Just like the payments you might make to Guido and Mario, your friendly neighborhood protectors, who will happily break your legs if you refuse to pay.
No, you consider CONTROL a better option than liberty.
All you need to do is to open your eyes and quit looking through those collectivist colored glasses.
Order excludes Guido, in fact I pay in order to have such things as an orderly sucession of leaders - not something that happens in the mafia.
It's nice to ignore the order that you have always lived in and claim it isn't important and isn't valuable but in places where there is no such order folks have problems.... getting rich let alone living.
I do not consider control a better option. Order does include some control but even there we have something that goes unapreciated here. We have rough parity with our governmental enforcement, in otherwords, even criminals such as us get breaks here,breaks worth paying for.
I see through very clear glasses, so clear that I am aware of the influences around me (although that takes work) and can determine where my ideas come from.