10 days in

appreciate all this feedback, guys. ill try putting the water up closer, but for the most part, im in the north-east so i just do air exchange from outside, which right now is crisp and low humidity. i'll try to balance it up and keep y'all posted. plant looks healthy though. no sign of any inefficiencies. got the oaksterdam textbook so im trying to follow most of those guidelines. keep the posts coming, im always interested in reading new opinions!
when it goes under 400 mh, which i suspect will be in a week- week.5...can i use cal/mag with spring water? im also using sensi grow A/B...feedback?
and because i dont want to risk harming the crop, im only doing nute at half strength throughout. im not looking to grow a forest, just a few ounces. feedback my friends. :)


Active Member
I been trying to get my humidity up, but it surfs around 25% I put a bowl of water in and it still doesn't rise. my place is soo dry! I mean, I guess its better to be a little low then too high, right?

in veg its ok to b a bit high, but in flowering, being high can cause mold.
well, suppose it's just not higher because of the fact im using a 125cfl right now? once i have the 400 and put water in there, it has to go up, right? what a pain man. i can purchase everything but humidity. lol


New Member
LOLOL. climate isnt that dry here luckily. snow system is fucked up though becuase of all that heavyniess stuck in that layer of air up there.

god made it so it goes away but gets stuck in a layer LMAO that asshole. so we only kill our confined atmsophere and dont pollute other galaxies.


New Member
if you can get water to evaporate (near the lights) you can raise at least 10% i promise. like a big flat tray of water near the top all corners
I really don't know guys! I have tried everything. I have surfed this site for options and it has literally balanced at 16-20%. Heres some pics from the last 3 days. Though it's been low, I can't really the plan looks pissed off by it.
2 Days ago Yesterday Today
I even put a friggin humidifier in there. did not move a single digit. am i cursed? is there a gro-tent curse for noobs? are my plants mad at me? WHAT HAVE I DONE!
because I live in an area where I officially think humidity is a stubborn BITCH, i am just going to be a constant mister. Obviously, once 400 is put in there i kno this problem will be easier regulated but holy mother of god...what a pain. it loks healthy though, except for those bottom leaves, but that literally occured as soon as they sprouted, every other set has came out looking green, full and healthy.
Yeah, I think it looks great - honestly. I'm just tired of reading about how it's this super-adaptable plant to any conditions and then reading people flip out over a low humidity level. it's balanced at a general area and the plant looks great. healthy. leaves aren't crinkled, yellow or dry. they are very full and growing at an alarming rate. I am going to take my chances and just mist when needed and continue to keep a watching eye on it.


Active Member
That's all you can do, see what happens and proceed. I trust my plants more than gadgets I'd go nuts trying for perfection. Got a chance to share my stash with a hardcore 67 year old grower I've known for years, he was impressed w/taste,smoothness,high and bag appeal made it a point to share his genuine opinion. We talked a lot and humidity never came up proof is in the pudding. He's turning me on to some Salmon creek? strains in seeds, finally new genetics I'm stoked haven't planted a seed in years.