I Hate Illuminati-Fanatics


Well-Known Member
i'm sick and tired of hearing people bitch and moan about, "illuminati this & illuminati that" going on and going on, "big corporation this & big corporation that... subliminal messages" blah blah blah -- like the world is going to end or something.

they swear like their life is truly going to be affected by this... and the funny thing, too, is the ones in real life i hear bitching and moaning, making a controversy out of it, are a bunch of non-educated drug addicts that don't work or pay taxes with horrible tastes in music.

the shit gets old... i honestly still don't know what it completely is -- and i don't care either -- because the shit isn't going to affect me one bit.


Well-Known Member
i'm sick and tired of hearing people bitch and moan about, "illuminati this & illuminati that" going on and going on, "big corporation this & big corporation that... subliminal messages" blah blah blah -- like the world is going to end or something.

they swear like their life is truly going to be affected by this... and the funny thing, too, is the ones in real life i hear bitching and moaning, making a controversy out of it, are a bunch of non-educated drug addicts that don't work or pay taxes with horrible tastes in music.

the shit gets old... i honestly still don't know what it completely is -- and i don't care either -- because the shit isn't going to affect me one bit.
I take it you are uneducated and uninformed and have been programed since a young age to believe what they tell you as long as it sounds nice....
Or you are a part of the system that is attacking humanity and the planet


Well-Known Member
lol... that's the funny thing about it -- i'm as non-mainstream as it gets... i was taught from a young age to think and decide for myself.


Well-Known Member
lol... that's the funny thing about it -- i'm as non-mainstream as it gets... i was taught from a young age to think and decide for myself.
So you are a part of the system or hope to benifit from its implamentation


Well-Known Member
i'm sick and tired of hearing people bitch and moan about, "illuminati this & illuminati that" going on and going on, "big corporation this & big corporation that... subliminal messages" blah blah blah -- like the world is going to end or something.

they swear like their life is truly going to be affected by this... and the funny thing, too, is the ones in real life i hear bitching and moaning, making a controversy out of it, are a bunch of non-educated drug addicts that don't work or pay taxes with horrible tastes in music.

the shit gets old... i honestly still don't know what it completely is -- and i don't care either -- because the shit isn't going to affect me one bit.
um, where are you seeing this? are you sure you understand what your hearing? are any of the voices telling you to hurt yourself or others? do the peoPle on tv ever seem to be telling you to do things or talking to you directly?


Well-Known Member
ok... that's exactly what i'm talking about... lmao.

don't know... don't care.

thanks for sharing the vids, though.
Keep waiting then
Because of you and the majority of others who think and feel as you do- they will be coming
Remember Katrina?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who thinks there were a bunch of Jews hanging around in Nazi Germany talking about how crazy all the conspiracy nuts were....????


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who thinks there were a bunch of Jews hanging around in Nazi Germany talking about how crazy all the conspiracy nuts were....????
you just had to go there... i think you should look at the HBO series Band of Brothers... so you see how lovely Europe was during WW2.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The Illuminati movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the Illuminati, with an initial membership of five, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.

They were a secret society, made up of intellectuals who's ideals where branched off the Age of Enlightenment.


Active Member
Type 'Illuminati' backwards into a web browser followed by .com

When you type 'Illuminati' backwards into a web browser followed by ".com" you are taken to the NSA website.

Just copy and paste this link into your browser and see where you wind up: http://itanimulli.com



Well-Known Member
you just had to go there... i think you should look at the HBO series Band of Brothers... so you see how lovely Europe was during WW2.
Can you elaborate or post a youtube clip from the show that shows what your talking about?
Yeah I think after Hitler took power, before WW2 started, some Jews started leaving the country, I think there must have been rumors and "conspiracys" floating around, and I'm sure a lot of Jews decided to stay and thought and said that all the talk was "Crazy conspiracy theorys and fearmongering" And they truly believed that and stayed in there country believing those in charge had there best interests at heart- right up untill the time they were numbered and rounded up


Well-Known Member
why did it take 3 days to get bottled water to new orleans after the levees broke?

i could have driven it from cali myself faster.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Type 'Illuminati' backwards into a web browser followed by .com

When you type 'Illuminati' backwards into a web browser followed by ".com" you are taken to the NSA website.

Just copy and paste this link into your browser and see where you wind up: http://itanimulli.com

LMAO That's true. I wonder if they're trying to send the message that they're the opposite of the illuminati. x)