"He is honest, he is straightforward, he is sincere. And the budget he came forward with is just like Paul Ryan. It is a sensible, straightforward, honest, serious budget and it cut the budget deficit just like we did by four trillion dollars."
"The president came out with his own plan. And the president, as you remember, came out with a budget. And I don't think anybody took that budget very seriously," Bowles continues.
Obama's plan was voted down 97-0 (ZERO) not even other Democrats were willing to vote for his ridiculous budget.
Browles is...Clinton White House Chief of Staff, Democratic Co-Chair of President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
"The president came out with his own plan. And the president, as you remember, came out with a budget. And I don't think anybody took that budget very seriously," Bowles continues.
Obama's plan was voted down 97-0 (ZERO) not even other Democrats were willing to vote for his ridiculous budget.
Browles is...Clinton White House Chief of Staff, Democratic Co-Chair of President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform