Bible Paper Safer Then Blunt?

Bible or Blunt

  • Bible

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Blunt

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There is a special place in Hell for people who use Bible pages to smoke Cannabis. It's called the smoking room. A Hell where YOU'RE the rolling paper. :p

Seriously though. Unless you know that the ink used in the printing is soy based you shouldn't use it. Ink has toxins.

Pat the stoner

New Member
I knew a guy from Jamaica who would roll a cone with a brown paper bag , or anything that was available . It was just too harsh , choked the shit out of me . Use a good quality rolling paper fuck that toxic shit .


Active Member
Even if you are not religious, that is still not a good idea. Why risk it? Plus blunt wraps take me back :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
the[FONT=arial, sans-serif]y have atleast one [/FONT]page in the back thats blank...WHAT YOU THINK THATS FOR?!?!?! ive done it before and im not worried in the least i aint never killed nobody.



Juicy jays bubblegum or cotton candy, Think pink light it up baby, but the bibles not pink... don't smoke it but you can use it to hold up your uneven couch!


Well-Known Member
I did that shit when I was young and couldn't buy papers, it's not great but it's 100x better than rolling a computer paper joint lol.

It's nice to see the bible being put to good use.
They don't put the blank pages in there for notes, those are for blazing up before your daily readings.


Active Member
I think it is a little silly that with soooo many very cheap alternatives that result in a far better smoke you would feel the need to ask about rolling up the pages of a bible. I feel we can safely diagnose you as being a "little attention whore", your new hair cut not getting you noticed enough, so you just jump on the hate religion band wagon and be a bigot just like most of the other hypocrites who get upset at simply hearing the word religion but stand up against racism at every chance.

I don't blame you for not liking certain religious people who press there beliefs on you, but i can blame you for being a hypocritical douchebag that gets angry at an entire group of people you have never met and do not know just because a few of them made you feel bad. to sell out your country men and women and look them in the eyes and say there freedom is worth less then your annoyance.

Anyways, i hope you got the attention you were looking for from this post and would like to request that you think your position through a little better next time before you insult an entire demographic just because it seems like the "cool" thing to do at the moment. because before long you'll realize how uncool it is to attack other people just because they wish to live a little different than you. your mad because the people ask you if you want to learn about god? take a moment and drop the holier than thou attitude and think about it, to the best of there knowledge they are trying to be nice, friendly, and helpful you, i understand they in some way have offended you, but you have to realize that was not there intention here, they did nothing to deserve your hatred. Ok i take that back i don't know your situation, maybe they did fuck up your life, go after them don;t take it out on the bible.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
I think it is a little silly that with soooo many very cheap alternatives that result in a far better smoke you would feel the need to ask about rolling up the pages of a bible. I feel we can safely diagnose you as being a "little attention whore", your new hair cut not getting you noticed enough, so you just jump on the hate religion band wagon and be a bigot just like most of the other hypocrites who get upset at simply hearing the word religion but stand up against racism at every chance.

I don't blame you for not liking certain religious people who press there beliefs on you, but i can blame you for being a hypocritical douchebag that gets angry at an entire group of people you have never met and do not know just because a few of them made you feel bad. to sell out your country men and women and look them in the eyes and say there freedom is worth less then your annoyance.

Anyways, i hope you got the attention you were looking for from this post and would like to request that you think your position through a little better next time before you insult an entire demographic just because it seems like the "cool" thing to do at the moment. because before long you'll realize how uncool it is to attack other people just because they wish to live a little different than you. your mad because the people ask you if you want to learn about god? take a moment and drop the holier than thou attitude and think about it, to the best of there knowledge they are trying to be nice, friendly, and helpful you, i understand they in some way have offended you, but you have to realize that was not there intention here, they did nothing to deserve your hatred. Ok i take that back i don't know your situation, maybe they did fuck up your life, go after them don;t take it out on the bible.
wow someone's a little butt hurt :p


Well-Known Member
wow someone's a little butt hurt :p
There are hundreds of things that come with paper of the same kind of thickness/texture as bible paper but it has kind of become the 'go-to i'm-so-cool-because-I-use-it-as-an-alternative, take-that-religious-people' thing. It's a bit silly, really. I think the massive paragraph came from the poster having seen hundreds of 'I'm going to roll with bible paper teehee' posts in the past and is just saying.