Bag Seed Growers Lol


Active Member
How`s your little lady doing ATTITUDESEEDS ? I`m going to have to start writing that in lower case coz it looks like i`m shouting at you. LOL... :-) I`ve been out LSTing mine today, took about 2hrs but found it quite therapeutic sitting out in the sunshine with my dog and a nice cup of Tea :-) ( I would have loved a Beer But medication says No Alcohol ) lol... Here`s what i`ve done so far... (Not bad for a Professional Plant Killer Eh...) lol...View attachment 1691003View attachment 1691004
those are beautiful i'll have to take a pic of mines and put it up too we'll jus keep updatin and my order should be here today.


Well-Known Member
Thank you :-) She Never leaves my side and is better at Fishing than i am :-) I went Carp fishing last week and did`nt get a nibble all day :-( as i was packing up to go home her head went into the edge of the water and she pulled out a 1.5 lbs Common Carp and started to eat it lol... :-)
Anyway, I`ve been playing with my girls again today and Fimmed them both. It`s looking like i Should get quite a lot of Buds if i can fim them again before they go into flower and they perked up nicely after all the LSTing yesterday. The one in the black pot will still need a bit more tying down though but i think i`ll leave them both till Sunday to Relax a bit and water them at the same time.IMGP0666.jpgIMGP0663.jpg Take care and Happy Growing ;-)


Active Member
luck buddy but you may find out what a hermi looks like
hateful fucking lame

bad experience, fag?

miss a hermy and rape a crop?

if you DO get a hermy - CHOP it


grow ALL seeds - it is FAR MORE LIKELY to be a good healthy strong plant AND female to boot

they're called DOMINATE traits for a reason - watch it CLOSELY days 5-20 of flower - look over EVERY SINGLE INCH of the plant twice a day - morning and night

after that, be kind and gentle with her and around day45 or so of flower begin keeping a CLOSE eye again for bananas this time - twice a day all the way to what i'm certain will be a BOUNTIFUL and DELICIOUS harvest

gl man


Well-Known Member
hateful fucking lame

bad experience, fag?

miss a hermy and rape a crop?

if you DO get a hermy - CHOP it


grow ALL seeds - it is FAR MORE LIKELY to be a good healthy strong plant AND female to boot

they're called DOMINATE traits for a reason - watch it CLOSELY days 5-20 of flower - look over EVERY SINGLE INCH of the plant twice a day - morning and night

after that, be kind and gentle with her and around day45 or so of flower begin keeping a CLOSE eye again for bananas this time - twice a day all the way to what i'm certain will be a BOUNTIFUL and DELICIOUS harvest

gl man
talk about being hateful, lol. swearing, using sexual preferences to try and demean another person, anger... they aren't needed on this forum. Show people a little respect or take your 63 posts over to another forum. Those other forums love hateful people like you.

BTW, dominant (the correct way to spell it) or recessive traits don't work quite the same in plants as they do in humans. True that male and female are dominant traits, if you have hermie genetics in there then they are still there. Stressing your plant can cause these recessive traits (herm traits) to come out. The plant does this because it feels it's in danger because things aren't going right. So it produces pollen to try and make seeds to pass it's genetics along. The whole point of the plants life is to pass it's genetics on. Dominant and Recessive alike.


Active Member
talk about being hateful, lol. swearing, using sexual preferences to try and demean another person, anger... they aren't needed on this forum. Show people a little respect or take your 63 posts over to another forum. Those other forums love hateful people like you.

BTW, dominant (the correct way to spell it) or recessive traits don't work quite the same in plants as they do in humans. True that male and female are dominant traits, if you have hermie genetics in there then they are still there. Stressing your plant can cause these recessive traits (herm traits) to come out. The plant does this because it feels it's in danger because things aren't going right. So it produces pollen to try and make seeds to pass it's genetics along. The whole point of the plants life is to pass it's genetics on. Dominant and Recessive alike.
so then what you're saying is that you agree?

or did you not read past the bits that hit you on the head?

