new growth always looks cool


New Member
View attachment 2391212View attachment 2391217View attachment 2391220....on three of my plants the new growth is always purple...the other 3 don't have this...the conditions are perfect...20121029_140602.jpg...temp and humidity...the soil is good...the plants are I've given up on considering it to b a deficiency cause I've gone over everything n everything's u guys think the buds will have some purp? ...2 of em are flowering now and are female....I'm just curious would b pretty cool...


Well-Known Member
I've had a similar experience with an afgan but not as bad, I finally gave up and let it go and found no visible problems with it at harvest.


Active Member
The purple streams are most likely caused by a magnesium deficiency. A little epsomsalt or Cal mag will fix it.


Active Member
red, purple stems is normal for healthy indicas . as for buds turning purple depends on the strain and genetics plants look great
and welcome to riu later


Active Member
yeah my avatar pic was a bagseed indica that was awesome it turned out almost mid grade . i gotta get some real good seeds
just waiting for some spare money lol.


New Member
yeah my avatar pic was a bagseed indica that was awesome it turned out almost mid grade . i gotta get some real good seeds
just waiting for some spare money lol.
...that's a pretty ass bud...the og kushs I have came from a dude I know who grows n has for some years...he ordered the ogs n once he got em going he started cloning...somehow one batch ended up with just a few seeds...don't know why or how but I eneded up w 4 in a QP...all four s still in veg 2 have shown sex and are female...and I sacrificed one because of space issues....I think they we're all female seeds I read that when plants produce seeds w out a male around they are almost always an exact replica of the plant they came from...holds true so far....the one still in veg looks identical to the ones who are flowering...I'm betting she's a she another completely unknown bagseed just out of a sack of some dank weed...its looking sexy as hell so far.....20121028_161536.jpg....damn I got to rambling bad...I'm baked....ha


Active Member
had three females one turned hemie after its accident i was drunk gardening lol it gave both my females a few seeds but
im growing them at least i know they were worth it reggy almost mid im thinking a better dry might have better results .


Active Member
thats whats up . lol mine take like a week to realize whats happening . but i started all mine late 2 month vegg last grow.