yeah you got to watch out my dudes had alot cut with heroin and coke and shit i always made sure mine wernt any bullshit
I have only heard of one pill testing for coke. As far as heroin you would do better to sell it as heroin than put it in MDMA. People take MDMA orally for the most part. Heroin is useless orally. First the stomach hydrolyzes the acetyl esters that make it heroin not morphine (loss of 60-75% potency). Then the morphine gets killed by by first pass metabolism (another 60-75% loss of potency) then the heroin gets to your brain. So best case would be taking 100mg of heroin would be the same as taking maybe 10-20mg of oxycodone. 100mg of pure heroin is worth more than an epill in the northeast where heroin is the cheapest in the nation. It doesn't make sense to use heroin as a cut.
I took like 20mg of Valium with a roll because I was alittle anxious. I didn't really roll, just had a few tingles. My tolerance is pretty high but I usually at least get something off 1 good pill. So I would save em for the end when they are heaven sent.