How is it that when I don't drink I feel like shit in the morning?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
When I don't drink I end up waking up feeling like a bigger pile of shit than I would if I drank a bottle of tequilla.

What the shit.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Are you an alcoholic dearie?
I realize that what it sounds like but nope, I'm not. I just woke up this morning feeling like I slept on a bed of nails and got punched in the head several times. I noticed last weekend I woke up after drinking a bottle of tequilla and ended up not having a hangover at all. I actually woke up at 7am to clean my house the next day.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a psychological dependence.. in one way or another.... just saying :hug:

you should try a wake and bake in the morning :eyesmoke:

Or just getting up and doing something could probably make you feel better.. like going for a run or a walk.. some people like stretching and doing yoga to start their day... to each their own ;)

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Sounds like a psychological dependence.. in one way or another.... just saying :hug:

you should try a wake and bake in the morning :eyesmoke:

Or just getting up and doing something could probably make you feel better.. like going for a run or a walk.. some people like stretching and doing yoga to start their day... to each their own ;)
I can't smoke right now I'm trying to get this med tech job.


Well-Known Member
It's called alcohol's just your liver starving for more....slam down a 40oz before bed each night, that should help.JK
wake-n-bake....oh, I just can't smoke either...that sux


Well-Known Member
maybe you have a sleeping disorder that the alcohol suppresses? that or your body is physically addicted to alcohol. how much and how often do you drink?(be honest)

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Honestly I drink on friday nights and saturday nights only.

I usually have HORRIBLE hangovers from beer and liquor.

but I just found it unsual that last weekend I woke up fine and I wake up today feeling like shit.

My hangovers consist of lots of nausea and headaches

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
It's called alcohol's just your liver starving for more....slam down a 40oz before bed each night, that should help.JK
wake-n-bake....oh, I just can't smoke either...that sux

Yeah I know. I'll be getting tested.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
maybe you have a sleeping disorder that the alcohol suppresses? that or your body is physically addicted to alcohol. how much and how often do you drink?(be honest)
I do have a sleeping disorder(s). I have sleep-disruptive behaviors when I fall into a deep sleep and I have mild insomnia. It takes me around 30-45 minutes to fall asleep and I wake up to a pin drop.

Ambien doesn't work for me it makes me hallucinate. Restoril give me horrible "metal-mouth" and other sleeping medications work in opposite effect for me.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Tellin' me about insomnia ;)

Today is friday, the last time I slept was tuesday, 7am to 9am.... the time i slept before that... 5am-11am Wednesday..

I have been up for about 24 hours on two hours of sleep, no naps... NO idea how I'm awake right now

But I'm going to put myself to bed with some fat indica dominant oil dabs... I'm sorry you can't do the same!

I understand 100% about the sleep aids making you trip... it's like your mind starts shutting down without your control (which is very much like dissociative hallucinations) and you start to see things like you haven't slept in 2 days, shadows jump out in front of you, you see things that aren't there... but then the medication doesn't work, your not feeling sleepy or ready to sleep.. your just tripping balls, not fun.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
exactly, I took ambien one time and I swear people were trying to kill me.

I used to have to sleep with my light on because I went through a period (about 3 months) where I thought people were standing around my bed watching me sleep. This was after I suffered serious emotional trauma it had nothign to do with ambien, medications, alcohol, or weed.

actually my nightmares lasted for about 2 years but I force myself to realize everything I am dreaming/imagining/seeing is not real around my bed.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Tellin' me about insomnia ;)

Today is friday, the last time I slept was tuesday, 7am to 9am.... the time i slept before that... 5am-11am Wednesday..

I have been up for about 24 hours on two hours of sleep, no naps... NO idea how I'm awake right now

But I'm going to put myself to bed with some fat indica dominant oil dabs... I'm sorry you can't do the same!

I understand 100% about the sleep aids making you trip... it's like your mind starts shutting down without your control (which is very much like dissociative hallucinations) and you start to see things like you haven't slept in 2 days, shadows jump out in front of you, you see things that aren't there... but then the medication doesn't work, your not feeling sleepy or ready to sleep.. your just tripping balls, not fun.
I was up for 36+ hours until monday night lol.. Been up 20hrs now... But how can you have last slept on Tuesday... but you've only been up 24hr?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I used to have to sleep with my light on because I went through a period (about 3 months) where I thought people were standing around my bed watching me sleep. This was after I suffered serious emotional trauma it had nothign to do with ambien, medications, alcohol, or weed.
God, don't you just hate the way your brain works some times? :? Can't help it though, you just have to cope...

I used to have decent hallucinations from very mild, very low doses of sleep medications.. Again, not the fun kind.

Then I think I ruined it for myself with a high dipenhydramine dose... don't even ask :lol: i'm not sure if I even know... but anyway, 800mg later, I don't remember much besides portals/rifts opening on two dimensional planes on the walls, EVERYWHERE.. sucking all the light from the room into them... and just straight out of body "am I dreaming or is this real" experiences..

Suffice to say, that was the LAST time I fucked with that family of chemicals :spew: