Im lost in the jungle!


Active Member
Oh hell ya.
As mentioned you may even want to start clearing out some of the small lower branches that won't produce for more circulation as that's getting border line too thick. It looks excellent though.


Active Member
Its hard to get to all of them with the aero. Ill take a look tomarrow when the light come back on and do some pruning, I just dont want to stun or stress them to much.


Active Member
I could see how that could be a problem, I tend to take one pair of branches at a time. And I normally stop at the 2nd-3rd one, but if it's too much hassle you may get away with it if you have good circulation. The leaves will fall off on their own, you just have to be more careful.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
These in flower I assume. Did you remember to use some kind of support like trellese netting or posts as these will fall over if you didn't thats a guarantee and you ll loose more then half of what you should get if that happens. 5 feet and no buds yet mean these were vegged big or been in flower 2 or 3 week.


Active Member
These in flower I assume. Did you remember to use some kind of support like trellese netting or posts as these will fall over if you didn't thats a guarantee and you ll loose more then half of what you should get if that happens. 5 feet and no buds yet mean these were vegged big or been in flower 2 or 3 week.
Into 12 days of flower at the moment. I was thinking the same thing to support them. Just have to figure out how to do it.


Active Member
I know one thing, I'm only going to veg for a week next time. Didnt think they would go off like this. I cant even get around them cuz the fill the whole room!Its insane! 30 monsters.


Active Member
5 feet at 12 days of flower.
That that growspace doesn't look like it wants plants that tall that soon. Next grow you might want to take a look at LST, topping, etc.. to control the height a little more.


Well-Known Member
DEFINITELY support. My White Widow Auto started to lean and then just tipped over one day. Tape nylon cord to the side of your bucket if you have to. I did in 4 places with parachute curd and stabilized it but it still needed a wood stake taped to the side and secured to it in a couple places.


Active Member
Oh yea! Im thinking of ways now.. I can see that some of these are going to be some big colas. I'm wondering what the yield will be this grow with hydro..Last cycle in soil with same amount of plants was almost 4 lbs.
Damn! My friends will smoke good this winter...LOL!