When does ontario grow flower?


Active Member
Thats a nice plant you got growing there, looks like its ready to start. I feed on fridays so ill hit them with bloom nutes in a few days. on my feed chart it says to use grow nutes for first two weeks of flowering anyway.

Viss do you have any pics? I started my grow indoors may 1st then planted outside june 15 or so, i had a set back to get them out damn knee surgery
Impessive my friend. This plant is much further along than all of mine.

I am growing 2 types of Indica, 18 Purple Kush and 1 Unknown Kush. All about Kush! LOL, naw it's bagseed. I'm not one of those Kush-tards.


Well-Known Member
Bag seed works just look out for males thats all, seeds from this place were cheap I think it was 80 bucks shipping included for 10 female seeds. If i had ordered earlier I would have had more choices on the cheap stuff but a few seeds were 17 bucks a peice and others 3-7 bucks.


Active Member
Bag seed works just look out for males thats all, seeds from this place were cheap I think it was 80 bucks shipping included for 10 female seeds. If i had ordered earlier I would have had more choices on the cheap stuff but a few seeds were 17 bucks a peice and others 3-7 bucks.
Man seeds are so expensive. It's pretty insane. One would make more money on a cash crop pollinating and using that silver stuff to make feminized seeds than selling the buds.

I was actually thinking of pollinating one or more of my girls using that silver "stuff" (can't remember the name) and keeping all the seeds you should think about it too. We would have seeds for a very long time if we did that. We should both look into doing this for next year. I know I can pull it off, we have many months to research it as well. :)


Well-Known Member
selling seeds is nice but more people like the smoke than to grow. easier sell, the finished product is.


Well-Known Member
I think im around the same. online according to my latitude, longitude were I am does not go to 12/12 till september i think so I take that shit with a grain of salt. People have been growing here fine for a long time. should be ready end of sept mid october for most strains.


Well-Known Member
Any updates on how it is going so far guys? Pics of the crop? is it still up? when is it coming down? My shit got jacked this year so Ill have to try again next.