Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
preo i get what you are saying but i do live my life for myself and those i love... although i ask god for wisdom and strength everyday i don't ask him to live my life for me... my belief in god as i've said before doesn't point to god being some puppeteer and we his puppets... i believe we were given an opprotunity by god and then god left us alone... i believe humans have always been just as god but that we lacked a free will... we were energy before given a physical body... now we have the chance to learn although it may be limited to this earth it is still a chance... and there is good and evil you may not see it but that is because you like many others label yourself a victim... note that i'm not namecalling don't think that but by your train of thought in that we have no choices and life happens as it will you give yourself no control therefore you have no right to claim you make your own decicions... you would have me think that we are all robots in one sentence and then tell me to live my life for myself in another... this makes no sense how can i live my life for myself if i have no choice??? and if you live your life for yourself you might as well kill the children... but would that make you feel bad??? why have a concious if there is no good and evil that means everything is justifiable... thats what satanists believe... you can fuck whoever you want because it feels good but when you get AIDS or another STD well thats ok... you can kill whoever you want if they piss you off... who cares your life is more important then any other life and that makes those other lives insignificant... if you want to eat mc donalds 24/7/365 do it... sure you might have a heart attack within the first month but hell the food tastes good... why go to work??? why do anything??? my belief in a god doesn't rule me... it is just what i believe part of who i am... my karma is better then you can even imagine... life is important to me but i know the difference in good and evil understand that i have choices and try my best to make the right ones... you propose a world full of robots that do what they are programmed to do by life... this idea to me just as drugs are is sickening... i have seen to many things in my even though it hasn't been very long... these things make a higher purpose obvious to me almost as if i can see the machine working in the background... its like looking through tinted windows... i know something is there but i can't quite see it clear enough to describe it... i mean hypothetically i could tell you how to achieve light speed... i have thought this up on my own and this idea doesn't seem foreign to me it seems natural... well so to does the existance of god... nothing is impossible preo so long as you are willing to look... however by keeping the views you now have you will blind yourself to the possibilities... in a universe known to be of infinite capability how can you convincingly say you know something for a fact to be impossible... do you not think this is naive??? how dare you i or anyone ever claim to know everything... that truly is a shame... you preo and skunk and godikas and many others are blinded by your own pride... i have tried to make you guys understand that we know nothing and you give me your trivial arguments and try to turn my way of thinking even though i've said many times i have no specific way of thinking just an open mind and willingness to learn... and i may be 20 years down the road or tomorrow i decide that god doesn't exist (i doubt it) but given enough information maybe i could... but considering i have no where near enough information and can't be provided it by the things humans have learned in the millions of years that we have been here i will continue to see the ghost in the machine so to speak... maybe i'll explain my theory on light speed next but as for this line of thought i've almost exhausted myself on showing you guys the ignorance that all we humans share... ALL to include me... i'm not here to insult anyone just to make them think freely as the name implies... i hope maybe i've showed you guys something but if not well... i tried... as i've said before don't believe in god if you don't want to but don't believe you know anything for certain because truly you don't and probably never will just as i probably never will but i will try you guys have already given up...


New Member
you really are confused frth'. You really don't know what you believe. You say you believe in a god, then say you are open-minded. Your belief is very, very weak which is why you feel that preo', godka and I have been trying to change your way of thinking.

Your way of thinking has already changed frth', now you just need to admit it to yourself.


Well-Known Member
no i say there is a possibility for a god... get it right buddy... and i also say i could be wrong... reading comprehension 101... i like you guys... so i won't insult you even though you wear my patience thin... but do read my whole posts before you make comments...


Well-Known Member
I think the above is a pretty solid evil.
im gonna be thinking about this for a while. i can feel something wanting to come out, but i think its gonna be a while before i can type it up. good shit man.

"propensity", nice. i dont think ive ever heard that used in conversation before.


Well-Known Member
no i say there is a possibility for a god... get it right buddy... and i also say i could be wrong... reading comprehension 101... i like you guys... so i won't insult you even though you wear my patience thin... but do read my whole posts before you make comments...
i may have read u wrong, but in ur Universe post, u seemed to put quite an emphasis in gods existence. its been a while, so im not sure on exactly how u worded it. now that i think of it, im not sure if uve ever used the word "faith" at all, so yeah. sorry about that

i guess i just think its silly to even consider the possibility. the possibility seems so minute in my mind that it just doesnt bare any importance. but ill admit that the chance of this, in my mind, is no more than a feeling based on assumptions that i cant really explain right now. so theres not much reasoning behind it.

so are u completely neutral in ur beleifs, or are u banking in a little on the creator side? this is what it seems like to me...


