Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
Lady juices can get so acidic they go right through undies at certain times of the month.

LOL wow do u drink pure vinager??? some discharge is normal it's like a self cleaning oven ;)
Anything else should be brought to ur doctors attention lol


Well-Known Member
Ew, no, blood? We're talking about lady juice, not lady wine if I have to resort to metaphor.

I know discharge is normal mama April. I know you should look out for drastic changes in smell, color and consistency and what they can tell you about what's going on inside.

The amount often increases towards the middle of a cycle- the more there is the harder it is to protect one's drawers 0_0 Lactic acid is what makes it acidic, that comes from breaking down sugars. Pussy Ph doesn't usually rise about 4.5

So if your lady juice isn't at all lemony, then you should be more worried about bacterial vaginosis than holes in your panties XP

Lol I don't drink vinegar, but I like balsamic vinegar on everything.

Why did I not just bump the Pussy thread??


Pickle Queen
Ew, no, blood? We're talking about lady juice, not lady wine if I have to resort to metaphor.

I know discharge is normal mama April. I know you should look out for drastic changes in smell, color and consistency and what they can tell you about what's going on inside.

The amount often increases towards the middle of a cycle- the more there is the harder it is to protect one's drawers 0_0 Lactic acid is what makes it acidic, that comes from breaking down sugars. Pussy Ph doesn't usually rise about 4.5

So if your lady juice isn't at all lemony, then you should be more worried about bacterial vaginosis than holes in your panties XP

Lol I don't drink vinegar, but I like balsamic vinegar on everything.

Why did I not just bump the Pussy thread??
LOL, damn it kuroi don't tell men what really goes on our panties, they need to believe it's all tidy and smelling like fresh honey 24/7 ;) hahahaha


Well-Known Member
True true!

Don't worry guys, April and I smell wonderful and are akin to perfectly laundered satin sheets you slide into at the end of a long, hard day.

And who doesn't like it a little bit tangy?

There :3


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a soldier getting some blood on his sword.or face

View attachment 1918177
Lmao post of the year rite here, but from experience a Pussy tastes most 'lemony' when she wakes in the morning before a shower even if she didn't urinate in the nite and after a days whatever, again before a shower but after the 'acidity' decreases but its not 'bland'.


Well-Known Member
It's tidy all the time. I promise.

Well, April and I like to be thorough in our upkeep anyway.

I think the best taste is a little tangy, a little sweet.

Um, but back on topic, the panties... not what's in them. Sorry for going off on a tangent.


Well-Known Member
I have also found as I suck and flick my way through the garden of Eden (also known as the Bermuda Triangle) that age has a difference, kind of like wine, but not better just more presence. I found younger woman taste more like pee or fresh where older pussy tastes like, boy this is hard, more musty, pungent. Maybe they don't get used as much...IMHO

I don't like the artificially flavored ones at al
l and no perfume down there my tongue hates the shit.

Well out east they have a Chicken place called Lick a Chick, no finer words spoken


Pickle Queen
I've been drinking whiskey, and will now attempt to assemble a few real christmas wreath, sorry 2 fucking cold for lace and frills, maybe some fleece and flannel ;) Or maybe a sexy pic of me rockin my long johns lmfao


Pickle Queen
Are they red with a flap in the back?
Black and very clingy :) flaps create drafts ;) a real man gently bends his lady over a snow bank and dry humps her until she eagerly takes off her own pants ;)

woohoo i made the wire frames without injuring myself, damn i need bigger hands those wire snippers are a bitch to use when u have hands that should be on a 9 year old lmfao