Quick Soil Question/Help


Well-Known Member
you can get a digi on ebay for 17 bucks .. its a tool you will need .. trust me !.. maybe not now.. but you will and you wont have time to wait for shipping when that time comes... plus having proper ph prevents sooo many problems


Well-Known Member
Ok if your talking about the soil prob ones.. they are junk... and if your talking about the drop kits... they work ok.. but are fucked once you start feeding nutes.. because the nutes are colored as well normally....

Do you know the difference between a lockout and a deficiency?
This is Nerd's wife talking. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your input during our trials and tribulations. This whole situation has been effed to the max. You have all helped my husband keep a level head during all of this business and confermed all of our suspitions as to why those plants were not worth any of the money we are having to for over tonight for plants we are going to just throw in the trash. This ruined one friendship but opened our eyes to the wide world of people who do acutally care about the suffering of others. This has been a HUGE learning experiance for me becuase last time he undertook this project I didn't really participate. Thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
Good choice on tossing them girls in the trash. You are better off keeping your seedlings safe away from the powdery mildew. That shit is NO JOKE.

My boy had an entire Cinderella99 plant ruined thanks to that nasty stuff. Chalk it up as a loss and move on is my opinion!

Best of luck with your little babies!


Well-Known Member
Anytime Nerd or Nerd's wife .. DUbbz is cool people too.. check out his journal on his FIRST GROW.. hes killing it!.. Steez is good people.. we will see if lantern comes over here.. I tried to get some other guys over here so you have some support!

You can do it .. just take your time .. you got the right Lighting and all.. just time and reading from here on out!


Well-Known Member
O ya and Natural.. I think I seen him over here.. SORRY NATURAL IS COOOOLL PEOPLE TOO .. lol didnt wanna leave him out!
This is what I was thinking about for my next grow... soil wise.
4 Parts Potting soil
2 Parts Perlite
2 Parts Vermiculite
1 Parts Worm Castings
1 Parts Peat
.25 Parts Dolomite Lime (would this ratio be okay?)
That's a lot closer to my first kind of soil... Would it be a good idea to use epsom salt? blood and bone meal? etc.


Well-Known Member
On a side note the ginger we plated is starting to come up (On my balcony) Which is friggin awesome! Our tomato plants are huge and we harvested some of our bananna peppers. I also have a pumpkin which is getting big. When I toss these crap plants (I think it's a matter of time) what do I need to do to save the soil they're in? I think I will just put it through the oven again... That is one hell of an ordeal. I think just to be safe I will be picking up some Greencure from the local hydro shop just to have on hand for my little ones. I am also considering picking up some ladybugs when I flower them just to be on the safe side. I want to stamp out this PM/Bug problem with overwhelming force and not take chances. Do you guys think I could get one of those toy gun super soakers and bleach things down that way? (yes that is a joke). When I do disinfect the tent I think I am going to mix a solution, spray the whole tent and let it sit and dry, then repeat a another time or two. On the last treatment I will be wiping everything down and throwing away the towels.

I guess this guy sold me plants that had been sitting off by the washer/dryer (outside of his lights) and more or less sold me his garbage. My brother and partner in this refuses to see that these things are crap. I guess he wants to believe the sky is red and that 2+2=5... or whatever the fu&% his friend says. That guy is coming over tonight and I am going to give him a piece of my mind. (he also scoffed when I mentioned rollitup...) Of course, he is also telling me that I can't get much of anything without a 1000W light and yada yada yada. I think he has his way, which is disgustingly inefficient, and I have mine... MAke sure things are done right from the beggining. What do you guys think about that philosophy? I will probably have to pay him, but his involvement in my grows will be getting the axe.

Thats the exact philosophy I live my life by, and is the perfect train of thought for growing weed man you need it.

I wish you lived in california so I could come mop this guy up, he sounds like a major fucking douchebag no offense if hes your friend or something.
For him to have the audacity to even sell you those fucking plants is enough to get him shot in some areas.
Just use this as a learning step, and stay away from that guy, hes a cesspool for pests :X


Well-Known Member
Damn I just missed so much of this thread before I posted, good to hear you got rid of them.
and yea those seedlings are looking bomb man you're going to be much much much happier with these plants.
Now you're going to be in control their entire life, and be able to train them and do literally anything you want.
Keep that head up man.


Well-Known Member
Nerd I normally use Fox Farms Ocean Forest.. WHen I have made my own mix.. I copied Subcools recipe.. he is a member on this site and shares some really good information.. KILLER breeder as well. Let me know if you want the soil mix.. I'll find the link
The problem is slight, but does give me cause for concern. It is happening on only a couple of the plants (the biggest ones) Nutes are really low in the soil right now... and the PH is around 7. I don't like this soil mix that i'm using. To me it looks like it could be heat stress becuase it got up to 90 for a short while yesterday. The damage is still relatively minor, but I want to stay on top of stuff in case my diagnosis is wrong.

What do you guys think?

Alotaball I would like that recipe if you wouldn't mind.


(Oh yeah, that guy looked at them yesterday and said they looked great. He showed me pictures of his setup and they're all like that... It's just how he grows and doesn't know better) That business partnership is now terminated. I am not going to pop new seeds until the little ones are on their way to flowering because I am still going to sterilize the veg tent. I would like, in a perfect world, to have both empty for a short while so I can sterilize with bleach/water and let it dry.... Wipe it down with insecticide and let it dry... Then just for good measure wipe it down with a high % rubbing alcohol and let it dry. Of course I'd have to wipe down the pots, lights, etc... Damn I want a house! Especially considering that I pay as much in rent for a crappy apartment as if I had a mortage!

Sorry a bit of a rant... In a mood today. I just want things to get into a groove and turn out well.


Active Member
Hiya nerd. Do you happen to have cats? A few grows back i had a bad problem with weird looking chunks missing out of my leaves, and around the chunks, i seen what made me think it was some sort of def or heat stress. Took me a month to figure out that my cats were able to get in the area, chew up my leaves, and the saliva made the yellowing around the "bites", making me add and take away diff nutes causing my plants to suffer. That one leaf of yours reminded me of that horrible time.

About the house thing... i am in the same boat... overpaying for an apt. Once i get my money right, getting a 3 bedroom, one for me, one for my cats and one for my ladies. lol

Good luck, hope things turn out for you.
Hiya nerd. Do you happen to have cats? A few grows back i had a bad problem with weird looking chunks missing out of my leaves, and around the chunks, i seen what made me think it was some sort of def or heat stress. Took me a month to figure out that my cats were able to get in the area, chew up my leaves, and the saliva made the yellowing around the "bites", making me add and take away diff nutes causing my plants to suffer. That one leaf of yours reminded me of that horrible time.

About the house thing... i am in the same boat... overpaying for an apt. Once i get my money right, getting a 3 bedroom, one for me, one for my cats and one for my ladies. lol

Good luck, hope things turn out for you.
Naww nan, I'm fairly anti-animal in my home. But we do have a dog. (Who is not allowed near the plants.) I actually want to buy like 80 acres of land and build my own house. I like private property and privacy. It would be friggin awesome to build my own outdoor gun range on my property and do some plinking. Someday my dreams will be realized...


Active Member
Hey Nerdzilla your baby looks fine. That little bit is no big deal......Time to relax and find the joy in growing your meds....Nice work...
