Proven 1 Pound Every 2 weeks. SOG.


G'day, This is a perpetual grow harvesting 450+ grams a fortnight. Style: Sea OF Green. Medium:80% Premium Potting Mix - 20% Perlite. Strains: Red Devil (clone only), Vanilla Kush. Though I collect many of strains. P1000264.jpgMum's: Some people say you need up to eight mothers to suffice very large amounts of cuts, Well you Dont!. As I have always used 2 mums and easily get 60+ clones every two weeks, These 2 Red Devil Mum's are 12 months old and have given thousands of cuttings over the past year. Though I can't stress enough your Mum's are the life blood to everything. So keep em healthier than ya would ya sick Mother Inlaw. .P1000273.jpg Clones: I take around 70 cut's every two weeks, and have them rooted in 7 days, and spewing out roots ready for planting at 14 days.I have no secrets apart from a $11 Electric Blanket,1 x scapel, 2 x Black trays half full of perlite for a bed for the cuts to sit and to root into. Rhizotonic @ 4ml/L which I swear by and use every second day from the word go and always mist well several times a day and rehydrate cubes with Rhiztonic aswell when needed. I also only use Groden Rockwool and Replicator Gel for 100% success all the time. P1000268.jpgP1000276.jpgP1000269.jpg Nutrients: I only use Canna Terra Vega & Flora and PK-13-14 in week 4 of flower.P1000291.jpg Setup: Well I have many of lights, shades, fans, etc. Though at the moment I'm using 3x3x2 meter Mylar Tent. 2 x 1000w HPS in cooltubes and 1x 600w HPS , 200mm centrifugal fan for the Cooltubes, 150mm inline for heat extraction, and a split system in the room set to 26c with lights on and 19c with lights off. Several Pedestool fans move the air around the room. Though next week I.m ditching the tent and just using the whole room, as the tents cramping my style,lol.P1000288.jpgP1000284.jpgP1000282.jpgP1000280.jpgBack soon,,,,cheers from Down Under.


Active Member
Very nice setup +rep , i am looking to do something like this my next go round. May i ask if you put the clones straight under 12/12 after they have rooted(14 days)? And when/how much do you trim the side branches. Thanks.

Happy Growing!


Very nice setup +rep , i am looking to do something like this my next go round. May i ask if you put the clones straight under 12/12 after they have rooted(14 days)? And when/how much do you trim the side branches. Thanks.

Happy Growing!
G'day cocakola,
Yes I do put them in straight 12/12 and I lollypop them if i have the energy,,mostly I do though.
I only ever take off the lower 2-3 side branches. for watering purposes and bugs etc.
im supprised you dont scrog you would be produceing a rediculous amount as im sure you already know but seems like you have a system that works just fine very cool and deffinatly an impressive yeild


im supprised you dont scrog you would be produceing a rediculous amount as im sure you already know but seems like you have a system that works just fine very cool and deffinatly an impressive yeild
G'day mydankstank,
Well I dont really see the purpose for using the screen as I have no time to veg any plants for my 2 week intervils to fill a screen. Also they are just single colers and have no need to be tied down.


Off to bed see ya's all tomorrow. Got the vanilla Kush and the Red cherry Berry sprouted ready to pot up tomorrow. Plenty of pic's to come.


Well-Known Member
I am just starting the 12/12 from seeds for the first time, I was wondering when is a good time to cut the lower branches? before they show signs of flower or after? thanks a bunch, great setup!!


I am just starting the 12/12 from seeds for the first time, I was wondering when is a good time to cut the lower branches? before they show signs of flower or after? thanks a bunch, great setup!!
G'day Endur0xX,
I remove 2-3 of the side branches just as the new flowers are setting in, or just before, which ever is fine.


Going to pot up the new lady's today as they cracked the surface 2 days. 1x Vanilla Kush 1 x Red Cherry Berry. Both are for mums.


Active Member
Gday hoop,
good looking setup ya got there mate,just wondering if youve tried the freebies you got from Sam the Skunkman yet?
I got the same seeds and have been growing for a few weeks now and looking good.


Gday hoop,
good looking setup ya got there mate,just wondering if youve tried the freebies you got from Sam the Skunkman yet?
I got the same seeds and have been growing for a few weeks now and looking good.

Yes I have they are VERY sativa Dominent. If grown Indoors It should be flowered after 1-2 weeks veg MAX,,, Very large in the stretch department. The Nugs are also very airy due to the extreme sativa dominancy.


Well-Known Member
Thats a sweet looking setup you have, but I wont give you rep for that.

I will however give you rep for growing, smoking and sharing a pound every two weeks with humanity.


Thats a sweet looking setup you have, but I wont give you rep for that.

I will however give you rep for growing, smoking and sharing a pound every two weeks with humanity.

I can only hope more people would give up a few of the basics to others.


Active Member
Yes I have they are VERY sativa Dominent. If grown Indoors It should be flowered after 1-2 weeks veg MAX,,, Very large in the stretch department. The Nugs are also very airy due to the extreme sativa dominancy.
And out come the scissors............