Advice for a student living in a campus-owned apartment who loves to toke


Hey guys. I live in an apartment complex owned by my university. I love smoking weed (lol). I could be in big trouble if I get caught (haven't had any close calls, plus my roomie is cool as well). Advice on how to not get caught? I'm smoking the regional KB, in a tiny glass pipe (I prefer glass, as I can pulverize it with 3 hard stomps). I typically smoke in my room. I have a fuckton of Febreeze that I spray everywhere in the apt (especially near doors, and where I just smoked). I'm also a quiet guy (never provoking my RA to tell me to quiet down). The apts I live in house some noisey college kids, so I think I don't stick out of the ordinary. I haven't smelled weed outside my door (cigarette break). My RA lives right below me. I try not to go to class high (though I did this morning lol). I think I'm safe to go, but I just want to know how I could improve. My weed is also stashed inside something (maintenance comes in sometimes to do work (and will just knock a couple times before proceeding in). Thanks!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
they have pipes with not only charcoal filters but a cotton one as well to remove all smell and resin in order to keep you stealthy


Active Member
Use a spoof. It will cut the smell way down while you are toking... If you don't know what a spoof is, it's a simple devise that hides the weed smell. Take a soda bottle, rinse it out, cut a couple holes in the bottom, and stuff it full of fabric softener sheets. When you take your hit hold it in and exhale through the mouth of the bottle, blowing the smoke through the fabric softeners and out the holes you cut in the bottom. That and when you let off with the febreeze don't spray towards the door, it will push the smell out into the hallway.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dacarbiung requires a heat of 250 for 20-30 min or 270 for ten, and will maek your apartment or house smell like dank for a long time

get yourself a , charcoal filtered and cotton filter pipe, and learn the concept of nonya

as in its none of any of ya friends to know(about the stealth pipe) you have it all their, your fellow classmates are all narcs

no smell means no questions . . . .point set match


Well-Known Member
Your first best option is to find someone off campus to smoke with.
Your second best option is to purchase/use a vape.
Your third best option is to use the old school filter tube method, and get tons of Ozium.
Your fourth best option, and only your last resort, short of dropping out of school, is to quit smoking.

Or suffer the consequences.


Well-Known Member
dacarbiung requires a heat of 250 for 20-30 min or 270 for ten, and will maek your apartment or house smell like dank for a long time
get yourself a , charcoal filtered and cotton filter pipe, and learn the concept of nonya
as in its none of any of ya friends to know(about the stealth pipe) you have it all their, your fellow classmates are all narcs
no smell means no questions . . . .point set match
Wow... college was so much easier in the eighties.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with filling a toilet paper roll with fabric softener for the dryer. Rubber band one to the top and poof, all the smoke you blow out of it smells like fresh laundry. It works pretty good as long as you don't get busted in the act.


Well-Known Member
I'm going with filling a toilet paper roll with fabric softener for the dryer. Rubber band one to the top and poof, all the smoke you blow out of it smells like fresh laundry. It works pretty good as long as you don't get busted in the act.
Yoy gotta love the stoner ingenuity .

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Wow... college was so much easier in the eighties.
considering they drop you from school ,kick you out of student housing and make you pay for the rest of the time you would have been their and then if you have a scholarship they tak that away, and after all that, they kick you out of school

ya id say it different

in the 60's you just showed up and learned no pay or registration or sensitivity training


Well-Known Member
I'm going with filling a toilet paper roll with fabric softener for the dryer. Rubber band one to the top and poof, all the smoke you blow out of it smells like fresh laundry. It works pretty good as long as you don't get busted in the act.
You need Ozium. Spray the inside of the dryer sheet filled tube. Also, as soon as you blow out in the tube.. do a quick spray of Ozium. I had a completely scent free room my freshman year.


Well-Known Member
considering they drop you from school ,kick you out of student housing and make you pay for the rest of the time you would have been their and then if you have a scholarship they tak that away, and after all that, they kick you out of school

ya id say it different

in the 60's you just showed up and learned no pay or registration or sensitivity training
I lived here - 18th floor.

We discovered that a large drink cup filled with water and dropped out of the window would pancake upon hitting the ground. It was neat. We discovered that, try as we might, we could never get a smooth enough trajectory out of one of these partially filled with water. They get heavy fast!


Yeah, college was different in the eighties.