First CFL grow


Starting my journal off today with some new clones i cut last friday and just fell like positing on the internet. My set up right now is an old plastic milk crate that is lined with tin foil (the width of the tin foil is perfect for the milk crate) then two 23 watt daylight colored bulbs on right now with 24 hour light but i have one more i will hook up later when i find a way to reflect the third light down more toward the plants. i had some ghetto humidity domes i made that were just 2 litter sodas i cut in half but i think today will be the first day i take them off and see if the plants are ok without them cuz the other day i noticed there was a little green moss growing in the soil because i was watering everyday but now i haven't watered for 2 days and the top is still a little moist. other than that i there are some brown spots that appeared today but its barley and it'll probably go away but i have already noticed a little bit of new growth i think. i have grown 2 plants outdoors before but didn't do anything but water them and got around an ounce total but they were in little buckets and i wasn't really thinking about it so i feel like i could have done a lot better since i have done a bit of research now. i will try to update with pictures once a week:weed:

O ya and also i didn't really clone these the best way either i kinda just went for it with some scissors that i washed with dish soap, i cut the bottom flat but i did cut them again under some tap water in a bowl and the n dipped them in some home depot rooting solution and i was only hoping for one plant but i think they are both pulling through so ill let one of them grow off on the side with most the light going toward the other when they get a little bigger one plant is a Jack Herer and i dont know what the other is.

One more thing is that i was wondering if i could change my username i haven't really figured how to use this site yet



i took these pictures 5 min ago this happened 3 days ago i worried about the bigger one cuz it looks like its dying off. i read a little more in the problems section and i think this could be from the light being to close but not positive. if anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them. o ya i also put them back under the domes yesterday.

thanks for reading


Active Member
hello i read up on your thread and seen that you were having a few difficulties with your plants, first off, how many watts are your CFL's? since they are just babys and don't need much wattage for them to grow, but when they get to be around 3-5 weeks old, you should really think about getting a few things while these puppies grow!
take some wood, pvc pipe, or something that can be a structure and build a frame.
The next step is to buy a reflector tent, or even drywall will do it! just make sure you use the white side of the drywall on the inside.
third step is to make light fixtures in ur box/tent, put the lights in, since you are running CFL's you won't need an exhaust since they put off small amounts of heat, they keep a cracked door open that should be good for the ventilation, and add a small computer fan into the box, i reccomend running atleast 2 computer fans, on the bottom for good stem growth, and on at the top for the fan leaves. once that's all done you can put your plants in the box and make sure you use good nutes, and feed. You can find many nute reviews on RIU:)

P.S - when you are building that box, i reccomend as many CFL's lights as possible! Remember more light, more growth:)

I've only posted the basics for a "Ghetto grow" but if you need more help feel free to message me, and i will do what i can!



Right now I only have 2 23watt daylight bulbs on them and I have two more hooked up for later I just got pretty concerned about one of them cuz it has a dead leaf look on it but I they are both looking somewhat better and I have some 16-16-16 (I think) plant food I was planning on using during veg and also I got some new soil but ill wait to put them in its miracle grow from lowes


Active Member
get more lights set up for later so you wont have to wrroy bout that when the plants get bigger, also try not to use so much miracle grow cause i looked at those three pictures and it looks like nute burn


This is week number two, even though they have already gone through a near death looking experience i think they might be coming back because there starting to have some green coming back. Still using water that i let sit for a couple days with no nutrients. This week my goal is it just get them back to green, i have pulled the light further back and i am just hoping for the best.


yellowing leaves - too much water
brown curling leaves - too many nutrients in addition to water (generally)
brown spotting on leaves - too many nutrients (nute burn)


so i ended up cutting another clone just in case the others died off but it looks like one of them is starting to very slowly grow in the center of the plant but the two main leaves are dead. the other original plant im not sure whats up with it some times there are single leaves that have new color in them and now one of them has turned purple so i think that one is about to die but ill just keep it any way. then the new one is a week old and its in the bigger pot i will soon put the better looking old one in a bigger pot. on the newer plant the bigger leaves are turning yellow is there anything i can do to stop that or it this normal



Active Member
Sup Bro.. Welcome to the learning curve. Looks like your off to a ruff start. No worries bro,ya going to have a few bumps along the way to dankness... Thought i would share a couple of in sites with you. No tin foil---Ever--- Tin foil reflects almost no light and a ton of heat. Using nothing is much better than tin foil.White walls/box/tarp/paint work great.CFL's- Been there with the CFL's. They work good for veg.If you want to flower with CFL's make sure you keep your ladies short and the lights close.Don't bother feeding your 1st grow. Way more can go wrong than right if youhave never grown marijuana and don't know what to look for. Keep your space clean-Ya Don't want bugs.Go simple, learn from others and read.. lol Good grows to ya bro... Peace...



so i moved one plant into a bigger pot with better soil and it looks good so far but the other one looks like it shrunk and is going to die anyone got any tips o ya and i added in two more 23watt bulbs and put everything into a white box

