is miracle grow ok?


Well-Known Member
i fertilize with miracle grow for azalea's, it has a high nitrogen content for Veg stage and miracle grow bloom booster for flowering, but only every fourth watering


New Member
yes u can grow with it and no it dont make weed taste like shit if u flush 2 weeks before harvest as most do with any nutes
some bash mg and ends in big fuss most say u got to throw a bunch of money at high priced nutes from hydro store
bullshit u can get good results with mg just dont use in recommended dosage on package
use half or 1/4 strength

but u will see a bunch people will post yes and others hate on mg and let the pissing match begin

kbo ca

Active Member
It's just not the best stuff to use. People on this site are ususally striving to produce top-shelf cannabis. Nobody is going to reccommend MG for someone looking to grow the best pot. It does work. Way back it was one of my first substrate choices. Just make sure you get a potting soil, and not something that is meant for mixing with dirt in a garden bed.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Do a search for Miracle Gro. There have been literally HUNDREDS fo threads by people who have put that to the test with fantastic results!! It's been done TOO many times to even think that you cant grow good weed with it. Anyone who says you cant is just parroting, and not talking from personal experience. You need to adjust the dosage, using no more than half recommended strength, but yes, you can get some damn respectable results from it.
They arent no 1 because they suck!


New Member
It's just not the best stuff to use. People on this site are ususally striving to produce top-shelf cannabis. Nobody is going to reccommend MG for someone looking to grow the best pot. It does work. Way back it was one of my first substrate choices. Just make sure you get a potting soil, and not something that is meant for mixing with dirt in a garden bed.

try jacks dynamic duo it is cheap and people get great results
and stay away from soil that says it feeds up to so many months it has time release nutes bad thing is u dont know how oftern and how much is released

kbo ca

Active Member
try jacks dynamic duo it is cheap and people get great results
and stay away from soil that says it feeds up to so many months it has time release nutes bad thing is u dont know how oftern and how much is released
lol thanks for the advice, but i'm stuck on my mix i'm using right now. I would never grow out of soil you can get from home depot. and Jack harer, i can't say much for MG nutes but i do speak from experience using the soil mix, and well.... I won't be using it again.


Well-Known Member
Um, NOOOO!!!!!! Miracle Gro= Shitty Ass Weed... Mix your OWN soil with good organic ingredients... I should post a thread on several of my own soil recipes to end all this Miralce Blow crap.... Standby... Lemme gather my notes all up and look for it later this week... And Jack, Ive tried and done both, and I would never go back... The difference in final product is like night and day... But, hey, to each their own...


New Member
Um, NOOOO!!!!!! Miracle Gro= Shitty Ass Weed... Mix your OWN soil with good organic ingredients... I should post a thread on several of my own soil recipes to end all this Miralce Blow crap.... Standby... Lemme gather my notes all up and look for it later this week... And Jack, Ive tried and done both, and I would never go back... The difference in final product is like night and day... But, hey, to each their own...
i mix my own soil all organic
and yes u post a thread i would like to see your recipe
and yes there r better products for nutes but he asked about a ''ok harvest'' lol


New Member
lol thanks for the advice, but i'm stuck on my mix i'm using right now. I would never grow out of soil you can get from home depot. and Jack harer, i can't say much for MG nutes but i do speak from experience using the soil mix, and well.... I won't be using it again.
stay away from soil stored outdoors also like garden centers do
bug condo in a bag


Active Member
I would advise staying away from the miracle grow "moisture control", from personal experience it seems cause more problems then it's worth. I think the biggest issue with most of the MG's is the time released nutrients. I've used Scott's "super soil" which I believe is a subsidiary of the MG brand with good results, no time released nutes. But that moisture control stuff seems like bad juju.


New Member
I would advise staying away from the miracle grow "moisture control", from personal experience it seems cause more problems then it's worth. I think the biggest issue with most of the MG's is the time released nutrients. I've used Scott's "super soil" which I believe is a subsidiary of the MG brand with good results, no time released nutes. But that moisture control stuff seems like bad juju.
that cuz it has time released nutes and so shit that keeps it moist idk what
any thing at a garden center is most likely to have time release if it dont say it on front look at back where % of ingredents are listed


i used mg with bonzai compost and had exellent veg growth results. four 6 foot northern lights really healthy all male doh.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I like Mg organic garden soil because its cheap, then i ammend that with other things like perlite, peatmoss, lime, bloodmeal, and guano to make my own fairly cheap mix that is all organic. there are better soils out there but i like to do things on a budget. and i have no complaints.


Well-Known Member
yes u can grow with it and no it dont make weed taste like shit if u flush 2 weeks before harvest as most do with any nutes
some bash mg and ends in big fuss most say u got to throw a bunch of money at high priced nutes from hydro store
bullshit u can get good results with mg just dont use in recommended dosage on package
use half or 1/4 strength

but u will see a bunch people will post yes and others hate on mg and let the pissing match begin
absolutely true. half strength for sure. even less depending on your soil mix. i believe i have earned the title of Miracle Grow Expert here on RIU as it was my quote that the ceo of the company used in a wall street journal article a year ago. you can google it. dannyboy602. see for yourself. even though i originally trashed the product, it turned out i had grown in it and just never looked at the friggin bag. i did my due diligence and proved that MG Organic Choice is good soil. MG nutes are fine for growing. They are SALT BASED and need to be leached before you harvest. You can call it flushing but it makes you look like a stoner not a professional gardener. Your choice. But I don't use much salt based ferts anymore. I use MG Organic Choice and Promix as my base, perlite, composted manure, worm shit and a handful of ground minerals. I mostly just water. I had my soil tested if anyone is interested the reults are posted somewhere. I just want to end by saying I never used EVERY Scott's product. There's some, like the time release ferted soils I won't use. Outdoors mb but not indoors. I wrote to Mr Hagedorn from Scotts. Told him I would do a side by side test and post the results of any soil he wants me to test run. Just send me the soil. Don't make me buy it you cheap ass capitalist. They're targeting the MJ soil buying community now. Anyone see anything yet? I want to try it. I want to eat it. LOL...Jk...Just seeing if you're still awake.


New Member
absolutely true. half strength for sure. even less depending on your soil mix. i believe i have earned the title of Miracle Grow Expert here on RIU as it was my quote that the ceo of the company used in a wall street journal article a year ago. you can google it. dannyboy602. see for yourself. even though i originally trashed the product, it turned out i had grown in it and just never looked at the friggin bag. i did my due diligence and proved that MG Organic Choice is good soil. MG nutes are fine for growing. They are SALT BASED and need to be leached before you harvest. You can call it flushing but it makes you look like a stoner not a professional gardener. Your choice. But I don't use much salt based ferts anymore. I use MG Organic Choice and Promix as my base, perlite, composted manure, worm shit and a handful of ground minerals. I mostly just water. I had my soil tested if anyone is interested the reults are posted somewhere. I just want to end by saying I never used EVERY Scott's product. There's some, like the time release ferted soils I won't use. Outdoors mb but not indoors. I wrote to Mr Hagedorn from Scotts. Told him I would do a side by side test and post the results of any soil he wants me to test run. Just send me the soil. Don't make me buy it you cheap ass capitalist. They're targeting the MJ soil buying community now. Anyone see anything yet? I want to try it. I want to eat it. LOL...Jk...Just seeing if you're still awake.

hey thats right i think im the one that told u about it if i remember right
bro can i get your autograph u a rockstar now
party like a rockstar

any news on when they are going to market nutes specificly for cannabis like ceo announced