Research Chemicals

Research Chemical Symbol should be considered experimental chemicals. Although some people are willing to ingest these chemicals for their effects, it is not reasonable to assume that these chemicals are in any way 'safe' to use recreationally.
All psychoactive use involves risk, this class of chemicals has undergone virtually no human or animal toxicity studies and there is little to no data on possible long term problems, addiction potential, allergic reactions, or acute overdoses.


Well-Known Member
Research Chemical Symbol should be considered experimental chemicals. Although some people are willing to ingest these chemicals for their effects, it is not reasonable to assume that these chemicals are in any way 'safe' to use recreationally.
All psychoactive use involves risk, this class of chemicals has undergone virtually no human or animal toxicity studies and there is little to no data on possible long term problems, addiction potential, allergic reactions, or acute overdoses.

very good you copied the erowid warning...



Well-Known Member
I LLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE 2cI, and RC's in general. 2c I is amazing. But, some people do, do weird stuff with it. I just like to look at it under a bright light. Scooby eats it sometimes, and tells me some crazy shit about it though. I don't condone it, but he's a dog I can't protect everything from him all the time.


Well-Known Member
Most of tem are actually worth doing. I'd reccommend 4 aco dmt, methoxetamine, 2c e, 2c i, don, amt.. Shit I've done more of those than I thought lol

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
skip past the 2c-x's and go right to the 25x-nbome's, 4aco is ok doc is nice if you have the time 48hrs. bout 18hr of tripping 24 recoup


Well-Known Member
I tried 2C-E. About like mushrooms. Same queasy feeling. Haven't tried 2C-I but have read that it is weaker than 2C-E. Probably good for people who don't want to trip too hard. I don't like the idea that it has iodine in it though. Can't see that being good, though I guess the amount would be small. 2C-I is said to be more stimulating than 2C-E. 2C-E didn't cause a stimulant effect at all when I tried it. I figure 2C-E can't be any worse for you than mescaline. It's practically the same molecule, just altered in such a way that is about 25 times more potent, so you don't have to take about a half gram of it like with mescaline. I'm wary of the other research chemicals though. MDPV can be pretty nasty, for instance. Tryptamines seem a little too extreme for my taste, from what I've read. For now I'll stick with 2C-E until they make something better. That seems to be the best one currently available, from what I've read in forums. Just don't snort it or it will burn your nose.