Well-Known Member
OMFG you guys. You hurt my brain. My stand point is neutral because I dont give a rats ass about anything in this world.

If you were standing right in front of me and i really wanted the candy bar in front of you and you wanted it too. Id shoot you and take the candy bar. No remorse. No fear. The Marines trained me well.

furthermore. I've been drowned (legally dead) nothing happens. You black out. No magical fudge packing cherubs come pick you up. Its game over like in Pac-Man when you get caught by the ghost and the screen goes black with GAME OVER on the screen.

Why must things have a higher purpose or meaning. Why are we so entranced with the idea of a higher power? I think its an inferiority complex.

well I truly wish that death is as u describe...As I have shown on a different threat that such death would be like a dreamless sleep...Socrates argues that this is the best "kind" of death one can hope for....


New Member
well I truly wish that death is as u describe...As I have shown on a different threat that such death would be like a dreamless sleep...Socrates argues that this is the best "kind" of death one can hope for....
What's the thing with socrates? He's dead, and his life revolved around disease and war. To socrates death would need to be better than life. To him there would need to be something after life to make his life worth living.

How is death a dreamless sleep? Regular cannabis users can stop dreaming, does this mean they are dead? When you are asleep your heart still beats, your brain still runs etc... When you are dead, all these things stop.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering about that.... everytime i had to stop smoking my dreams came back... but is it that you stop dreaming or just don't remember... its the latter... dreaming is neccesary... REM sleep or the fifth level of sleep is where your body truly rests... so the dreams are still there otherwise pot smokers would be dreadfully tired all of the time or maybe even dead... they just probably don't remember because of a lack of short term memory because dreams are hard enough to remember when sober...


Well-Known Member
caniibinoids decrease Rapid Eye Movement, so ur dreams will be less vivid, almost to the point of not having any. cool with me tho, it seems to me that u kinda use up ur dreams when u smoke. dreams are just a type of self-reflection, and thats definitely what i get when i smoke alot of weed.

u guys know about lucid dreams?


Well-Known Member
no not really... this is interesting stuff... i never really noticed the dream thing until recently so it has me thinking... also i've almost figured out how to achieve light speed at least hypothetically give me a little more time and i will post in detail... interesting stuff!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, i missed that big chunk up there. thnkr, u dont understand me very well, so im gonna be blunt with my thoughts, just so i come across in a clearer way. im not meaning to display any sort of hostility. oh and i look forward to the lightspead idea u got, im sure itll be interesting, hopefelly ground-breaking!

preo i get what you are saying but i do live my life for myself and those i love... although i ask god for wisdom and strength everyday i don't ask him to live my life for me
he cant give it to u. any help u receive is a product of u subconsciously comparing urself to him and using some of the faith u put in him. (when i say faith i mean the fact that u believing him to exist. the more u believe in him, the less u believe in urself.)

... my belief in god as i've said before doesn't point to god being some puppeteer and we his puppets... i believe we were given an opprotunity by god and then god left us alone... i believe humans have always been just as god but that we lacked a free will...
u lack a free will? i believe the same thing... u are a puppet, dont get confused. my argument is that nobody is actually consciously controlling us tho.

we were energy before given a physical body...
i dont get it. maybe we should talk about this next. enlighten me.

you like many others label yourself a victim... note that i'm not namecalling don't think that but by your train of thought in that we have no choices and life happens as it will you give yourself no control therefore you have no right to claim you make your own decicions...
i know what it feels like to have no control. sitting in the cockpit but having autopilot control everything. i lived years like this. ive experienced trips where i seriously couldnt feel anything and i was doing shit without my own will. when i speak of the illusion of choice i am not talk about this.

i am saying that the nature of choice is baseless. the choice is there, but everything else is controlling ur choice. it all started with ur birth. u had no choice of being alive. everything else stems from that. who u are, the person who makes the choices, is a product of stuff that u really dont have control over. yes, over time u gain more control over ur environment, but when u were born...

you would have me think that we are all robots in one sentence and then tell me to live my life for myself in another... this makes no sense how can i live my life for myself if i have no choice???
such beautiful irony. for the record, im saying that u are living like a robot and have no choice. i dont live as a robot because i accept the nature of the universe and work with what i got. u make a reality where u happily give up ur own worth in hopes of sucking up to the big guy. u ask if how can i live my life for myself if i have no choice. im not sure, but i do. the same way u cant really explain how u choose to do shit every day. same thing here.

