Well-Known Member
A Policeman shot and kill Native American sculptor, John Williams while holding a block of wood and carving knife on a street corner. Shot him 4 or 5 times if I remember. He was completely deaf in one ear and wearing headphones while he was working on a sculpture. Witnesses say the man never saw the cop approaching him because he was looking down while working. That's how he made money. By standing on a street corner and making totems. He was well known in the area. The police officer claimed the artist lunged at him with the knife. Witnesses say it never happened. Mr. Williams was standing in a non-threatening pose according to witnesses.
The cop approached to about two car lengths from Mr. Williams and shouted, "hey, hey, hey" and then shot him.
Did anything happen to that cop?
..not that it fuckin' matters, because whatever happened to him or not doesn't bring back Williams. He could get life (yeah fucking RIGHT!) and it still wouldn't matter. Not to people like me anyway.
I wonder what would happen if you were wearing a mic/cam and caught actual evidence of a cop's inappropriate behavior. In this fucking country, these days, I bet you'd get arrested for some conspiracy to entrap the officer or some stupid shit. I saw a case just like that where a plain clothes officer pulled a biker over for speeding, pulled his fucking gun on him without identifying himself as a police officer, the shit looked like an everyday car jacking, he had a helmet cam with audio and that cop charged that guy with some conspiracy bullshit after he posted the video on youtube because he didn't let the guy know he was being recorded.
Seriously, what the fuck man? I fucking HATE cops. Probably up there with politicians, the Kardashians and all those stupid twits from Jersey Shore.
And I fucking hate what this place has become/is becoming. When I'm able, I'm fucking moving to Canada, fuck this goddamn place, fuck all the stupid, overweight, religious fanatics.
It started out good, but just like on that episode of It's Always Sunny, the experiment has failed, we're too fucking stupid to stop cops from killing innocent people and too selfish to give a fuck if they do cos hey! It's not happening to ME ME FUCKIN' ME!!!
/rant wait...
FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!