Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

A Policeman shot and kill Native American sculptor, John Williams while holding a block of wood and carving knife on a street corner. Shot him 4 or 5 times if I remember. He was completely deaf in one ear and wearing headphones while he was working on a sculpture. Witnesses say the man never saw the cop approaching him because he was looking down while working. That's how he made money. By standing on a street corner and making totems. He was well known in the area. The police officer claimed the artist lunged at him with the knife. Witnesses say it never happened. Mr. Williams was standing in a non-threatening pose according to witnesses.

The cop approached to about two car lengths from Mr. Williams and shouted, "hey, hey, hey" and then shot him.

Did anything happen to that cop?

..not that it fuckin' matters, because whatever happened to him or not doesn't bring back Williams. He could get life (yeah fucking RIGHT!) and it still wouldn't matter. Not to people like me anyway.

I wonder what would happen if you were wearing a mic/cam and caught actual evidence of a cop's inappropriate behavior. In this fucking country, these days, I bet you'd get arrested for some conspiracy to entrap the officer or some stupid shit. I saw a case just like that where a plain clothes officer pulled a biker over for speeding, pulled his fucking gun on him without identifying himself as a police officer, the shit looked like an everyday car jacking, he had a helmet cam with audio and that cop charged that guy with some conspiracy bullshit after he posted the video on youtube because he didn't let the guy know he was being recorded.

Seriously, what the fuck man? I fucking HATE cops. Probably up there with politicians, the Kardashians and all those stupid twits from Jersey Shore.

And I fucking hate what this place has become/is becoming. When I'm able, I'm fucking moving to Canada, fuck this goddamn place, fuck all the stupid, overweight, religious fanatics.

It started out good, but just like on that episode of It's Always Sunny, the experiment has failed, we're too fucking stupid to stop cops from killing innocent people and too selfish to give a fuck if they do cos hey! It's not happening to ME ME FUCKIN' ME!!!

/rant wait...

FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a cop in Houston, tx. killed a double amputee (one arm, one leg) in a wheelchair for waving a pen

I don't care how mentally fucked up the guy was, there's no excuse for executing a person in a wheelchair. (unless he's trying to execute you) and I'd like the piggies to riddle me this; if the guy was waving a pen around with his only hand, what did he use to operate his wheelchair and "corner" the cop? pigs like this make me sick until I get them onto my breakfast plate. fucking oinker-bauchers.

I fucking hate police one time I got arrested they made me lay in the snow with my legs crossed and my hands behind my head then the one cop pulls out his pistol walks over sticks his knee in my back and put the barrel of the gun on the back of my head while the other cop cuffed me.
I've also had cops grabbing my nuts fucking faggots this one time I had an ounce of weed on me walking my dog without a leash they pull up tell me I have a warrent for my arrest I asked if I could put my dog in the house they let me so I run in the house ditch my weed put my dog in I get out put my hands on the cruiser cop pats me down then reaches right up and grabbed ahold of my cock and balls fucking fag I was just in my house obviously I would have ditched anything illegal when I went in the house stupid gay fucking cop just wanted to touch my

may not be totally FTP, but I think it still fits and enrages me every time I watch it, give the man some respect and let him talk, treating him like a child and shit.
I'm usually armed, although they are way used to it here, it still garners respect. I don't answer questions nor consent to searches. It's damn hard not to get intimidated and to stay cool. I hate dealing with po po.

I was welcomed to the "dirty little corner" of politics @rui. This is toke/talk fuck the PoPo but... Here's my blood in the water. I hate dealing with po po. And.. I've had two encounters in the last week, both neutral.

Last week my neighbors got t-boned at an intersection, they were ok. I went to the scene, collected shit strewn in the road, took a few photos, gave em a lift home. Officers were cool, me too.

Tonight daughters and friends came in from the treehouse, scared, a dude was hassling em to use the phone. He blasted when he saw me. I went after him in my truck, packing heat. Found him, saw po po, 3 cruisers with patrollmen on foot. Drove up to the first cop, armed. Figured this dude was what brought them into this quiet residential neighborhood. It was. They were looking for him. He was cruising after playing gladhand with his old lady.

If the dude hadn't scared my kids and friends (creeper) nor been on my property, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Back to the cops... Totally cool with me. Armed, booking thru the streets searching, no seat-belt,etc. I'm glad they were there.

So- perhaps I'm a hypocrite. Or I'm ok dealing with the man on my terms not his. Would just rather not have to in any situation. That's my toke and talk.
I was welcomed to the "dirty little corner" of politics @rui. This is toke/talk fuck the PoPo but... Here's my blood in the water. I hate dealing with po po. And.. I've had two encounters in the last week, both neutral.

Last week my neighbors got t-boned at an intersection, they were ok. I went to the scene, collected shit strewn in the road, took a few photos, gave em a lift home. Officers were cool, me too.

Tonight daughters and friends came in from the treehouse, scared, a dude was hassling em to use the phone. He blasted when he saw me. I went after him in my truck, packing heat. Found him, saw po po, 3 cruisers with patrollmen on foot. Drove up to the first cop, armed. Figured this dude was what brought them into this quiet residential neighborhood. It was. They were looking for him. He was cruising after playing gladhand with his old lady.

