DEA: MJ has no medical value


Well-Known Member
Not surprising really, since the DEA's raison d'etre is largely marijuana interception. Pathetic. I hope they get rid of the agency.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Already been posted, but thanks..
Yea the Federal Government is fucking nuts bro.
Their also telling people to help "DONATE" to the Government to pay off the US debt.. LOLOLOLOL!!!
If they Medicnalized it in the US it would make some serious Guap! But unfortantly their not going to do that,
so were going to suffer..


Well-Known Member
Sorry if it was posted already, just saw it on CNN. No idea what chico's talking about lol


Well-Known Member
wow they need to give up all there doing is making crime, most crime comes from prohibition. in fact a few people miight not like this but if they legalized it about 1/3 of all the people who smoke would stop, cuz most people do it cuz its taboo and shit or cuz its cool or some shit, like i noticed in the us all my friends smokes tobacco , but every day i would catch the truth adds telling people smoking is bad and dare and all that shit, but here barely no one smokes tobacco (they smoke pot ><) and there is no truth signs no dare, sa

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
wow they need to give up all there doing is making crime, most crime comes from prohibition. in fact a few people miight not like this but if they legalized it about 1/3 of all the people who smoke would stop, cuz most people do it cuz its taboo and shit or cuz its cool or some shit, like i noticed in the us all my friends smokes tobacco , but every day i would catch the truth adds telling people smoking is bad and dare and all that shit, but here barely no one smokes tobacco (they smoke pot ><) and there is no truth signs no dare, sa
I remeber back in the day when all the crip rappers came out everyone would be crip walking.
Now lil wayne and all them came out with their blood shit, everyone saying suwuuu and shit.
Your totally right. They need to stop this prohibition shit.


Well-Known Member
haha but am out of there, when they find my grow here all i have to do is give em some :) lolz


Well-Known Member

typical/classic DEA statement.. what else would you expect coming from a bunch of brainless fucks?? They know nothing about cannabis apparently.. I mean, to say such a uneducated/ignorant statement.. especially after countless scientists have said that cannabis DOES HAVE MEDICINAL PROPERTIES.. just proves my point that we have a group of brainless fuck-faces working for our government. The ignorance isn't just focused on one government group either.. this type of ignornace runs through the entire U.S. government system... it hits every branch in other words.

I'm getting to the point where, you know.. if they legalize it in the USA, GREAT! I'll be the happiest pothead on the planet! But I'm not going to continue to get worked up for nothing.

I just have no confidence in our government.. especially the fucking DEA.



Well-Known Member
I remeber back in the day when all the crip rappers came out everyone would be crip walking.
Now lil wayne and all them came out with their blood shit, everyone saying suwuuu and shit.
Your totally right. They need to stop this prohibition shit.

Prohibition will always be around my friend.. its unfortunate.. but it will always be around. It comes from the word 'Prohibit', which itself means to 'forbid the action of..', so yeah, its always going to be around.


The DEA issued a statement on Friday, July 8 that marijuana has no medical value, and should remain a scheduled drug on par with heroin.


This is now the position of the federal government, apparently. Battle lines are being drawn between the states and feds on this one. It's going to take some test cases going all the way up to SCOTUS.
Like most government officials and programs, they have to justify their existence.


Well-Known Member
If it has no medical value, then why does the human body have cannibinoid receptors? Why is it that the only two places you can find these compounds is in the cannabis plant or produced by the human body?

What I've read, anyway.


Well-Known Member
If it has no medical value, then why does the human body have cannibinoid receptors? Why is it that the only two places you can find these compounds is in the cannabis plant or produced by the human body?

What I've read, anyway.
animals have them too i believe. dogs, cats, monkeys, etc


Well-Known Member
The D.E.A needs to be scraped and built back up by someone who isn't stuck in the fucking 1800's


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I thought of that afterward. Doesn't change anything. Why do we have them?
i think some of the cannabinoid receptors have another purpose that has to do with sleep. not sure if its true, dont remember where i heard that