whats your humudity at right now?


Well-Known Member
mines around 25-35 in veg i know thats low and i need a humudifier. any recomendations on one? a:joint:nd whats your room humidity at right now?


Active Member
Even as low as 30% is OK.. they'll even produce more THC when the air is dry, they use it as a defense mechanism against drying out. At least it's what i've read (and from my own experience as well) 30% humidity works great in flowering.


Active Member
mines around 25-35 in veg i know thats low and i need a humudifier. any recomendations on one?
Bucket(s) of water, a fan standing behind them. That's a cheap alternative that works very well and it's how a humidifier works in practice (at least the one i have)...


Well-Known Member
Bucket(s) of water, a fan standing behind them. That's a cheap alternative that works very well and it's how a humidifier works in practice (at least the one i have)...
my grow area is pretty small so if i jus used a bowl instead of a bucket will that work and should i put boiling water in it?


Well-Known Member
what should it be when flowering

Ok, quick BIO 101 lesson:

With a higher relative humidity, it is relative due to the temperature.. google it, the leaves will grow wider since the plant will need to breathe more with that much moisture in the air. When the RH is lower the leaves will be smaller since the won't need a lot of surface area to breathe.

Now, if you want ample light penetration through the canopy a lower RH is for you.

If you want more resin, a lower RH is for you. This plant will produce more resin during its flowering cycle in order to trap in moisture.

MY estimations, and currently used, RH for:

Seedling/cloning - 60-70%
Vegging - 40-50%
Flowering - 30-40%




Well-Known Member
i have a green house and i am worried that it gets to high. my only current methods of prevention are an exhaust fan and watering at night.


Active Member
my grow area is pretty small so if i jus used a bowl instead of a bucket will that work and should i put boiling water in it?
Just put tapwater into a bowl or bucket depending on grow area. Spray them once in a while if you know your humidity is low, but don't do it directly after watering them, too much water kills them.


Well-Known Member
Ok, quick BIO 101 lesson:

With a higher relative humidity, it is relative due to the temperature.. google it, the leaves will grow wider since the plant will need to breathe more with that much moisture in the air. When the RH is lower the leaves will be smaller since the won't need a lot of surface area to breathe.

Now, if you want ample light penetration through the canopy a lower RH is for you.

If you want more resin, a lower RH is for you. This plant will produce more resin during its flowering cycle in order to trap in moisture.

MY estimations, and currently used, RH for:

Seedling/cloning - 60-70%
Vegging - 40-50%
Flowering - 30-40%


awesome feedback, i just want to say thank you to all the riu crew, and appreciate your "love". keep the grows comming and the growin growing! peace:blsmoke:


Active Member
Use a cooking sheet or some container that has allot of surface space in front of a fan so the water can evaporate faster and ajust from there. Mine stays about 40 to 45%


Well-Known Member
Use a cooking sheet or some container that has allot of surface space in front of a fan so the water can evaporate faster and ajust from there. Mine stays about 40 to 45%
With the right lights you should experience a wonderful grow!

