Think about this. your eyes use materials that are really not much different from your skin itself, to capture light, reflect it around and upside down, fling it back as some kind of "electrical digital" type image through more magic skin, and go into the "almighty magic skin:" your brain. Which then takes that digital skin version of the light image, and makes a movie for you to see. So that you can see.
Now, not only that but your ears take the movements from that same world the light comes from, and captures the vibrations created. doing the same thing, and sending them through crazy shit to become something in your brain.
Like, THEN. We decided, based of of the things that we see and the fact that we can hear, to communicate with each other. Put labels, and create sounds that MEAN something, within this world of vibration and light.
I DEFINITELY believe there is a LITTLE more to humans than suffering and guilt. Our "basic" skills, are amazing and crazy feats of nature.