Except the economy isn't failing Beenthere.
Let's look at the facts for a moment.
Republican policies, actions or inactions precipitated our economic problems
Replicans have been obstucting any attempt by Obama to help move things along
Republicans are doing their best to mischaracterize Obama and his presidency thus far
Republicans are subverting and distorting our election process in a dozen states.
Two things should be clear:
1. Republicans don't have an idea or plan to put forth that hasn't already proved to be a failure
2. Republicans are interested only in gaining power and have no care for the state America is in.
Given all of this, why would any American vote for any Republican?
Could you be more bias in your "facts".
First could be debated back and forth. For every policy you point to inorder to prove your point, a republican could point to a another to disprove it. So fact is not accurate.
Second, that is closest to a fact probably, but in this case it goes both ways. Easily provable from either side. Also, you have to consider Obama had a majority for the first 2 years of his presidency and his own party was blocking. 97-0 against his budget. Every single democrat voted against Obama's budget.
Third, its hardly debatable that Obama's entire campaign so far has been entirely based on "mischaracterizing Romney/Ryan" so thats just foolish to even list.
Fourth, Once again a very very debatable topic. Considering the amount of voter fraud in the past measures were needed. Any rational American should not see this is a big deal. You cant even cash your welfare check without ID.
As far as your 1.and 2.
Well, 1. that would assume you know every piece of legislation ever put forth. Which you dont so its just a ludicrous statement.
2. You can say that about every politician in America and be right alot more often than wrong. To place it only on one party shows over the top bias.