If the dude hadn't scared my kids and friends (creeper) nor been on my property, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Back to the cops... Totally cool with me. Armed, booking thru the streets searching, no seat-belt,etc. I'm glad they were there.

So- perhaps I'm a hypocrite. Or I'm ok dealing with the man on my terms not his. Would just rather not have to in any situation. That's my toke and talk.

Good story, man, glad to hear they were there to help and didn't harass you for blatant bullshit (no seatbelt).

Like I said in the OP, some cops are cool, upstanding citizens that respect the law. Those dudes deserve a goddamn medal for their effort alone, upstanding individuals! Heroes.

But most cops aren't that guy. That guy usually leaves the force after 2 years or incorporates into it by pressure. Most cops are pricks, bent on fucking with your day to day life because you know the law, you know your rights, you videotape these motherfuckers when shit goes down to protect everyone involved, including the officer, because video evidence is the best evidence. Half the time these assholes confiscate the camera and charge the guy with something absurd because they're afraid what was captured on tape will be used against them in a court of law because they KNOW the shit they just did isn't legal and a jury will fucking know that. FUCK THOSE GUYS! Fuck them in every orifice until the end of fucking time! DP, TP, fucking airtight! Jizz on their face and fuck their mouth with the judicial system because they don't deserve to taste the secretions of American law. I'd give em the lowliest bum in towns dirty asshole to lick because that's what they fucking deserve!

Dude shot my friend in the chest for cutting fucking onions, I wish the worst upon him. A slow death isn't even justice. I'd go medieval on that motherfucker. I'd get sick and twisted with it, fuck my morals, he'd get his.

But most cops aren't that guy.

Agreed. Most cops aren't that guy! That's why I hate dealing with po po. IMO it's very important to be cool. And I mean level headed, under control when encountered. Makes it that much more credible when we start asserting 2nd 4th and 5th rights. I'm armed, I don't consent to searches, I'm not answering questions. Filming's legit and legal too. Been upheld in courts from city's to fed. Captures the truth.
Real sad and tragic and enraging events about your friend. Sorry to know that. It's a huge betrayal of trust when cops are brutal. A human rights violation. Honor my rights and I won't disrespect your authority.
Not to hijack- another facet of civilian law enforcement that terrifies me is the military being used in civilian policing. Look at the recent natural disaster news, military kicking folks out of homes, disarming them. Posse comitatus is shredded due to Patriot Act and NDAA and Executive Orders. Young, dumb, full of cum kids with weapons are being turned out against us citizens. I never wanna see real martial law. I believe all hell will break loose.
I'm an anabashed firearms advocate. Here's a couple views I support.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state". -- Robert A. Heinlein.

"One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms."
-- Constitutional scholar Joseph Story, 1840
I'm an anabashed firearms advocate. Here's a couple views I support.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

When only cops have guns, it's called a "police state". -- Robert A. Heinlein.

"One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms."
-- Constitutional scholar Joseph Story, 1840

I tend to concur. I'd like for there to be a Constitutional amendment limiting police to weapons civilians can own without much restriction. If the cops can have a select-fire AR carbine, then they shouldn't stand in the way of my getting one. Conversely, if my municipality bans handguns, extend that ban to the police as well. A uniform standard promotes honesty. Jmo. cn
Positive story for once..

My little sister was hanging out at a friends house a few days ago with two of her friends (all female), they heard a knock at the door, asked who it was, no answer, knocked again, again, no answer, they got scared and she sent me a text explaining as much. I told her to call the local PD if she thought it warranted it, she did, made the call, I grabbed a hammer and a pocket knife and headed over to check shit out. This was at 1:30am. Got there about the same time a patrol car did, told the guy I'm her brother and was going to do a walk around the house to ensure nobody was around, he waited in the street as another cruiser pulled up, I walked up to the door, turned out they left the keys in the front door (idiots), and it was most likely a neighbor trying to let them know. As I was leaving the cop and his buddy were still there, I walked over to their cruisers and told them everything was fine, false alarm, dudes couldn't have been nicer (I actually know one of the guys from my previous job, not sure if he recognized me as it was dark out), hopped in my car and left. Time on scene took less than 5 minutes, excellent job all around. Textbook example of why the police are there.

As I was driving home, I passed another cruiser heading that way.

