

Well-Known Member
You guy don't realize they are a bunch of low life, low talented cowardly asshole lawyers just trying to provoke a poke in the eye so they can sue you in court!!


Active Member
And more power to them. What they are doing is honorable. Using illegally obtained information to harass isn't honorable. It's stooping to their level.
lmao please tell me that you didn't mean that a couple of prank calls and protesting vigils of shot up kids is the same level of harassment.

meechz 024

Active Member
You can never make two wrongs into a right. It never works out. All you're doing is giving them a platform for martyrdom. The more you persecute the harder they believe. The best thing to do with the Phelps clan is ignore them. A family of lawyers is not a group to fuck with too much.
Says the pawn of proletarian society.


Well-Known Member
They have been to New Mexico many times. I see their "God hates fags" signs all the time. It really isn't that hard. The opinions or worthless people are worthless. Why waste the time? They will never change and we will never change. The more you bring them into the spotlight, the more outrageous their actions. They love the attention. Don't give it to them.
Yes harassing them only justifies what they do in their eyes, but I also think it helps marginalize them even further.


New Member
It's crazy that a group of people like that can use the constitution to do such bad things.

Yet New York is thinking about having police go door to door confiscating guns?

Let me lay that out again.

These shit heads are able to use the 1st amendment like this.

But the entire state of New York might not be allowed to use the 2nd amendment?

america what the fuck has happened to you?


Well-Known Member
Im surprised somebody hasn't decided that when these folks come to their town, their just gonna take the license plate off of their car, make a bomb and grab 2 pistols with loaded extended clips, drive up to the corner this family is protesting on and just toss out an explosive and then unload like 40 9mm rounds on them all in about 20 seconds.

These folks deserve the worst. It's just frustrating nobody can kill them, it would probably start a huge shit storm holy war.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised somebody hasn't decided that when these folks come to their town, their just gonna take the license plate off of their car, make a bomb and grab 2 pistols with loaded extended clips, drive up to the corner this family is protesting on and just toss out an explosive and then unload like 40 9mm rounds on them all in about 20 seconds.

These folks deserve the worst. It's just frustrating nobody can kill them, it would probably start a huge shit storm holy war.
Isn't it amazing that psychopaths for whatever reason murder undeserving and innocent women and children, yet these hate groups are never targeted.

Although not advocating this, it would be rather ironic if people were to protest at WBC member funerals after their office is leveled with 50 pounds of flash powder.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised somebody hasn't decided that when these folks come to their town, their just gonna take the license plate off of their car, make a bomb and grab 2 pistols with loaded extended clips, drive up to the corner this family is protesting on and just toss out an explosive and then unload like 40 9mm rounds on them all in about 20 seconds.

These folks deserve the worst. It's just frustrating nobody can kill them, it would probably start a huge shit storm holy war.
aren't you the guy that thinks selling POT is a major crime? :eyesmoke:

meechz 024

Active Member
Says the gay man that has endured a lifetime of shit just like this.
Fair enough, but you do acknowledge that this is the thinking of a pawn, right? We the people, can't be intimated by lawyer connections. There are people protesting wall street right now and the movement became world wide.....these people can easily be intimidated by all these wall street fucks but they choose to protest them. It's better than fearing them.


New Member
Im surprised somebody hasn't decided that when these folks come to their town, their just gonna take the license plate off of their car, make a bomb and grab 2 pistols with loaded extended clips, drive up to the corner this family is protesting on and just toss out an explosive and then unload like 40 9mm rounds on them all in about 20 seconds.

These folks deserve the worst. It's just frustrating nobody can kill them, it would probably start a huge shit storm holy war.
*They're, derp derp!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Fair enough, but you do acknowledge that this is the thinking of a pawn, right? We the people, can't be intimated by lawyer connections. There are people protesting wall street right now and the movement became world wide.....these people can easily be intimidated by all these wall street fucks but they choose to protest them. It's better than fearing them.
They have sued and ruined the lives of many people in their fanatic drive towards a gay final solution. How is taking illegally obtained information and using it to harass and harangue a group of lawyers going to help? Seriously. All you do is become fodder for the propagandist machine. Getting sued helps finance and justify (in their minds) their mission. Ignoring them and letting them fade into history is the worst thing you can do. Just like internet trolls you starve them by ignoring them. Same logic applies.


Well-Known Member
If these jerkoffs keep doing what they have been, sooner or later they will get whats coming to them in spades,,no need to call them or harass them,they will undoubtedly screw themselves over with there own actions.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
They have sued and ruined the lives of many people in their fanatic drive towards a gay final solution. How is taking illegally obtained information and using it to harass and harangue a group of lawyers going to help? Seriously. All you do is become fodder for the propagandist machine. Getting sued helps finance and justify (in their minds) their mission. Ignoring them and letting the fade into history is the worst thing you can do to them. Just like internet trolls. You starve them by ignoring them. Same logic applies.

i hear your "ignore them" approach but i do not subscribe.

obviously assaulting them and mailing them poop and asking if their refrigerator is running is not doing anyone any real good, but ignoring them altogether is just as useless imo.

there are things that should not be ignored. when those people create traffic jams and interrupt mourning rituals they step over a line and they become aggressors instead of peaceful demonstrators exercising a right to assemble. there should be a clear message from society that it will not be tolerated. if there is a person on a soap box screaming disgusting things, the last thing i would tell my niece or nephew is to "ignore it".

they are not internet trolls calling my mother a poopy head. their actions have real life consequences for actual people. they are no better than "internet trolls" bullying people to suicide. some things should not be ignored. harassment is one of those things.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i hear your "ignore them" approach but i do not subscribe.

obviously assaulting them and mailing them poop and asking if their refrigerator is running is not doing anyone any real good, but ignoring them altogether is just as useless imo.

there are things that should not be ignored. when those people create traffic jams and interrupt mourning rituals they step over a line and they become aggressors instead of peaceful demonstrators exercising a right to assemble. there should be a clear message from society that it will not be tolerated. if there is a person on a soap box screaming disgusting things, the last thing i would tell my niece or nephew is to "ignore it".

they are not internet trolls calling my mother a poopy head. their actions have real life consequences for actual people. they are no better than "internet trolls" bullying people to suicide. some things should not be ignored. harassment is one of those things.
What has opposing them done besides giving them a global platform to sell their ideology? You suggest we should curtail their right to free speech. When does it stop? Who makes that decision on who is allowed to use their free speech? Who do we muzzle next? Let them spew their hate. It's only words. Rhetoric. They're not slaughtering funeral attendees or bombing gay bars. They are saying words. We don't like the words they are saying. Any sane person knows what they are saying is ugly. But do we really want to prohibit them from exercising their constitutional right to free speech? It's the same type of thought process that makes me a second class citizen and bans me from getting married. Laws have been enacted that set boundaries on where they can protest. People are peacefully blocking them from having access to mourners. We are doing what is legally possible to curtail their interaction with grieving family and friends. Anything other than that would be a violation of guaranteed constitutional rights. In my opinion ignoring their stupidity is the right way to act.