Highlife Seeds


Well-Known Member
i figured i would start a new thread about this seedbank since there seems to be some contreversy wether or not this bank is reputible or a scam. i have seen a few negative posts about this company which made me leary but i have also seen in this forum, a statement from heath robinson that this bank has his genetics and a similar statement on heath's visitor message page. i am also a member over at ICMAG, so i contacted him today via PM about this company and this is what he had to say:

heath robinson

Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 83

Re: heaths strains
[HR][/HR]Hi farmerjoe420

I think Hghlife had some problems under the previous owners but since graham and lucy took over in july the customer service has been great (check out the reviews on "best seed bank") I didnt realise that peoplewere still calling it a scam.

All the seeds are my strains which are listed there so if you got some from there you can rest assured they are from me.

I hope the black rose works well for you if you look around the forums you will see other black rose grows which are turning out well, I hope yours does the same

good luck


Originally Posted by farmerjoe420
heath whats up bro. is it true that highlife is stocking your seeds. i know its a little late since i made the black rose purchase anyways but i wanted to hear it from you bro since everybody is talking how highlife is a scam. i dealt with a dude named graham and he seemed real cool and helpful. do you know these people and is it your gear?? thanks bro and i hope you had a wonderful holiday.



Well-Known Member
i placed an order last week and i have to say the customer service is better than what you would expect and the contact person was named graham so i would have to say at this point its not a scam. when i recieve my order i will post up and take pictures of the package and i will be doing a full grow journal with pics.


bud bootlegger
yah, i seen the threads recently about all the hubub over high grade seeds and went over and checked them out for myself after reading the threads..
although i see they have a few heath strains over there, which i have read heath's post on here saying they are the real deals, they only sell like 4 strains other than heath's gear, minus the auto section which i didn't bother to even check out as it's not my scene, but i don't understand how a "seedbank" expects to stay in business by simply pretty much only selling one breeders gear, and not much of it at that, even if that one breeder is the heath robinson himself and his black rose, i just don't understand really..
other than that, it's cool to see someone selling heath's work for sure, as i hate it when you have all of these clone only strains or finding a breeders work is like winning the lottery.. one of the reasons i'm not a fan of ogr.. it always seemed to me that he would make really limited releases of his gear and sell them all for top dollar cuz they were limited releases... kinda shows you that they're in it for the money really, and not to help grow the community.. i'm not saying that about heath, just rambling really. :)


Well-Known Member
just recieved my beans from highlife today. i got a pack of black rose seeds and 3 free purple wreck seeds, a new heath strain ( black rose x trainwreck S1 by jojo ). all the seeds look good and healthy and the shipping is very stealth. so far my experience has been excellent and there customer service has been very good. every email has been responded to within an hour or two. thumbs up HIGHLIFE!!!


Well-Known Member
The shipping isnt stealth enough. My order came with my seeds smashed to pieces. Its been 2 days since I sent them the pic. Graham is not responding now.
wow. i just got a email from him yesterday, and he said he was going out of town but would ship my order on monday so maybe he didnt get the message yet. ive been seeing alot of posts about BC customs smashing seeds like that. id like to castrate the cocksucker who destroys all those good beans and sends them to you to fuck your day up. real peice of shit if you ask me. i hope they take care of you bro sorry for your loss.


Yup, its the shits for sure. You know I don't really even expect him to replace them but it would be nice if he would let me know either way. As far as I know they dont guarantee shipments. They had a good track record on bestseedbank so I thought I would try him out.


Active Member
I placed an order with Highlife as well. Customer service was outstanding. I sent cash and had my beans about a week later. BLACK ROSE BABY!!!!!!! They are legit! Already placed a second order for some more Black roses.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I got my Black Rose seeds Friday and all were in great shape. Graham is super nice. I will for sure do business again with him.
Aloha from Puna


So Graham got back to me and said that he doesn't see how it is his fault that they are smashed and offered me 25% off my next order.

High Life = - 1 customer


Well-Known Member
I ordered BR and Chiesel from Highlife (Graham) last week and received them the next day. I also got three of the purple wreck included. Very efficient service as far as my experience goes. Came packed in two small boxes and the seeds were in two small tubes in the boxes. If customs/the postal service smash packages I don't see how that is the suppliers fault?! If it was anything else I would go to them for compensation through the supplier. As it is seeds I wouldn't.


Active Member
Well i can confirm that High Life are indeed a legit company i made a thread a few months ago regarding the company made a thread then got ripped for being the scammer but hey just trying to spread the love.

Glad you guys got some BR beans and ill just post a couple of harvest pics to tease till you harvest




Well-Known Member
Well i can confirm that High Life are indeed a legit company i made a thread a few months ago regarding the company made a thread then got ripped for being the scammer but hey just trying to spread the love.

Glad you guys got some BR beans and ill just post a couple of harvest pics to tease till you harvest

Looking relly good, can't wait to get mine rolling now. Do you think they would do well SCROG?

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Nice job marley13! My mouth is watering. How many days bloom are they? I grow outside and will hit the short season before summer.So I can some this on the 4th. Aloha


Active Member
in the seeds popped there were a couple of different purples a lighter and darker.

Not tried scrogging before but i got a cutt from the plant in the pic and it as branched out alot but is stretchy in some places

The plant in the pic is at 7 weeks 12/12 chopped and milky but mainly clear under the scope


Well-Known Member
Cool, might run mother and take cutting for SCROG then as I have limited space. Managed 11.5 dry off a pineapple express for my first run.