the man already asked you to not jinx his grow with talk of hermies
it's his thread you're aiding in the jacking of
you basically repeated i said just to respond to me - not about the thread topic, but about some personal shit
now you're trying to diminish your intrusion by smokescreening about some pseudo-liberal crap that noone cares about
i don't care who you fuck - fag was interchangeable with lame or hateful or sukkass or any other of a million adjectives(colorful and not) i could choose to apply
the number of my posts has nothing to do with how useful or constructive what i have to say to the THREADSTARTER may be


Well-Known Member
so then what you're saying is that you agree?

or did you not read past the bits that hit you on the head?

the man already asked you to not jinx his grow with talk of hermies
it's his thread you're aiding in the jacking of
you basically repeated i said just to respond to me - not about the thread topic, but about some personal shit
now you're trying to diminish your intrusion by smokescreening about some pseudo-liberal crap that noone cares about
i don't care who you fuck - fag was interchangeable with lame or hateful or sukkass or any other of a million adjectives(colorful and not) i could choose to apply
the number of my posts has nothing to do with how useful or constructive what i have to say to the THREADSTARTER may be
Yes, I did feel the need to address your attempt at trying to insult someone by using a personal sexual preference to describe "lame" or "sukkass". There is no need for it. Hiding behind me not addressing the OP doesn't change the fact that your being a jerk for no reason. If you feel the need to act that way then take it to another forum.

Also, there is no reason to cut a hermie down. Just cut the balls off and your fine. No need to waste an entire plant. So I actually was trying to clear up what you had attempted to say about recessive and dominant traits to the OP.


Active Member
Guys guys guys..... Smoke a blunt, bowl, bone sumthing just chill jus because u found a seed in a bag doesnt mean its a hermie theres a huge chance there was a male sumwhere in the crop since bagweed or reggie bush is grown in huge quantities and farmers dont have time to pick through every plant to take out males especially mexicans so you could be right or the plant just got pollinated who knows be happyyyyyy.


Well-Known Member
Guys guys guys..... Smoke a blunt, bowl, bone sumthing just chill jus because u found a seed in a bag doesnt mean its a hermie theres a huge chance there was a male sumwhere in the crop since bagweed or reggie bush is grown in huge quantities and farmers dont have time to pick through every plant to take out males especially mexicans so you could be right or the plant just got pollinated who knows be happyyyyyy.
Well said, I could`nt have put it better myself. Life is Too Short to be angry with everybody for No Reason at all... If we wanted abuse we could go to the local park or street corner where all of the teenage Thugs hang out...
Anyway nuff said..
Hows it going attit. any news on your pic`s yet ? and did your order turn up ? :-)


Active Member
yes my new pic are in i have more but i like this one the best my schwag.jpgthe seeds did come in with a cool shirt says highlife 420 with an american flag and a crush proof tin gonna wait to germ em though maybe next season i'll be better so everything will go well especially with the blue widow i cant mess that up!


Active Member
"She" (hopefully) is a five headed monster lol jus a bit of Fert. and some water here nd there its all right bugs aren't a problem right now either she smells good cant wait til it shows sex.


Well-Known Member
She needs to give you More Head... lol... 5 is`nt enough yet ha ha... She is looking really nice ;-) and i know what you mean about the smell :-) every time i walk into my greenhouse the smell is so distinctive of both my girls. ones a very strong Skunky smell and the other is a very Fruity (not sure how to describe it) smell, But Dam it Smells Sooooo Nice :-)
The Blue Widow sounds interesting... is it one you have tried before ? or did you just like the sound of it ? i`ve not heard of that one before you see...


Active Member
She needs to give you More Head... lol... 5 is`nt enough yet ha ha... She is looking really nice ;-) and i know what you mean about the smell :-) every time i walk into my greenhouse the smell is so distinctive of both my girls. ones a very strong Skunky smell and the other is a very Fruity (not sure how to describe it) smell, But Dam it Smells Sooooo Nice :-)
The Blue Widow sounds interesting... is it one you have tried before ? or did you just like the sound of it ? i`ve not heard of that one before you see...
Well I got the blue widow as a freebie from attitude so i researched it and it looks amazing i also germed one of the green o matic jus to have a little extra will be done in october


Well-Known Member
;-) Freebies Always taste bloody good don`t they :-) lol.... The Green o matic is also a new one to me now i think about it... Sounds like i`ve had a sheltered life lol...
Are you going to Journal both of them as well ? I`d love to know what they look,smell and taste like ?