Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Well-Known Member
Just like I said. If I was to come I would take all your shit because you were sending me pictures of you and your boyfriend. I would post YOUR homosexual PM to me, but they would ban me for sure.
do more meth, gayroscope. snort it right to the brain and off yourself, make the world a happier place.

one less weed thief to have lurking around.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
No one should have to stake an outdoor plant this early in the season, unless they are unhealthy!
Diffused light making them stretch? No wind or fans? Maybe he's never heard of Potassium Silicate.
Or perhaps he thinks plenty of nitrogen fixes everything. LOL
I'm not defending Bucky, but you know jack shit about plant care or genetics.

There are several reasons to stake a really healthy plant early in life: reduce stress so it grows faster, genetic reasons, Oregon isn't the perfect climate for ganja, etc.

These days cannabis is bread for potency, yield and fast growth rate. This is done by cross breeding sativa and indica sub-species. Most so called 100% indica contains some traces of sativa. Sativa usually grows thin and tall, while indica is short and wide. If indica is given a sativa growth boost, it then cannot hold its weight, even if perfectly healthy. I have an Afghani kush mother developing. It's real potent and growing fast. At two weeks I needed to use a twist tie to keep it up. It's so green and huge leaves for only three weeks old. Today I gave its first LST session. This thing is going to be a monster.

See, even with humans certain traits result in others you don't want. Those who are super intelligent tend to have emotional and mental issues more than those with average intelligence. But everything has its place. I bet those stupid professional athletes wish they were as smart as me and as poor too.


Well-Known Member
You're welcome !!

my words: "i wouldn't be this much of a dick"

your words: "i would take all of your shit"

translation: i would NOT be a snitch, but you WOULD be a weed thief.

and now everyone will know it, you sock puppet meth head coward.


New Member
Just like I said. If I was to come I would take all your shit because you were sending me pictures of you and your boyfriend. I would post YOUR homosexual PM to me, but they would ban me for sure.
I hope your doing it on principle alone or you live hella close, it wouldn't be much of a profitable venture, his whole life is on hold for six fucking plants!


Well-Known Member
thanks to the tireless spamming of gayroscope, that information has now been seen by hundreds more people instead of the 3 or 4 of us that were trolling failshaggy that day.

good job, gayroscope!
Uncle Buck? Why would you troll Fin or post a cop's number? There's some real cunts and assholes on here that would make much better pickings... you need a list? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck? Why would you troll Fin or post a cop's number? There's some real cunts and assholes on here that would make much better pickings... you need a list? :blsmoke:
i am compiling a list in my sig.

and why would i troll fin? he's a spammer. he has this plan of using his case to legalize weed for all of texas. if anything, i was doing the fine citizens of texas a favor, and so was gayroscope by reposting the same number dozens of times.


Well-Known Member
i am compiling a list in my sig.

and why would i troll fin? he's a spammer. he has this plan of using his case to legalize weed for all of texas. if anything, i was doing the fine citizens of texas a favor, and so was gayroscope by reposting the same number dozens of times.
Yeah, I heard that was why his pm's were taken away but :eyesmoke: I never get spammed by anyone but grasscity?


Well-Known Member
he seems to be getting awfully angry about me sending him pics of biker dudes having gay sex (gayro claims to have been a biker at one time). if someone pranked me like that, i would delete the PMs and move on.

gayroscope takes it to another level. in order to prove how much gay sex disgusts him, he plans on coming to beat me up and take my hard work.

he's definitely compensating for something.
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