The Seed Collectors Thread

Riots talking like his seeds might not be around for ever.
If yall ever wanted to try his stuff better hurry.
I got to get an order off to him ASAP for the strawberry promo...

At the moment i can't afford his beans. Especially after that huge purchase i made on the tude!
Sea of seeds is OK but I would never promote herbies. Besides, next month it might be the tude again.

I hope you will not be restricting the freedom we enjoy here to talk about collecting seeds from anywhere and everywhere
Can you go to seed depot and say buy beans from riots website or cannazon? No because TSD has their own seeds for sale same with cannazon and canna collective.

If herbies and sea of seeds is paying for this site to be up the. Why not support them?
Im just preventing a mess from happening because soon mods will be cleaning up threads and people will lose privledges if they keep promoting other banks that do not pay got this site.
Man this place is turning insane, first we got some bullshit baby mama drama going on for like 3 days, and now we got the gestapo about to start censoring our info... I dont wanna sound like a dick WBW, you know I don't have beef with you, but things seem to be starting to spiral out of control around here....
Its not like riu sells seeds. Herbies, which I've used before and would again, and SOS pay for the ads that are posted everywhere now.
We gotta stop talking about all other banks? If we do, then I'm out.
"Im just preventing a mess from happening because soon mods will be cleaning up threads"

There must be some new policy. I have never heard of this before. We have always talked what we want here. Sea of Seeds will not take cash from the States, you cannot use a debit card either. Herbies is about 25% more then any other place.

LOL besides all that. Herbies and Sea may cancel next month.

Then whos beans can we talk about collecting?

Whos rule is this?
i dont like the sheisty way seed depot handles orders. you place an order, get an email saying it is in processing packing. 5 days later you get one saying shipped. then you sit and wonder for 25 days where your order is and why it takes longer than every other seedbank. then you contact hippie, he says jb will make it good, but gets back to you saying jb said to use the form on the page to contact the helpdesk. what the fuck is going on here. did you send my beans without tracking? i just want to know if theyve been confiscated!
i dont like the sheisty way seed depot handles orders. you place an order, get an email saying it is in processing packing. 5 days later you get one saying shipped. then you sit and wonder for 25 days where your order is and why it takes longer than every other seedbank. then you contact hippie, he says jb will make it good, but gets back to you saying jb said to use the form on the page to contact the helpdesk. what the fuck is going on here. did you send my beans without tracking? i just want to know if theyve been confiscated!

Thats in the works champ Seed Depot 2.0 on the way... No way am i advertising for em lol
So im guessing the tude is legit to talk about since it seems to be the ace in the hole when it comes to banks at least that is my perception of it anyway.
Thats in the works champ Seed Depot 2.0 on the way... No way am i advertising for em lol

i like their selection and am trying to be patient. but if my problem goes from hippie -> jb then down to website helpdesk. it feels like i am moving backwards and is frustrating.
Man this place is turning insane, first we got some bullshit baby mama drama going on for like 3 days, and now we got the gestapo about to start censoring our info... I dont wanna sound like a dick WBW, you know I don't have beef with you, but things seem to be starting to spiral out of control around here....

Its not like riu sells seeds. Herbies, which I've used before and would again, and SOS pay for the ads that are posted everywhere now.
We gotta stop talking about all other banks? If we do, then I'm out.

haha my thoughts exactly boys..
Some people already lost privlages. I'm not the owner of this site but I was told by the owner to stop talking about seed sites that are not paying for this site. If we lose these 2 sponsors you don't have to worry about leaving because the site will
Some people already lost privlages. I'm not the owner of this site but I was told by the owner to stop talking about seed sites that are not paying for this site. If we lose these 2 sponsors you don't have to worry about leaving because the site will

tell the owner everyone uses adblock anyway
imho i dont think we should be limited to talk about other seed banks

SOS and Herbies are just paying for advertising to promote their own company. it doesn't mean they own here
i.e. just like a radio station, if coke advertises on a particular station, it doesn't mean the employees can only drink coke. it's a service where both parties get what they want, $ for the station, advert for the company

sponsors will change over time, and it shouldn't give them control over our conversations about other seed banks

i understand that the site would close if they left but sure other banks will follow
I was passing a message that was sent to me. So do as you want and please. Everybody is grown I just figured since most of the people here are here everyday so why not support
imho i dont think we should be limited to talk about other seed banks

SOS and Herbies are just paying for advertising to promote their own company. it doesn't mean they own here
i.e. just like a radio station, if coke advertises on a particular station, it doesn't mean the employees can only drink coke. it's a service where both parties get what they want, $ for the station, advert for the company

sponsors will change over time, and it shouldn't give them control over our conversations about other seed banks

i understand that the site would close if they left but sure other banks will follow

that is a good point, and i think if sea of seeds and herbies had a promotional rep here or even a seed nerd to talk shop, kinda like this thread does for all seeds . . . . it would make there presence more of a contributor vs sponsor

you want our business, well its not hard, we spend money for a living . . . . .

idk, when the loudest voices in this thread are talking and raving about seeds they dont have it kinda seems contrived to try and limit what our discussion are, this has to be one of the more active and informative threads on RIU, bottom line, when it comes to seeds and MMJ, the other long going well attended threads are just hey how ya doing threads not a lot of technical info there at all, idk maybe i dont read em enough

i mean there is a sticky to Uncle Ben and his claim to topping at around 6 nodes to create a 2-4+ tops, idk, maybe have a promo like attitude used to up top, i didnt even know they were our sponsors until recently
I must admit i thought SOS and Herbies we're actually gone i dont even recall seeing there advert's here just random green card offers and what not!