and if you live your life for yourself you might as well kill the children... but would that make you feel bad??? why have a concious if there is no good and evil that means everything is justifiable...
that would make me feel bad. i dont think death is a bad thing, but i would feel bad for the families left behind. i dont choose to have a conscious, i just have one. i can ignore it, but id rather use the will on more nice/productive thoughts. if i look at things in a broader way, i do see that everything is 'justifiable' (i wouldnt use that word tho, justice is BS) but if i hope to have social relationships wit others, i have to connect with them on an emotional level. i have to be able to feel their emotions. if i hurt somebody around me, i hurt myself. its just for peace of mind that i wouldnt want to hurt people i dont know. its not about good and evil. to do good things because u think u "have to" is just censored "evilness"

thats what satanists believe... you can fuck whoever you want because it feels good but when you get AIDS or another STD well thats ok... you can kill whoever you want if they piss you off... who cares your life is more important then any other life and that makes those other lives insignificant... if you want to eat mc donalds 24/7/365 do it... sure you might have a heart attack within the first month but hell the food tastes good... why go to work??? why do anything???
Whoah! if i havent made it clear, i consider myself a Satanist. ur kinda preaching to the gospel here. and while im happy u dont think i worship the devil, u do have a very disturbed view of satansim. while fulfilling carnal desires is the largest part of satanism, it certainly isnt the Golden Rule. respect for ones body is extremely important for a satanist, so getting std's or having a heart attack would not be alright. a true satanist would not kill whoever they want just cuz they pissed them off. i do consider some others lives as insignificant, however. u, for instance, have not accepted ur responsibility to accept the nature of the world around u, so i dont think u are living life to its fullest. i believe u are a misguided, silly man who does not know what he wants from life. like u before me, i am not name-calling so dont think that.

my belief in a god doesn't rule me... it is just what i believe part of who i am
i dont see the difference. who u are determines ur decisions in life

my karma is better then you can even imagine...
Karma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - please read this. karma isntlike good luck and bad luck, its not a teeter-totter in which "what goes around comes around"

life is important to me but i know the difference in good and evil understand that i have choices and try my best to make the right ones...
thats the main thing that matters i guess. good job

you propose a world full of robots that do what they are programmed to do by life... this idea to me just as drugs are is sickening...
some people have a inclination to reject things they are uncomfortable with. u might be on the verge of enlightenment. push thru.

i have seen to many things in my even though it hasn't been very long... these things make a higher purpose obvious to me almost as if i can see the machine working in the background... its like looking through tinted windows... i know something is there but i can't quite see it clear enough to describe it...
really sounds like u may be on the verge of epiphany. but the mind can find truth in anything. if u look at the world wanting to prove there is a god, im sure u can do it pretty easy. i try to see the world for what it is and base ideas that way.

in a universe known to be of infinite capability how can you convincingly say you know something for a fact to be impossible... do you not think this is naive???
sure, holding any information about anything is naive. but i choose to 'know' shit so i can live a normal life. i could meditate my whole life, hoping that a clear mind will allow me to "ascend" to a higher consciousness after death, but thats seems to be a pretty big gamble, imo.

how dare you i or anyone ever claim to know everything... that truly is a shame... you preo and skunk and godikas and many others are blinded by your own pride
are u serious? while i will say i do have some pride, u should see that im not a overly-proud man. i dont even believe that my actions are my own... i dont know everything, but i do form a model of the universe on what i see to be true. once again, u are comparing humans to ur imaginary friend. there is no god, true knowledge is impossible

... i have tried to make you guys understand that we know nothing and you give me your trivial arguments and try to turn my way of thinking even though i've said many times i have no specific way of thinking just an open mind and willingness to learn...
irony. im just trying to help out others while understanding what i really believe. these arguments are not trivial. ur the one making up models of existence based on energy.

but don't believe you know anything for certain because truly you don't and probably never will just as i probably never will but i will try you guys have already given up...
man, stop with all this self-righteous crap. (go ahead and consider this an insult if u want) u act like u are enlightened because u dont believe in alot of stuff, but u fail to see that ur reality is distorted. i believe in a neutral universe. i dont believe in segmenting it with the want of an imaginary babysitter.

all i really know is that i exist, and this world is a reflection of my self. i am a reflection of my surroundings. this is all i hold to be true, everything else is just a matter of etiquette.

i disacknowledge an omnipotent creator because it doesnt make sense. there is no need, no reason to invest any thought, belief or faith in something of that nature.

unless u hope to prove "what the point of life is" or "where did we come from" theres no need for a god. these questions are ridiculous. by asking them u assume His existence. before u heard somebody asking these questions , u knew the nature of the universe. it just is. "God" is the true evil. "God" makes u feel insignificant enough to dissect reality in an alternative way, allowing others to take advantage of ur naivety.

i really hope u come around thinkr. seriously, ur a cool dude and u deserve better.


Well-Known Member
If you are interested in lucid dreaming you have to see the movie "Waking Life." It's fucking great. The ideas in this movie are great to listen to while on LSD, your mind will expand.