I commend all involved, great job all around.
i will be the one person to never say i hate the cops, more cops should be dead, fuck the police, or anything of that nature. shame on anyone of you for such things. you dont know what they have to deal with. all the cops i've met have been 100% amazing, never had a problem. not once have i had to deal with assholes as cops. and i certainly have made cause to get cops a little agitated( being on a 4 lane side walk, riding highways, riding the middle lane in the street(i take my half out of the middle of the road)). shame on this thread. cops deal with all kinds of b/s. if you act hyped and act up around cops you deserve to be treated how ever they see fit.God bless cops having to put up with such crap from people who wont chill and talk in a calm manner about whats goingon. o yeah i also sat in my front yard with a bow arrows and a sword over someone stealing my maples. cop pulled up we talked calmly and she could care less as long as i put the weapons up.
^ It's extremely ignorant to even attempt to imply that all cops are sweet little angels just because you've never had to deal with one that's fucked in the head.
i will be the one person to never say i hate the cops, more cops should be dead, fuck the police, or anything of that nature. shame on anyone of you for such things. you dont know what they have to deal with. all the cops i've met have been 100% amazing, never had a problem. not once have i had to deal with assholes as cops. and i certainly have made cause to get cops a little agitated( being on a 4 lane side walk, riding highways, riding the middle lane in the street(i take my half out of the middle of the road)). shame on this thread. cops deal with all kinds of b/s. if you act hyped and act up around cops you deserve to be treated how ever they see fit.God bless cops having to put up with such crap from people who wont chill and talk in a calm manner about whats goingon. o yeah i also sat in my front yard with a bow arrows and a sword over someone stealing my maples. cop pulled up we talked calmly and she could care less as long as i put the weapons up.

I just wrote a lengthy reply disputing your, in my opinion, naive views of the police. Then i realized i don't give a fuck and deleted it because your stance on the matter is probably less depressing than the actual reality.
i will be the one person to never say i hate the cops, more cops should be dead, fuck the police, or anything of that nature. shame on anyone of you for such things. you dont know what they have to deal with. all the cops i've met have been 100% amazing, never had a problem. not once have i had to deal with assholes as cops. and i certainly have made cause to get cops a little agitated( being on a 4 lane side walk, riding highways, riding the middle lane in the street(i take my half out of the middle of the road)). shame on this thread. cops deal with all kinds of b/s. if you act hyped and act up around cops you deserve to be treated how ever they see fit.God bless cops having to put up with such crap from people who wont chill and talk in a calm manner about whats goingon. o yeah i also sat in my front yard with a bow arrows and a sword over someone stealing my maples. cop pulled up we talked calmly and she could care less as long as i put the weapons up.

I readily admit I was in the wrong .. was in the hood buying drugs and yes, this is illegal and I was wrong in doing so and being there.
That said and out of the way, that was my only part in my getting kicked in the head while being handcuffed and laying on the ground .. got my goodies and was driving away when I was boxed in by more cops than I've ever seen at a dunkkn doughnuts sale.. they jumped out of their unmarked cars and stuck about 3 cocked and loaded 9 mm's in my window.. of course I didn't move a muscle or make a peep.. pulled me out of the car and swiftly cuffed me and threw me down in the middle of the street, when one of the nice polite friendly cops proceed to kick me in the back of the head.. I never said word one to any of he scumbags in between the time they put their guns in my face and between being kicked in the head.. not one word.. I may here the police, but I'm not stupid enough to egg them on and bring more brutality than they bring already..
OK, so I was breaking the law at the time, but I could have sworn that is what we have courts and judges for, but maybe I'm wrong and justice should be dealt out in the streets by hot blooded cops..
Maybe not all cops are scumbags, but ime, fuck em, fuck em all..
i will be the one person to never say i hate the cops, more cops should be dead, fuck the police, or anything of that nature. shame on anyone of you for such things. you dont know what they have to deal with. all the cops i've met have been 100% amazing, never had a problem. not once have i had to deal with assholes as cops. and i certainly have made cause to get cops a little agitated( being on a 4 lane side walk, riding highways, riding the middle lane in the street(i take my half out of the middle of the road)). shame on this thread. cops deal with all kinds of b/s. if you act hyped and act up around cops you deserve to be treated how ever they see fit.God bless cops having to put up with such crap from people who wont chill and talk in a calm manner about whats goingon. o yeah i also sat in my front yard with a bow arrows and a sword over someone stealing my maples. cop pulled up we talked calmly and she could care less as long as i put the weapons up.

Perhaps you missed the previous 10 pages of examples of police abuse
Dude yesterday I was walking down the street in a pretty bad area in town when I get stopped by a cop. He starts asking if I have any drugs on me. I tell him no. He says come on man where are they. I say " I don't do drugs sir". He tells me I look like a tweaker ( long night before followed by a shitty day at work). He proceeds to start checking my arms for tracks tells me to open my mouth checks my gums and shit. Runs me to see if I have warrents. I don't. I've never done meth or heroin. I was extremely offended and angry. Fuck that asshole.

Completely illegal. Always ask the magic question before telling cops ANY fucking thing:

"What law have I broken sir? Am I doing something illegal?"

If they can't answer that question you don't even have to show them you're id. Just tell tgem to have a nice day and keep on trucking.
Perhaps you missed the previous 10 pages of examples of police abuse

In all my decades of living, I could come up with countless and I mean countless examples of citizens, gangs, lone wolfs, and foreigners doing way more atrocities than any example given in this thread. We could talk about home invasions, murders, rapes, drugs, torture, down right ruthless disregard for human life. Recruiting and training children to grow up and be the same. Where`s the thread about F` the people of this Country ?