First grow advice welcome


Hello i started my grow 9 weeks ago, I started them off in solo cups using miricle grow potting soil and MG transplanting feed. Using 3x 65w phillips growlights from walmart and a 18" i think 16w folecent light. I have 2 5 gal buckets with 3 10" plants and 2 5gal buckets with two plants in them. One of the ones with two are 11" and 12" and the other one is 26"(my best baby) and 14". No reflective material just a sheet to consile the light and a fan on each side for a small vent. It runs 50-60% humidity and 80-87f during the day and 44-50% humidity 78-82 during the night. I was on a 18/6 for 7 week and just changed it to 24/0 3 daya ago. I was using distilled water for feeding and half a cup of the transplanting solution every week after 5 weeka. I noticed burns on leafs and to much nut. Nit i belive. And salty residue. I stopped the feed and looking for a cheap feed that would be able to get at home depot. Also i have been using carbinated water for misting (i make sure to get under the leafs) but the plants seem to be recovering just fine. I water every 3 days or so. I dont want to invest much more into my set up most ill do is mylar and feed. Suggestions? Im planning on flowering 12/12 in two weeks. Ill post some pics in a bit. My grow space is 4 feet wide 3 feet long and 5.5 tall


Well-Known Member
Uh... So are you asking how you can improve your setup with no sort of investment?

Can I ask why you went from 18/6 to 24/0? Seems like the only thing you have going for you is your humidity. Realistically, everything could and probably should be improved on. I'm a pretty firm believer that you get what you put in, so... Might be something to think about.

But your setup seems like it's working for you, if it ain't broke...


Well-Known Member
if you want any good yields go with a cheap hps like 150 watt ive done the whole floro lighting it sucks. hell im starting to believe in led over floros but led is expensive. if you want good nutes for cheap go with gh maxi grow an bloom great stuff about 15 bucks for a nice bag. but other than that if your trying to go cheap get a hps asap or even try compact floro ive seen people do 2 plants under a decent amout but looked nice, but hands down hps. so thats my 2cents have a growtastic day


The switch to 24 hour light was to get the smaller plants up to over a foot tall so i can go to 12/12 in 3 weeks or so.
Sorry for the late reply. Here some pics. I know my set up isnt gonna yeild greatly at all.. Id be happy with getting an ounce.

I should have reflective material.

Any more insights?



Well-Known Member
1. Nute burn - mg soil is shit. Will kill your plants
2. Lights miles too far above plant. Stretched to fuck.
3. 1 plant to a pot strictly! One will kill the rest.

9 weeks in my opinion start again..... Sorry bro. Bit more research


Eh im gonna try to harvest them if they improve in a few week or so with better feed and bring the lights down a bit. i might pick up a few emergany blankets..In about 30 days Ill have the funds to get a nice set up. Thanks for the insight..ill come back with the ending results.


Also do you think i should get rit of the extra plants in a big pot? Im pretty sure if i put them back in solo cups they will die. So might as well kill em now and let 4 plants get more nut instead of 10. But i suppose for the first run with min research not to shabby at least they grew


Well-Known Member
1. Nute burn - mg soil is shit. Will kill your plants
2. Lights miles too far above plant. Stretched to fuck.
3. 1 plant to a pot strictly! One will kill the rest.

9 weeks in my opinion start again..... Sorry bro. Bit more research
Mg soil won't kill your plants if you are smart enough to know how to use it.


Well-Known Member
Also do you think i should get rit of the extra plants in a big pot? Im pretty sure if i put them back in solo cups they will die. So might as well kill em now and let 4 plants get more nut instead of 10. But i suppose for the first run with min research not to shabby at least they grew
Just try to plan your next grow a lil bit better. you will get the hang of it don't worry


Well-Known Member
You don't need better feed you shouldn't be feeding at all!
Eh im gonna try to harvest them if they improve in a few week or so with better feed and bring the lights down a bit. i might pick up a few emergany blankets..In about 30 days Ill have the funds to get a nice set up. Thanks for the insight..ill come back with the ending results.


Alrighty.. Im gonna switch to 12/12 in two to 3 weeks mainly to get the smaller 8"ish plant to a foot then im figuring another 1/2 - 3/4 of a foot cause plants almost double in flowering right? Also no feed, Distilled water and seltzer water for misting.


Well-Known Member
I would just cut a clone and start over with fresh good soil and either better lights, or the ones you have now much closer. You have the potential for a good grow but there's no way you're getting an ounce right now.


Eh funds lacking right now which sucks cause I need anything I can't get it. But im just gonna let them do there thing and see what happens. Then start over.


The biggest one had a lot of new growth over the past 4 days. Smaller ones not to much. Ill add some pics later on for anyone that cares to see.