Little help here....


I have a couple different issues here, I think I know what they are but wanted a second opinion. The yellow leaves look like I let the plant get too dry or needing salt. The droopy leaves appear to be from over watering. I tried a flush but have not noticed any difference. From the flush the healthy leaves now look like hell. I noticed a couple of them clawing down, I am not sure if this is an N problem or just part of the over watering issue? Should a cut the fan leaves off that have the spotting? I also transferred from a gallon to a 2 gallon pot 2 weeks ago, figured the shock would be over by now. I have plenty of room to keep her and try to nurse her back, but is she worth saving? I usually do not run into issues with autos but this is a new strain for me G13 AAK47. I am good with the ph and temp/humd levels, so I can rule this out.

Input is greatly thanked.
. 03-.3-.7 are the nutes. Soil has nothing left to offer. I remembered that I feed her at a stronger strength by mistake when I was watering my other much older.


. 03-.3-.7 are the nutes. Soil has nothing left to offer. I remembered that I feed her at a stronger strength by mistake when I was watering my other much older.
If you hit her with heavy nutes by accident you might be seeing the result of this. Clawing can be caused by a number of things. Hows your humidity, temps and pH?

Also, what line of nutes are you using?

So the past couple of days I have noticed the edges starting to look burnt. My ph is fine 6.5, but this ugly duckling isn't. Should I wait until the soil is dry about 3 inches down before watering? Should I also hold off on the nutes for a couple weeks? I never have issues(until now), also if I need to try another flush should I do so with 5.8 ph distilled water?



Ursus marijanus
I would try cal-mag. It has Ca, Mg and N, all of which your plant looks like it needs very badly right now ...
... and I also suspect your pH is not as fine as the runoff suggests. Peat-based soils (like FF) tend to sour with age. If you have some lime (dolomite preferred) available as powder, I'd make a "milk" of a coupla tablespoons of that and water it in. (This will also provide Ca and Mg, if dolomite.)
Finally, depending on a variety of other factors, like how heavily watered and how compacted the soil has become, your roots might be suffocating.

I wish i could be more positive. This one is not a simple problem but several, compounding each other. The question is, which one to tackle to bring the plant back from its decline? cn
So it is a lack of nutes? I thought it was from an over dose of nutes? Should I let her dry out more and pray for the best before I start the fix if I can.....?


Ursus marijanus
It does not present as nute burn as I have seen it. But I would very definitely let your soil dry a bit more and ensure root aeration.
If you're willing, what I would suggest is to repot in fresh ...uh wait. For some reason I was sure you were in Happy Frog. Is this correct? if so, I'd repot into fresh Frog. it has complete nutrients at a reasonable level. Tell me about your soil. cn


Well-Known Member
Pot is too small and would dry quickly so all this drying of the soil has given you salt burn and the yellowing, prob wouldnt have happened if you repotted prior to flowering. Also to reduce droop add about 30 % perlite to the mix ,this leaves more O2 in the soil after watering.


Ursus marijanus
Oh. Ocean Forest by itself is considered pretty hot - especially recent batches, as shown by the spate of "OF is burning my plants!" posts. So now I am tending toward lockout and pH/air issues. I don't think you can fix this one by adding or withholding liquids.
I would seriously suggest repotting into fresh Happy Frog or equivalent "mild, balanced" soil.
I used Frog and noticed lovely plant growth for two months, at which point (bing! went a timer) the soil suddenly became inert. Everything all at once. I began feeding with GH nutes hydro-style, and my plants became happy.

Bottom line ... I'm guessing here. On the one hand, I feel your pain and want to give good advice! On the other, I'm still convinced you have a compound issue on your hands, and am scared of giving that one bad piece of advice that could very quickly push this plant off the cliff of viability. cn
Thanks for the feedback. I am not that worried if I lose her or not, she was a freebie and a new strain. Live and learn, when in doubt grow it out.

A month later here is a couple images of the plant I brought back from the depths of hell. Tomorrow will be day 95, I will probably let her go until next weekend and throw her in darkness for 3 days.


Active Member
So it is a lack of nutes? I thought it was from an over dose of nutes? Should I let her dry out more and pray for the best before I start the fix if I can.....?
Looks like a nutrient problem from over feeding. The lime which cannabineer suggests, will act as an acidity regulator raising the pH of the soil & thus lowering the soils acidity levels, this could help you, or make things worse. The over use of any chemical fertilizer containing nitrogen will, over time, cause a build up of toxic salts in the soil, & throw the pH into oblivion, thus creating a situation where the plant cannot take in the nutrients provided. Try flushing, then back off on the amount/frequency of your feeding's. Its also worth noting that letting the soil dry out between watering exacerbates the build up of these salts. Water more feed less.
The problem was the roots were suffocating from the transplant. Once I scored the soil, the problem was correcting itself over the course of two weeks.