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i'll try to address this in simpler terms... things are getting to confusing again... notice the beginning post of the universe thread... energy time and concious thought need to exist for reality to be plausible... the only thing not needed is a physical plane... yet there is one... this fact to me screams direction a hand behind the scenes if you will... in order to understand my point of view you have to look far past this world... far far far far far far!!! you get the idea... you have to encompass all that is and ever will be into your scope of mind... therefore you have to acknowledge the lack of limitations... the satanist religion as you explain it only deals with this earth and your life here... and i will agree that hapiness can be achieved through living a meaningful life here where all the choices you make may be for yourself and the benefit of others around you... but my mind cannot be held to earthly bounds therefore i must accept all that is and all that could be... i'm not religious in the sense that i have a faith that if i do all good things and worship god giving him my life then i will be ok after i die... thats where you guys keep mis interperting me... i believe there is an underlying energy that runs the universe... there has to be energy runs everything nothing could exist without energy... this is the god i speak of... the god that empowers us all... our physical bodies and in fact this physical world would be nothing without energy... imagine the universe as an enormous grid where there are high energy spots... which i will call suns or stars... these energy spots share there energy with planets... these planets are more physical then energy just as a sun is more energy then physical... on these planets given the perfect and i mean PERFECT situation physical bodies with energy inside of them may arise... but this is not the end... there is one last part and that is concious awareness... the ability not to know you are just here but to be able to at least understand that there is a universe and it is immense.... well humans are physical bodies with energy and concious awareness... the situation is to perfect to think that there is not concious awareness behind the energy that drives the universe... that energy is not some being as a human might see it because we have a hard time imagining anything with intellect that is not physically based... my idea of god is the spokes and wheels that drive everything... what happens after death i will not begin to ponder... but i don't neccesarily believe we will be with god as the bible says but instead our energy will return to the energy of the universe just as our physical bodies will return the the physical aspect or the earth... maybe this is a bit clearer....


Well-Known Member
frthnkr85, what/who have been the main influences in the shaping of your beliefs? I'd just like to know to where they come from better because I'm a little unsure how they were formed.


Well-Known Member
observation... thinking about energy and why it is what it is... i don't want nor need anyone to help me with my beliefs because that would be a waste of my intelligence... i enjoy learning things i didn't know however so i will listen to what other people suggest... but all books of beliefs were written by man and to base your beliefs on someone elses is to have no beliefs at all... look at the world around you think about the size of the universe... look at what our idea of reality is and realize that energy controls everything... i am a free thinker as the name implys... my beliefs are my own and are ever changing... that is what life is all about... physically my beliefs stay the same... treat myself and others well and try to lead a life that makes me happy... intellectually my beliefs however are held by no standard ryhme or reason...


Well-Known Member
You've had nothing specific help form your beliefs? They change on a day to day basis on what you observe?


Well-Known Member
intellectually yes... the old addage you learn something new every day would be the basis of my beliefs... physically my beliefs rotate around my morals... my morals are unchanging and those are based on known good and evil...


Well-Known Member
light speed:

first off you would need to build a ship that can withstand the pressure of moving at the speed of light... however since there is no air resistance in space this would be rather easy you just need a ship capable of entering the orbit of a planet with an atmosphere...

secondly you need a renewable source of energy... i propose 2... solar energy which would work anytime you are close enough to a star to absorb the energy it puts off and nuclear energy which given enough active uranium can be limiless enough for this discussion...

lastly a very high speed computer... one that can calculate at faster then the speed of light... not much faster but faster... and another computer to control functions on the ship such as life support power and the onboard nuclear plant...

these are the essentials i will explain how they work together in a few hours i have some things i need to do... until then...


Well-Known Member
I can provide a neutral standpoint here. I dont believe in god because I dont believe in anything that has control over my destiny pre or post mortem. Talking religion is a waste of my and everyone elses time. This is of course my opinion.

If you believe in something you do not need affirmation of others to make it true or real for you and frankly if you do need affirmation you need to rethink your beliefs.

Peace pot and Microdot.

Atheism is the disbelief[1] in the existence of any deities.[2] It is contrasted with theism, the belief in a God or gods. Atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The man who is unacquainted with theism is an atheist because he does not believe in a god. This category would also include the child without the conceptual capacity to grasp the issues involved, but who is still unaware of those issues. The fact that this child does not believe in god qualifies him as an atheist."

an atheist might be more inclined towards philosophical ideas such as humanism, rationalism, and naturalism.....

sorry if I called you an atheist...


Well-Known Member
Fuckin A. I dont care what "god" qualifies me as. There are no definitions or single words you can say to sum up what I am and trying to do so is slanderous IMO