what size grow pots???


Active Member
what size grow pots should i use if i vegged for 2 weeks an the plants are 12 in tall? just put into flower. wondering if i should transplant or not. help plzs an thanks:)


Well-Known Member
I vegged mine for 30 days, put into flower at 10", am now in a 5 gal. pot, and am stressing over whether or not I will finish without becoming rootbound, and I'm only growing under CFL's.


Well-Known Member
I vegged mine for 30 days, put into flower at 10", am now in a 5 gal. pot, and am stressing over whether or not I will finish without becoming rootbound, and I'm only growing under CFL's.
you will be fine.

I would say 2 -5. personally I like 3 because It holds water for a few days and im not wasting dirt.


Well-Known Member
I vegged mine for 30 days, put into flower at 10", am now in a 5 gal. pot, and am stressing over whether or not I will finish without becoming rootbound, and I'm only growing under CFL's.


you'll be fine.

i started out using 5 gallon buckets but find that a 3 gallon is all i need. if at the end you find a lot of room in that 5 gall, try the 3s.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I start in beer cups

bump to two gallon

Switch to 3 gallon and flip 1 week later

5 gallon works but limits your plant numbers and space