Will this be enough??


Well-Known Member
Closet grow, pretty small space in terms of width. Very tall though, height wont be a problem.
Going to germinate 1 bubbleicious fem/auto from nirvana, I'm growing in miraclegrow moisture control gardening soil in a 5 gallon bucket. I have mylar on every wall
in my small closet. A large reading lamp that I took the glass off, attached 2 y-splitters, and a makeshift reflector (cardboard and mylar) with 3 40w t10 bulbs underneath it. For side lighting I have a lamp with a 30w cfl and a makeshift verticle reflector (cardboard and mylar also). I have an osculating fan, and i move the stand the bucket's on since i cant move the light up and down. I'm just wondering if it'll be enough for the entire life of the plant. I'm not entirely sure how big the autos will get and i'm worried i wont have enough light. I'm not saying I need enough light to get like super yield, just worried i wont have enough to even keep it alive.

Thanks for answering, here's some pics

View attachment 2310339
^ This is the reading lamp with 3 40w t10's, I did the best i could to make an adequate reflector with the money i have left after seeds ($0)

View attachment 2310354
^ The reading lamp facing down, didn't bother covering otherside with mylar.

View attachment 2310355
^ Here's the entire thing (on the right - readinglamp/reflector over 5gal bucket) (on the left, lamp with verticle reflector and 30w bulb)

View attachment 2310357
^ I didn't have a good picture of the lamp so i tried to show you on paint... I'm not an artist.

Anyway, any replies will be appriciated. Thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
incandescent bulbs are not for growing your plants are going t stretch and have very poor yield


Well-Known Member
Should i take out the incandescent bulbs and replace them with the spiral cfl's? I have a shit load of them around the house..


order a bunch of these http://www.lightbulbsurplus.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=622_7_80_123&products_id=249. id say order 3 300w 6500k's and 3 300w 2700 for blooming. or by pass all that and spend less on a HPS setup. also these dont use a regular wall oullet. uses a mogul E39 socket. if you use spiral cfls you will be spending a lot and using a SHIT load spirals.make sure you have suffcient air flow and exhaust to keep temps down. also get rid of that mircale grow soil, its grabage. lots of other choices out there.


Well-Known Member
Give more concern to air flow and temperatures, along with humidity, in that space. Cheap 23 watt (meaning the CFL uses 23 watts and not giving off that much light in comparison etc) bulbs can handle your veg for that job.


Well-Known Member
alright, thanks you guys. Headed to home depot right now with $40.. any suggestions in my price range?


Well they don't have much. Go to lowes, they have 40watt cfl's and grab a bunch like 4 for now. Get daylight 6500k


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry for my absolute noob fuck up! I can't believe I bough incandescent bulbs, I've been reading so much on what to get I didn't even think to make sure I know what NOT to get haha. I was only paying attention to color spectrum and thank god I asked rollitup you guys are absolute life and plant life savers! Alright, I'm back from the depot with a MUCH better set up

Ok, in the y-spliters (under the reflector) are 3 x 26w-100w eqiv. 5000k 1600 lumen cfl spirals.
In the lamp with verticle reflector is 1 x 26w 5000k spiral
i also bought wall to socket adapter to hang down on power strip for extra side growth. In it I put 1 x 14w-60w eqiv. 3000k 900 lumen cfl spiral. (I heard blue+red with emphasis on blue for veg/red for bud can be helpful)
Got a 4 pack of the 14w-3000k spirals for flowering.

I'll have pictures soon (pics on phone) thanks again you guys, again sorry for the extreem noobyness I didnt even think to not get incandescent and kicking myself in the ass for it haha.


Well-Known Member
order a bunch of these http://www.lightbulbsurplus.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=622_7_80_123&products_id=249. id say order 3 300w 6500k's and 3 300w 2700 for blooming. or by pass all that and spend less on a HPS setup. also these dont use a regular wall oullet. uses a mogul E39 socket. if you use spiral cfls you will be spending a lot and using a SHIT load spirals.make sure you have suffcient air flow and exhaust to keep temps down. also get rid of that mircale grow soil, its grabage. lots of other choices out there.
Oh dude, I'd love to have metal halide or hps, just can't afford it right now. Down to my last $10 at the moment


Active Member
I'm so sorry for my absolute noob fuck up! I can't believe I bough incandescent bulbs, I've been reading so much on what to get I didn't even think to make sure I know what NOT to get haha. I was only paying attention to color spectrum and thank god I asked rollitup you guys are absolute life and plant life savers! Alright, I'm back from the depot with a MUCH better set up

Ok, in the y-spliters (under the reflector) are 3 x 26w-100w eqiv. 5000k 1600 lumen cfl spirals.
In the lamp with verticle reflector is 1 x 26w 5000k spiral
i also bought wall to socket adapter to hang down on power strip for extra side growth. In it I put 1 x 14w-60w eqiv. 3000k 900 lumen cfl spiral. (I heard blue+red with emphasis on blue for veg/red for bud can be helpful)
Got a 4 pacf t 14w-3000k spirals for flowering.

I'll have pictures soon (pics on phone) thanks again ryou guys, again sorry for the extreem noobys I didnt even think to not get incandescent and kicking myself in the ass for it haha.
dude don't, stress eveybody makes mstakes, and what you got there is great to start(don't expect much for the first grow) but don't use anything below
23w cfl and bulbs around 25w are most efficient and cheap you just need a lot of them, you should consider sog or scrog method cause they are made to grow with cfls to get all from your lights
good luck with your gow


Well-Known Member
dude don't, stress eveybody makes mstakes, and what you got there is great to start(don't expect much for the first grow) but don't use anything below
23w cfl and bulbs around 25w are most efficient and cheap you just need a lot of them, you should consider sog or scrog method cause they are made to grow with cfls to get all from your lights
good luck with your gow
Thanks man, i've got the 1st grow going as we speak (you can check out the link in my signature)
got 4 6500k 26w cfl's above it right now. Friday gonna get a few 65w (300w) 2700k's from home depot along with a 4 bulb 4' t8 fixture for side lighting.
RIU seriously is an amazing place to learn

thanks for the reply man


Well-Known Member
Should i take out the incandescent bulbs and replace them with the spiral cfl's? I have a shit load of them around the house..
Why don't you do some research bro? You had incandesent bulbs? Wtf? Do sone research bro, read, read, read, start now! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you do some research bro? You had incandesent bulbs? Wtf? Do sone research bro, read, read, read, start now! Good luck!
Haha thanks, what happened was I didn't know what incandescent ment, and they have that long hps shape that I had seen in pictures so dumbass me just figured THAT'S what everyone's using. Lol, nah man done my research. Just a big slip up haha. But got the right bulbs and my bubbleicious is growing right now. Check it out in my signature