Closet setup-newbie


Active Member
here is a setup i just put together in my closet in about 10 minutes. what do you guys thin think? i have 2 100w spiral bulbs and a 60w bulb that i will be replacing with a 100w spiral. i also have two more lights i will put in there 100w each for a total of 5 100w spiral bulbs. do you think this will be enough light? how do ya think itll go
here are some pics
sorry for the pic quility(sp.?)
damn cam broke when i dropped it taking pics last time lol camera phone this time



Well-Known Member
For that many plants that little closet won't for lights...for that many plants...your going to need ALOT more 26W=100W cfl's. Each plant needs at least 4-5 cfl's once they get any size to them. For now a few more cfl's will be ok...but i would suggest you find a MH setup.

You do need to also invest in some mylar or some flat white paint, the colour of your walls is just absorbing the light when it should be bouncing it back to your plants. I would suggest lining that closet with's not expensive, about $30 a roll, and try to save up for a MH/HPS conversion kit.


Active Member
i was thinking of lining it with foil, will that do? alot i dont plan on keep all of these, last time i planted some only half came out of the ground lol. and yea that cloest is wayy too small for 25 plants haha, maybe like 4-5 but ill hand pick a few out and see how it goes. and these light bulbs i keep calling spiral bulbs lol, are they cfl's? but yea i will def line my walls with at least foil, actually i go do that now :)


Active Member
ouch,, stay away from foil haha. i just lined it, i read that you should hang it with the dull side out, i did that for the first grow, but when i was putting it up in the closet i was like, i dont get it, the shinny side its lreflecting the light even from my bedroom lights lol, so i put it with shinny side out.. bad idea? and here is pics with 2 more lights.


Active Member
no money.. didnt put that up there, but lost my job 3 weeks ago, so im doing it cheap as shit right now haha. will that foil work like that though?


Active Member
i understand their are better ways, but im asking if the foil is okay to use and better than nothing, and im not painting my trailer cardboard like shitty walls haha


Active Member
NO FOIL long lists of probs with that, use white paint or mylar. It is well known fact not to use foil, bad refraction and other probs.

i was thinking of lining it with foil, will that do? alot i dont plan on keep all of these, last time i planted some only half came out of the ground lol. and yea that cloest is wayy too small for 25 plants haha, maybe like 4-5 but ill hand pick a few out and see how it goes. and these light bulbs i keep calling spiral bulbs lol, are they cfl's? but yea i will def line my walls with at least foil, actually i go do that now :)


Active Member
i used to have a similar set up (only 4 plants in the area) and didnt have foil. not sure bout using foil might tend to reflect the heat rather than the light. but check temp regardless.


Active Member
ill keep an eye on the temp in there, but otherwise im going to keep the foil up for now, its deff reflecting alot of light nomatter what anyone says lol, its like shinning the light from the sun, onto your watch, onto your buddys eyes while hes driving hahaha, its bright. ill keep an eye on it though.. thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
Go find some wrapping paper that's shiney...the cool holographic looking stuff or's mylar and works great...try to find the silver shiney wrappig paper.


Well-Known Member
ill keep an eye on the temp in there, but otherwise im going to keep the foil up for now, its deff reflecting alot of light nomatter what anyone says lol, its like shinning the light from the sun, onto your watch, onto your buddys eyes while hes driving hahaha, its bright. ill keep an eye on it though.. thanks for the advice

The actaul amount of light being reflected back in very minamal...less then 50%.

What foil does is act like a magnifying glass and can burn lots of holes in your plants leaves and cause ALOT of heat damage...plz...for the sake of your plants...get the foil outa there.


Well-Known Member
dont worry man i did the same thing too

jus put up some white paper or shiny wrapping paper they are the cheaper options but dont foil it serious i burned a leaf doing it


Well-Known Member
Go to a camping store or Wallmart and grab 3 of the emergency blankets - they're Mylar and dirt cheap. If you're lazy like me, just order them off ebay - they're prob like less than $2ea - so for under $10 you should get 3 dilvered to your door.

Also you're gonna want to replace those lights with some 6400k spectrum CFLs...the 42w ones are the best bang for buck. At this stage of the grow you'd prob want 1 42w bulb for every 2 plants, but one each would be ideal and you'll need a lot more than that for when you start flowering - 4-6 per plant.

Good luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
You need 4-6 lights per plant for vegging alone dude...up to 10 per plant for flowering to get decent results. CFL's are great to start with...or just grow 1 or 2 plants...but for any real results.

Have the cfl's in a pyramid pattern around the plant so it gets as much light as possible. When you flower with cfl's you want to have 1 light per major bud site.