i heart facebook


Well-Known Member
so an old girlfriend of mine posted something on facebook about that gun treaty thing, asking if obama signed it on the 22nd. i informed her that it wasn't even the 22nd yet, that it was set to be signed on the 27th, and that no international treaty will take away her second amendment rights.

well, her boyfriend came to the rescue. they are a perfect match for each other, and i thank Dog every day that we broke up.

witness the intellect on this guy. copied and posted verbatim:

1st of all!. Dont try to disrespect my girl! 2nd of all, ur an idiot! If u support or voted for ”barrak huissan Osama” look at every country who has given up their gunrights, and ”learn” that they were rounded up and killed! Defensless! U should research, theres a Website, called google where u can find common facts, or links to actual facts! This bulls*** of a president has not done 1 single thing he said he would!.. 1 of 3 presidents in the past, deported over 2 million illegals, to create jobs for returning vets! And 2 others did the same! Look up, operation wetback””..and brush up on ur talking points! 3rd of all! Dont talk to the love of my life, that way! Faggot!!! Its derylics like u and our president, who try to bash the opposing! bcuz ur asamed? or embarrassed!?. That ur to stupid to see whats going on, in ur country!! He is destroying us from the inside! Im sure u agree with spending ur tax money, to house! And feed! 36 million illegals! Or move 300 thousand Hamas refugees ”terrorists” into our country and supply them with vehicles,houses,money and jobs! Barack Osama, hasn't done 1 thing he said he'd do! like my lover, Sara said ” it wont be an I told u so, it will be you,ur family and children rounded up! And killed!”” 4th of all, dont trash talk my beautiful woman! At least she will stand up for America!! While u simple minded f***s, continue giving up our rights! There has to be really something wrong, with ppl like u, who think like u! Check ur Brains! Its sad! That our ”illegal” Kenyan president, who is the most gutless president of all times! Is destroying us from within! Some1 who has spent the majority of his life, surrounded by radical ”America Haters” and doesn't denounce it! He's a fu***n Muslim! You RETARDS! A coward, with no HONOR! Who blames every1 else, but cant admit to his own faults or shortcomings! Just like his supporters, he is fuct up in the head! He didnt inherit a deficit! He bcame a senator in 2006, exactly the time shit started hitting the fan! He has created more debt in 3 years! Than, ALL other presidents combined!.. Im sure u all know this! But, jus like him, cant admit when they voted the biggest mistake of their lives! O.B.A.M.A= one big ass mistake America!..im proud as an American that we've come this far, and have a black president! But, he's a halfrican! Does that even count?? Im sorry that ur celebrity! So called president has FAILED America!! Lets move on! 1 term, and not 1 thing to show for it!! Wake up America! Uve been HAD!!!!! Last, but definitely not least! Dont throw cheapshots at my sexy,wonderful,amazing,intelligent,1 of a kind, most beautiful woman ive ever met, Love of my Life!! Girlfriend... U democrat p***y!!!!! Haha,

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Why are conservatives so delusional and disturbed now? I never agreed with Goldwater or Friedman but atleast they were respectable.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Bucky, seriously? You had no idea after the first date? I'd have dumped you during our first date. You'd have been lucky if I dropped you back home.

Until I met my wife I was the one date king.

The stories I could tell you.

My favorite was the Venezuelan 5'1" with DDs. She got pissed about an illegal she hired didn't bring his own burrito and she had to buy lunch. She had three names: legal name, dating name and her professional real estate realtor name. One time she called me up at 2 am bitching a woman on Oprah sold cosmetics using her realtor name. She told me she was 30 when I was only 26, but later found out she had one DMV id with 30 and another with her real age of 43. She wanted me to move in with her and live at her new property management office in Las Vegas because California tennant laws don't favor the landlord enough. I said fuck that. Also having to roleplay over the phone all the time was getting annoying.


Ursus marijanus
Bucky, seriously? You had no idea after the first date? I'd have dumped you during our first date. You'd have been lucky if I dropped you back home.

Until I met my wife I was the one date king.

The stories I could tell you.

My favorite was the Venezuelan 5'1" with DDs. She got pissed about an illegal she hired didn't bring his own burrito and she had to buy lunch. She had three names: legal name, dating name and her professional real estate realtor name. One time she called me up at 2 am bitching a woman on Oprah sold cosmetics using her realtor name. She told me she was 30 when I was only 26, but later found out she had one DMV id with 30 and another with her real age of 43. She wanted me to move in with her and live at her new property management office in Las Vegas because California tennant laws don't favor the landlord enough. I said fuck that. Also having to roleplay over the phone all the time was getting annoying.
As a vegan, you were probably denying her a basic pleasure ... cn


Well-Known Member
Bucky, seriously? You had no idea after the first date? I'd have dumped you during our first date. You'd have been lucky if I dropped you back home.

Until I met my wife I was the one date king.

The stories I could tell you.

My favorite was the Venezuelan 5'1" with DDs. She got pissed about an illegal she hired didn't bring his own burrito and she had to buy lunch. She had three names: legal name, dating name and her professional real estate realtor name. One time she called me up at 2 am bitching a woman on Oprah sold cosmetics using her realtor name. She told me she was 30 when I was only 26, but later found out she had one DMV id with 30 and another with her real age of 43. She wanted me to move in with her and live at her new property management office in Las Vegas because California tennant laws don't favor the landlord enough. I said fuck that. Also having to roleplay over the phone all the time was getting annoying.
i was 16 at the time, we didn't talk politics really. i never even took an interest in politics until 5 or 6 years ago.


