Religions, Archaic Relics Of The Past?

*waiting for witty counterpoint....*

yeah, that's what I thought; you ain't got nothin fly to say now, do ya? :D
just because you can name a bunch of pseudo-scientific nonsense, it doesn't make your argument any stronger, you cant test evp because every person has a different idea of what they hear, its called Pareidolia, we make out what we want of the recordings, and without somebody telling you what they "say" you will have thousands of different interpretations. have fun testing that in any laboratory setting. and i love the defecation of some of the most brilliant minds who've ever lived with your selective quoting :?, Einstein knew the formulas and theory he developed would be improved upon and better understood in the future, he was the frontiersman, not the modern day mathematician, most college graduate Physicists of today know more of Quantum physics than he did, because its advanced since his death. and Isaac newton was a genius beyond comparison, in his efforts to understand our solar system, when he ran to the ends of his knowledge he decided to invoke God as the creator and reason there is balance in the solar system, and we have come past that notion:hump:. I understand your curiosity for these subjects like evp can be promising but, at its core its about the supposition of there being spirits or out-of-body ethereal forms of existence, which no credible scientific evidence till this date has supported this notion. you can have your own opinion, like i do myself. but not your own facts. :blsmoke:
I agree with the ponzi scheme statement. There are some exceptions but they are either dead or abusively maintained. In the twenty first century everything is backwards. What we once complained about we now pay for. Christianity and Scientology made it big because they recognized the establishment of the new modicum of sway.

If there is a true religion, I'm with Lao Tzu on this one, anyone that says they know is full of shit. It's like fight club but the rules are built into the system. You can talk about it all you want, but the moment you do it ceases to be.

Acharya S' work did a number of amazing things for my spiritual development. From a practical standpoint when you have nothing to write on but the cave walls of your home which would tend to be devoted to specific events exclusive to your clan then a shaman who must carry with him thousands of years of accumulated knowledge about observed cycles will need a mnemonic device to remember that vast amount of information.

If you've ever picked up one of those 'super memory' or 'cognitive enhancement' tricks that teach you how to utilize mental habits then you may have heard of one mnemonic device in which you encode a list into a story. Stars are a wondrously immobile and common medium available anywhere in the world that serve as an easy trigger for extending the capacity of the device. And so it comes that our story is 'written in the stars' as it were. The best way to see what's ahead of you is to see where you've been. Add things up and it's not hard to see what's coming, generally speaking. This practice of shamans 'consulting the stars' was mystical and not understood by anyone who hadn't had the tutelage of a shaman who could relate the story, it's meaning, and indexing against the stars.

A leader of any group never had time to grasp these things. A leader both feared and respected the power of a shaman to both see the future, and help maintain psychosocial health of the clan. Trauma, drama and aeons later, the brotherly relationship between the leader and the shaman widens. The respect and fear gives way to mistrust, which gives way to murder rebellion, and genocide.

On an entirely unrelated note, I have this thing I do with animal crackers. I eat the broken pieces first while sorting out the orientation and stack the one facing opposite directions with one upside down so they face the same direction. Then I eat the excess, then I eat the pears.
^^^ You're talking in circles again.

lol and your just talking shit

from the start there were Scientists looking at the evidence and saying it didnt fit

once the Scientists had enough evidence it was thrown out like all the other hoaxes

Thats is what Science does

Faith would have you still believing it
you really are naive, aren't you. science not plagued by corruption? i don't think so. anything that may provide a man with power is capable of being corrupted and science is certainly no exception.

I believe the "theory" of evolution is the biggest relic, turned hoax, ever perpetrated on mankind. Its main purpose is to soothe the conscious of the power hungry (Power elite).
from the start there were Scientists looking at the evidence and saying it didnt fit

Guess what, that's not the point. The Point is that this scientist put his own agenda, goals and conclusions before the truth. Perpetuated a bold face lie for decades, in the name of science. This is the point.

Please try to keep up. I won't continue to hold your hand.
Guess what, that's not the point. The Point is that this scientist put his own agenda, goals and conclusions before the truth. Perpetuated a bold face lie for decades, in the name of science. This is the point.

Please try to keep up. I won't continue to hold your hand.

the beliefs/ agenda of one man is not science its sensationism

someone claiming to be a "scientist" then ignoring any sort of scientific method is nothing but a fraud

the methodical process that showed the hoax for what it is was science but not the hoax itself

true science's agenda is nothing more than truths about our world
religons were made to help people live a morally good life with values ,and its ironic,because the same morals you might interpret as helping people and respecting people,someone else interprets it as kill the infidels. Religons are more or less like small governments now a days,they find something they do not like, they use their "HOLY TEXT" or"BOOK OF GOD" to discredit or even destroy it.Just like how to U.S uses its laws and policies to destroy whatever aint helping it make money or shit they cant tax.basically what im trying to say is now a days RELIGON is USED as LEVERAGE on ISSUES.
I believe the "theory" of evolution is the biggest relic, turned hoax, ever perpetrated on mankind.
that creatures evolve is certainly no hoax. even in the limited span of man's experience we have witnessed the actions of natural selection and the effects that random chance and mutation have upon the world around us. the only hoaxes involved in evolutionary theory are most often those of extrapolation from the observable and the silly belief that our understanding of reason can explain every phenomenon.

true science's agenda is nothing more than truths about our world
just which "science" are you talking about? the "science" that is the laws which govern all of creation or the "science" that is the method we use to discern those laws? they are not one and the same. one is the definition of what is real and the other is merely our perception of what is real. we like to believe that the latter will always lead us to the former, but this is often not the case. you speak of "true science" as if man is capable of using anything in its purest form and we know that this isn't the case. we adapt the "real" to suit our needs and biases, redefining reality to fit our humanity.
lol we are well beyond the days where "science" was just someone observing a reaction now we build instruments to record for us "true science" strives to remove all subjectivity from experiments

while there may still be subjectivity in interpretation of results Science always offers it up for critique and ultimately destruction if the theory doen't fit the facts

i've seen you harp on a few times about the imperfectness of science and the faith of its followers yet i have never seen you put out a better model of knowing who/what/where we are
It sounds like he's straddling the fence. Nothing worst then someone who can't decide.
yea, i know... a better choice would be to decide on the thing that makes you feel better, not what makes sense.

there is not fear of uncertainty with someone who thinks scientifically, because the method helps you cope with it. you will either get an answer, or something that can lead to the answer... its a cycle, that if done correctly will lead you to truth and knowledge. if you only have a single piece of a puzzle, then you will need to rely on some faith, but if you continue to accumulate more and more pieces, and they begin to fit together, and correlate and support one another, odds are before you know it, the entire image becomes clearer.

sometimes you make the wrong decision, but between you and i, it seems only one of us has a method of correction.

OH- To clarify with you, Evolution isnt a theory, its a fact. The actual theory is that of Natural Selection, and you can find evidence of that every flu season if you so wish.
Via natural selection there is still a variety that crops up.

I'm more partial to an unadvertised theory of that which has no witness is unwitnessed. Or if it is not observed there is none to observe. OR, Free will vs. Predestination = neither = inevitability.