Give me ideas of how to get back a perv. old man!


Well-Known Member
An old man (60-70s) has the same chance of whooping your ass as a person your own age..

and so what if you win? "ohh yeah bro's, i totally PWND dis old manz yo, im da boss fosho"

El Superbeasto

Active Member
So old people can get away with shit, just cause they're, old?? Fuck that. Being old, they should know better.

Whether I beat them down or not is another story, I don't beat the elderly.

Being in 'Nam, WW2 or WW1, I don't give a fuck. I am not scared of you. We're talking stuff of ancient history.

Wasn't the Vietnam war covered in the Pyramids? Hieroglyphs? Yeah, I heard of it.

your actually condinplating fighting a 70 + year old man?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
So old people can get away with shit, just cause they're, old?? Fuck that. Being old, they should know better.

Whether I beat them down or not is another story, I don't beat the elderly.

Being in 'Nam, WW2 or WW1, I don't give a fuck. I am not scared of you. We're talking stuff of ancient history.

Wasn't the Vietnam war covered in the Pyramids? Hieroglyphs? Yeah, I heard of it.
yea but would u say sorry once u got the piss beat out of u.


New Member
Old people Have more expeirence than younger peeps.
But yes whistling and being a creep is a bit unacceptable!

:joint: jayy's


Well-Known Member
You can't lock this thread, it's the only subscribed one I'm getting feeds from :(

Don't make me be lonely at 3 in the mornin'.


Well-Known Member
I think depending on 'how creepy/annoying/pervy/' this ol' guy is... ?? I would tell your GF etc that you will walk 25 yards behind them as they walk past his house and depending on the level of taunts he calls out to them.. would depend on whether I have a friendly word face to face with him and voice your concern etc.. Or whether I would walk straight up to him and knock him the F@$k out !! ... If it seems like he may get somewhere with either of them? I'd defo go with the latter (If it were my girl/sister)

If someone tries it on with your girl/sister etc more than once and has been told at least once to leave them alone! either by the girls, or yourself.. and they still persist .. Its in your best interest's to sort things out yourself.. (as long as your girl/sis. wont hate on you if you "decide to get violent" :) !!

I had a simerlar prob with a dude trying it on with my GF before we got married and she was expecting.. and I found a whole load of message on her phone from him and she'd had enough of him keep texting her.. she did tell me from the start and wasn't flirting back, infact she was upset and told me he deserves what he gets.. so I "Knocked him the F out" in a public house....and got arrested! :) lol... I spent the night in a cell, but the officers on duty were cool - once I had explained what had happened, they left the door open and bought me cups of hot chocolate and extra blankets etc.. the officers even hinted at what to say in the interview in the morning to get off lightly.. but I ignored them and on tape told them if the guy tried it on with my other half again I'd do the self same thing - no one try's to split up my family !! They still let me go at 6am the next day with just a caution - they gave me a ride home via Mc Donalds! :) and not only did the dude never try it on with her again but he came out with a broken nose and shattered cheek bone! A few months later both me and the other half got Married :) !!!

Moral of the story: If you care enough - "Step in and protect the people you love" - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think depending on 'how creepy/annoying/pervy/' this ol' guy is... ?? I would tell your GF etc that you will walk 25 yards behind them as they walk past his house and depending on the level of taunts he calls out to them.. would depend on whether I have a friendly word face to face with him and voice your concern etc.. Or whether I would walk straight up to him and knock him the F@$k out !! ... If it seems like he may get somewhere with either of them? I'd defo go with the latter (If it were my girl/sister)

If someone tries it on with your girl/sister etc more than once and has been told at least once to leave them alone! either by the girls, or yourself.. and they still persist .. Its in your best interest's to sort things out yourself.. (as long as your girl/sis. wont hate on you if you "decide to get violent" :) !!

I had a simerlar prob with a dude trying it on with my GF before we got married and she was expecting.. and I found a whole load of message on her phone from him and she'd had enough of him keep texting her.. she did tell me from the start and wasn't flirting back, infact she was upset and told me he deserves what he gets.. so I "Knocked him the F out" in a public house....and got arrested! :) lol... I spent the night in a cell, but the officers on duty were cool - once I had explained what had happened, and left the door open and bought me cups of hot chocolate and extra blankets etc.. the officers even hinted at what to say in the interview in the morning to get off lightly.. but I ignored them and on tape told them if the guy tried it on with my other half again I'd do the self same thing - no one try's to split up my family !! They still let me go at 6am the next day with just a caution - they gave me a ride home via Mc Donalds! :) and not only did the dude never try it on with her again but he came out with a broken nose and shattered cheek bone! A few months later both me and the other half got Married :) !!!

Moral of the story: If you care enough - "Step in and protect the people you love" - STELTHY :leaf:
Didn't read, but the first word I noticed was simerlar. That's a funny word haha