4x8 Flood and Drain... Need help with feeding schedule...

I'm running 2 1000w HPS lights with a 4x8 table and a 75 gal res in a 4x8 tent... Going to do either 24 or 32 plants all in 6 inch net pots and am using all expanded clay pellets for the medium... I'm also using the full House and Garden Nutrient line. How many times should I flood and drain my table during Veg and during Bud?? Also should I flood and drain when the lights are off? Please help... :leaf::?::leaf:


Active Member
I just made a similar post a few days ago, I am using a smaller scale but the same set up, ebb and flow, hydroton only. The consensus seems to be watering at night is pointless and could develop root rot. As for watering you want to water right when the lights turn on and every 2-4 hours from there on out untill lights turn off. I suggest starting with 2 hours and backing it off until the plants show no sign of over watering. It may take a few days but it will produce the perfect schedule for your set up.


Active Member
I feel 30 minute flood is much to long, you only need enough time to hit the over flow, usualy 2 or 3 minutes, I only say 15 because that is a common length for timers as well as my own timers minimum length.


Well-Known Member
You can flood every three or four hours in both veg and flower, 24 hours a day. Ideally you want the plant's leaves to be reaching upward towards the light.


Active Member
I feel 30 minute flood is much to long, you only need enough time to hit the over flow, usualy 2 or 3 minutes, I only say 15 because that is a common length for timers as well as my own timers minimum length.
Love the guy that discounts the input from a grower with so much documented experience on this site that it would take a month to read it all... Sheesh.
Thank you for the advice... I am also considering doing the sea of green method for my next run. In my 4x8 tray I can fit 98 plants... How long or tall should I veg? and would you recommend that in a 4x8 tent? What will produce the most?


hey guys am runing flood/drain too n am n transition an i flood my table every 3 hours for 15mins when lights on but my bottom leves still hang down like if i over water i have pics up check it out help guys thinks:|

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I get away w/ 1x a day in hydroton, 6" pots, sog @4/sqft,. Less is better when flooding in hydro. IMO

A good way to tell is to pull a few pots out a couple hours after last flood. If any water comes out of em they are not ready for another flood.
13-15" seems to be a good avg. height when vegging for sog.