.

So basicly they are all still young.

all 3 where under a 20w CFL at 2" away till now.

Now i have a 300w duel spec CFL, and am wondering how far under the light to put these young seedling?

( and yes, that is real wattage )



Well-Known Member
Same dance, different close as you can...a few inches is good if you have a fan.peace


Well-Known Member
Not sure why you got a cfl that big...but for the seedlings themselves you can keep em under the small cfls yet like 2 inches away

You could use a 250 Watt HPS instead of the 300 Watt compact fluorescent. It would reduce your power usage by ~20% and yet provide over twice as much light as the compact lamp (33,000 lumens for the HPS vs. maybe 14,000 lumens for the fluorescent).


Active Member
Not sure why you got a cfl that big...but for the seedlings themselves you can keep em under the small cfls yet like 2 inches away

You could use a 250 Watt HPS instead of the 300 Watt compact fluorescent. It would reduce your power usage by ~20% and yet provide over twice as much light as the compact lamp (33,000 lumens for the HPS vs. maybe 14,000 lumens for the fluorescent).
Got it because its a small grow. box is 2ft x 2ft x 4ft.

This light gives off 18k lumens.

and it does not produce much heat, just now i went and can hold the light when it is on, ( had been on for 5 hours )


Well-Known Member
Got it because its a small grow. box is 2ft x 2ft x 4ft.

This light gives off 18k lumens.

and it does not produce much heat, just now i went and can hold the light when it is on, ( had been on for 5 hours )
more smaller cfls are better than 1 big one. when I ran cfl the only bulbs I would use were 23 waters and 55 waters anything bigger than that is a waste. you cant spread the light out good and that's one thing you gotta do with cfls


Active Member
more smaller cfls are better than 1 big one. when I ran cfl the only bulbs I would use were 23 waters and 55 waters anything bigger than that is a waste. you cant spread the light out good and that's one thing you gotta do with cfls
what he said!

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
no more than an inch away at all times, cfls are tricky at the start but youll get the hang of it, and dont worry about burnt leaves


Active Member
where you get that 300w (actual watts)?? be careful to watch if they get too is good :hump:
Yeah im watching the heat, i can feel warmth when i open the door, not alot bu tit is noticeable. as i said i can hold it while it is running with no problem

i have 2 pc fans mounted inside at, giving it 24 hours without them first to see how it goes.

Thing is, with such a small space i doubt as HPS would be reasonable with out a huge ventilation system.

Got the light off amazon


Well-Known Member
a 300w cfl will put out every bit as much heat as a 250w hps and you wont get nearly the coverage from the cfl. And do NOT listen to The New Jim Jones, if you have a 300w cfl closer than an inch you are going to fry your plants...and the dont worry about burnt leaves part???wtf are you smoking man burning leaves is hardcore abuse


New Member
within 6 inches depending on temps. i would never get closer than 3", the light gets wasted under the foliage.


New Member
If u have enuf cfls u don't have to keep em an inch or two away....I would just do the back of the hand method to feel what may feel nice for the ant as far distance goes....this plant is abt 6-7 inches below light...nodes are tight and growth is perfect...but there's an abundance of light20130215_100436.jpg....u just got a play w ur lights and plants n see what's working best....cfls aren't hard to figure out....little wattage/lumens... keep close...a lot of watts and lumens... u can back em off some


Active Member
If u have enuf cfls u don't have to keep em an inch or two away....I would just do the back of the hand method to feel what may feel nice for the ant as far distance goes....this plant is abt 6-7 inches below light...nodes are tight and growth is perfect...but there's an abundance of lightView attachment 2529224....u just got a play w ur lights and plants n see what's working best....cfls aren't hard to figure out....little wattage/lumens... keep close...a lot of watts and lumens... u can back em off some
Ty for info, im just gonna play around to see what works for me. planning on topping and lst to keep budsites level for even light.

And very nice plant man