Mother of chicks


Well-Known Member
hell ya and i will have plenty of it its great cause i have n bunch mixed with newspaper shavings and hay so turned in with all the other compost it will be great

any ideas whats up with my cat:)


Well-Known Member
sometimes:) i opened the door to the coop this mornin and a chick flew right out into 6 inches of fresh powery snow, surprise. Needless to say she went right back in:)
cant beleive it what a year for snow. I have to much building to do for this snow shit


Well-Known Member
Oh woa, that first pic totally reminded me of a childhood episode. When I was like...6 or 7 I went to AZ to visit my cousins. My older cousin locked me in the hen coop, and it was all good, until the rooster started chasing me around...traumatizing that was.


Well-Known Member
thats not nice roosters can be horribly nasty and i have had to do away with a few cause they would not stop spuring my kids, others can be very nice. Started cleaning out the other coop today cant wait for a little snow to melt


Well-Known Member
well in this case i was soooo pissed at the son of a bitchin rooster i had the hubby shot it. It could have been a stew bird but he also spent the past five days or something pestering my other very sweet rooster and he was bruised and bloody and not even a good stew bird or i sometimes make dog food witht he older birds? Some roosters need to be kept in a pen but i love letting them free range, as long as they have a fence around the veggy garden


Well-Known Member
LMAO, that rocks. If I were a kid, and a rooster hurt me, watching my daddy shoot it would make me feel loads better. Once, when my brother was about 4, a goose bit him (we used to go to the park and feed the ducks). My dad grabbed the goose by the neck and punched it in the head. People were staring...


Well-Known Member
honestly that rooster jumped me and im not afraid of them so id football the thing but it makes them meaner and i dont think the kid saw the shotting but he knew the rooster was gone he was like two


Well-Known Member
thanks email i love the birds and that sometimes makes it hard but that is realy why i do it. Its alot of work and they are a bit stinky and alot of work but like you said we know what we are eating like 80% of the time so thats rewarding and feels safer to me. Thanks for stoppin in i gotta be off to school work the clock ticks on and i wond be home for the next two wekends


Well-Known Member
thanks email for the most part i really enjoy them also they are alot of fun and the kids and hubby love them too. I cant wait as the kids get older we will have more animals around. How have you been havnt been around much to say hello? hope you are well and enjoying the nice weather:)