for all you birthers...

Can you elaborate? This is the definition I get for belief, which in my mind is the same as simply changing your mind.

  1. An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
  2. Something one accepts as true or real

Or are we talking about deep rooted beliefs like those Obama grew up with from his racist radical pastor?
can you give me some of the quotes Rev Wright said...I will explain from a black mans point of view. Let me see if I agree with some of them. Like it or not.
can you give me some of the qoutes Rev Wright said...I will explain from a black mans point of view. Let me see if I agree with some of them. Like it or not.

OK. How about we start with "God Damn America"? Just about the most damning thing a preacher can say, don't you agree?
I really dont understand why there i so much emphasis on his birth in kenya, I have plenty of friends that were born in japan and germany to americans which makes them americans. His father was an american so that would be easy to pass of.......................................
I really dont understand why there i so much emphasis on his birth in kenya, I have plenty of friends that were born in japan and germany to americans which makes them americans. His father was an american so that would be easy to pass of.......................................

Good point. Obama's father was not American, though, he was Kenyan.

Were your friends born to American parents in the US military in Japan and Germany?
OK. How about we start with "God Damn America"? Just about the most damning thing a preacher can say, don't you agree?
some of the things America has done she should be damned...Now if you care to hear the full context of what he was saying instead of Fox noise you might get a better understanding...again Like it or not
some of the things America has done she should be damned...Now if you care to hear the full context of what he was saying instead of Fox noise you might get a better understanding...again Like it or not

By God. A preacher calls down the wrath of the divine on a whole country, innocents and all? That's what we want our president to believe?
By God. A preacher calls down the wrath of the divine on a whole country, innocents and all? That's what we want our president to believe?

again you missed the whole point of the sermon. America has a BAD history she needs to change her ways or she will be damned by god was the message. Now do I agree..well that would have to mean I believe in God...Now do I understand what he was saying..HELL YES..and it was not a damning on the whole country but more so on the same gonverment you bitch so much about yourself. again listen to the entire message ( try it with your eyes close)
ok here is a transcript of what he was saying.. highlight what you feel is incorrect with what a preacher should say.

The British government failed, the Russian government failed, the Japanese government failed, the German government failed, and the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. The government put them in chains. She put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in sub-standard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education, and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America…no, no, no
Not God bless America, God damn America. That's in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.
ok here is a transcript of what he was saying.. highlight what you feel is incorrect with what a preacher should say.

The British government failed, the Russian government failed, the Japanese government failed, the German government failed, and the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. The government put them in chains. She put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in sub-standard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education, and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America…no, no, no
Not God bless America, God damn America. That's in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.

I like the whole thing. Well, maybe not the "God" part, seeing as I am an atheist. You have to admit, though, that a president raised in the cradle of such a church is likely to be a bit controversial. Add that to Michelle's "this is the first time I am proud to be an American", plus too many other things to mention, and maybe you can see where some people might be a bit suspicious of this president?

Thanks for the transcript, by the way. I almost never watch videos.
can you give me some of the quotes Rev Wright said...I will explain from a black mans point of view. Let me see if I agree with some of them. Like it or not.

Seriously? You can't think of anything Rev Wright has said that objectionable? "The black Church is fighting against the white church." "Evil Jews aren't allowing Obama to talk to me." Support for the black panthers, directly rallies against multiple different police stations and cities as whole... the list is very very long.

And lets see if you agree with him? What does that have anything to do with anything? So if you agree with Rev Wright that Jews are evil then it's true and ok for Obama to believe as well?
I like the whole thing. Well, maybe not the "God" part, seeing as I am an atheist. You have to admit, though, that a president raised in the cradle of such a church is likely to be a bit controversial. Add that to Michelle's "this is the first time I am proud to be an American", plus too many other things to mention, and maybe you can see where some people might be a bit suspicious of this president?
until you walk in the shoes of others you will never know. I have felt the same way as Michelle at times. People like to take parts of information without the whole story. Let others tell it Rev Wright was just screaming GOD DAM AMERICA, when it was not the case. The whole story is important to know if you want a true understanding of what he was saying..Like it or not
until you walk in the shoes of others you will never know. I have felt the same way as Michelle at times. People like to take parts of information without the whole story. Let others tell it Rev Wright was just screaming GOD DAM AMERICA, when it was not the case. The whole story is important to know if you want a true understanding of what he was saying..Like it or not

Did America send you to Harvard law school? Did America afford you the opportunities she had? Did America put in a job where your pay was tripled (from $100k per year to $300k per year) after you spouse was elected to the Senate? She strikes me as a totally ungrateful whiner who believes she deserves to be anointed queen?
From the good reverends website -

Pledge commitment to the following:

Black family
Black work ethic
Acquired skills for the black community
Support of black institutions
Pledge allegiance to all black leadership
Personal embracement the black value system

Ok, now change those bolded words to white and re-read. Whoa! Suddenly sounds pretty racists huh?
Seriously? You can't think of anything Rev Wright has said that objectionable? "The black Church is fighting against the white church." "Evil Jews aren't allowing Obama to talk to me." Support for the black panthers, directly rallies against multiple different police stations and cities as whole... the list is very very long.

And lets see if you agree with him? What does that have anything to do with anything? So if you agree with Rev Wright that Jews are evil then it's true and ok for Obama to believe as well?
dude when the FUCK did I say I agree with everything he said ??? In fact I said "let me see if I agree with some of them". I knew God Damn America would be the first thing out the mouth. Now other things I disagree ...I have yet to meet anyone that I agree with everything they say..have you ???
Did America send you to Harvard law school? Did America afford you the opportunities she had? Did America put in a job where your pay was tripled (from $100k per year to $300k per year) after you spouse was elected to the Senate? She strikes me as a totally ungrateful whiner who believes she deserves to be anointed queen?
do you know her whole story ????
dude when the FUCK did I say I agree with everything he said ??? In fact I said "let me see if I agree with some of them". I knew God Damn America would be the first thing out the mouth. Now other things I disagree ...I have yet to meet anyone that I agree with everything they say..have you ???

Never... When did I accuse you of agreeing with everything he said?

It was pointed out that it's ok for Obama to associate with shady people and constantly change his mind but that it's terrible that Paul once did many many years ago. I'm simply pointing this out.

I stated that your opinion of the Reverend's stances have no impact on the argument. That still holds true.
did you grow up a black female in the 60's... again different stories to tell..and what part of Chi town you grew up in ???

On the south side. You been to Chicago?

No, I am not a black female, I did not attend Harvard, I did not get paid $300K per year because my spouse became a US senator. I payed my own way through college using the GI bill.