Well-Known Member
so an old girlfriend of mine posted something on facebook about that gun treaty thing, asking if obama signed it on the 22nd. i informed her that it wasn't even the 22nd yet, that it was set to be signed on the 27th, and that no international treaty will take away her second amendment rights.

well, her boyfriend came to the rescue. they are a perfect match for each other, and i thank Dog every day that we broke up.

witness the intellect on this guy. copied and posted verbatim:

1st of all!. Dont try to disrespect my girl! 2nd of all, ur an idiot! If u support or voted for ”barrak huissan Osama” look at every country who has given up their gunrights, and ”learn” that they were rounded up and killed! Defensless! U should research, theres a Website, called google where u can find common facts, or links to actual facts! This bulls*** of a president has not done 1 single thing he said he would!.. 1 of 3 presidents in the past, deported over 2 million illegals, to create jobs for returning vets! And 2 others did the same! Look up, operation wetback””..and brush up on ur talking points! 3rd of all! Dont talk to the love of my life, that way! Faggot!!! Its derylics like u and our president, who try to bash the opposing! bcuz ur asamed? or embarrassed!?. That ur to stupid to see whats going on, in ur country!! He is destroying us from the inside! Im sure u agree with spending ur tax money, to house! And feed! 36 million illegals! Or move 300 thousand Hamas refugees ”terrorists” into our country and supply them with vehicles,houses,money and jobs! Barack Osama, hasn't done 1 thing he said he'd do! like my lover, Sara said ” it wont be an I told u so, it will be you,ur family and children rounded up! And killed!”” 4th of all, dont trash talk my beautiful woman! At least she will stand up for America!! While u simple minded f***s, continue giving up our rights! There has to be really something wrong, with ppl like u, who think like u! Check ur Brains! Its sad! That our ”illegal” Kenyan president, who is the most gutless president of all times! Is destroying us from within! Some1 who has spent the majority of his life, surrounded by radical ”America Haters” and doesn't denounce it! He's a fu***n Muslim! You RETARDS! A coward, with no HONOR! Who blames every1 else, but cant admit to his own faults or shortcomings! Just like his supporters, he is fuct up in the head! He didnt inherit a deficit! He bcame a senator in 2006, exactly the time shit started hitting the fan! He has created more debt in 3 years! Than, ALL other presidents combined!.. Im sure u all know this! But, jus like him, cant admit when they voted the biggest mistake of their lives! O.B.A.M.A= one big ass mistake America!..im proud as an American that we've come this far, and have a black president! But, he's a halfrican! Does that even count?? Im sorry that ur celebrity! So called president has FAILED America!! Lets move on! 1 term, and not 1 thing to show for it!! Wake up America! Uve been HAD!!!!! Last, but definitely not least! Dont throw cheapshots at my sexy,wonderful,amazing,intelligent,1 of a kind, most beautiful woman ive ever met, Love of my Life!! Girlfriend... U democrat p***y!!!!! Haha,
He's a little over the top and defending his woman and a bit mixed up.
I don't get the correlation between deporting illegals and how that causes jobs for vets.
facebook is a security risk imo.


Well-Known Member
He's a little over the top and defending his woman and a bit mixed up.
I don't get the correlation between deporting illegals and how that causes jobs for vets.
facebook is a security risk imo.
i like how in his world, there are 3x as many illegal immigrants, obama was left with no deficit, and obama became a senator in 2006.

he has since posted another similarly retarded diatribe in which he claims he said nothing racial.


Well-Known Member
i like how in his world, there are 3x as many illegal immigrants, obama was left with no deficit, and obama became a senator in 2006.

he has since posted another similarly retarded diatribe in which he claims he said nothing racial.
lol yea, I missed that, 36 million he wasn't even close.


Well-Known Member
lol yea, I missed that, 36 million he wasn't even close.
Yeah there's only like 114million people in Mexico, does he think almost 1/3 of all Mexican people jumped the border?

(I say Mexicans, I know there are others, but Mexicans are awesome).

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
i like how in his world, there are 3x as many illegal immigrants, obama was left with no deficit, and obama became a senator in 2006.

he has since posted another similarly retarded diatribe in which he claims he said nothing racial.
You're not quite honest with your numbers either. About another one million are OTM and another 400k are SST. How do we keep track of 400k wanting to tear shit up?


Well-Known Member
this guy is the gift that keeps on giving. try reading what he says aloud.

Haha, im under a covenant with GOD, my lord and savior, Jesus Christ ALMIGHTY... He accepts me as I am! And ya, I completely disagree with the president and the bulls*** that he pulls! I feel sorry for you and others that think the way u do! Being blind and totally ignoring the FACTS! Sry Broskyy, he hasn't done 1 thing he said he'd do! He is arrogant! And a hypocrite! It's impossible to speak about the real issues with ppl like you! Now ur talkin bout eating babys, and going off subject just like your President does... Hahaha, I would suggest u look into the ”REAL FACTS” bcuz he is seriously running us into the ground! Im done, think what u think, u ppl have a chemical imbalance in your brains! That's the only explanation!!!! U just can't possibly think he is good for America!??? And if u do think so? Ur an IDIOT! God Bless

Do I need a new HATER??? The old ones start to like me, waaaay to fast these days... K, im done bro.. Im absolutely positive that was the ”HIGHLIGHT” of taking ur break from dungeons and dragons! Yes, the ”real facts” u Lil faggot...lmao.. Yours are fake or only acknowledged in, NeverNeverLand or wherever it is u get ur info... I never knew, that not only are u ppl fuct up in the head! But, u actually take notes, as they feed u those lies!!!!


Well-Known Member
omfg, i just looked at his page. this just keeps getting better.

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