Seedsman Seeds-Skunk Mix-From the Beggining


Well-Known Member
use black trash bags. thats what i used when i moved my plants to a friends house for a couple days. just set the pot in the bottom of the bag, then tie the top over them.


Well-Known Member
Ive got just the bags your talking about. Man im so paranoid tho.

Ive spread all the plants out even more, taking up majority of the room now. I also figured, instead of spending 100+ on a light mover, i will just move the light myself, like every two hours. And when im not here, my gf is here, so it can workout im sure.

here is some more recent pics



Well-Known Member
never seen anyone move their light back and forth every couple hours before. kinda sounds like a pain in the ass, and you mite get some stretching from the light being moved away for a couple hours.


Well-Known Member
yeah today was suppose to be the first day i move the light around. Lights have already been on for six hours and i didnt move it once... Its gonna be more of a pain in the ass than i thought. I came up with that fail plan at 3 am last night lol, i think ill cratch that plan.


Well-Known Member
this is really become quite the grow, one hell of a small green field in your room
looking real good, from what i can see
and good call on leaving the light in position, i think many more problems than its worth


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed just a few plants have started to get some spotting on the leaves here and there. Very minimal spotting tho. Im guessing it will get worste cause thats what usually happens.... hopefully not tho. im gonna barely give them any nutes because it seems my last 3 grows i overfed with nutes. I watered most of them 2 days ago with very little nutes, maybe 1/8th recommended.

Had a catastrophe the other day. After i put in the new "resevoir" or trash can, i put one of the fans on top so that is could blow kinda at a down angle on the babies. Well i didnt kno the fan was on rotate mode or w/e, and it ended up falling right smack in the middle of one of the babies. I was asleep, and my gf comes home and sees it and kinda screams and freaks out. The fan was still blowing face down right on top lol. Fortunatly, the plant that got raped by the fan is the runt of the bunch, and im actually thinking about getting rid of it cause i still cant freaking tell if its male or female, kinda thinking its male, but even if its female, its so small it seems to just be a waste of space that the others could be using.

I gotta move that mylar back up there. Im also thinking about LSTing alot more of them. i only did one, but there are about 4 more that are really tall and would prob benifit. Im wondering if its too late to put the screen in there. i was originally planning to have a scrog going on. But now i dont think thats such a good idea because all the plants are different, so ill prob just use bamboo or somethin when needed.



Well-Known Member
i think you're past the scrog point, too bad about the runt, but every grow has it's downside
nice looking crop, again favorably impressed with the seedsman genetics - at this time anyways


Well-Known Member
I think i definatley got a good deal with these seeds considering they were only 16$ for a 10 pack, which 9 have sprouted, and 8 became female :) I guess it all comes down to how nice the buds will look in the end. So far i have HIGH hopes!


Well-Known Member
i wonder if their big enough to start guessing what strain they actually are? Ill post some pics of the possible strains they could be.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if their big enough to start guessing what strain they actually are? Ill post some pics of the possible strains they could be.
what i read on the description was skunk #1 and hybrids of skunk #1
if there are any pure skunk #1, those should be fairly distinctive


Well-Known Member
what i read on the description was skunk #1 and hybrids of skunk #1
if there are any pure skunk #1, those should be fairly distinctive
on their website there was a list of 8 possible skunk strains that could be in the mix. I think it said Skunk#1, Skunk #11, Indian skunk, Swazi skunk, Hendui Kush, skunk haze, ultra skunk, and hawaiian skunk. But i guess those are all prob hybryds of skunk #1?


Well-Known Member
i looked those over too, i'd guess thay are mostly skunk #1 hybrids
skunk #11 i think is a pure breed which came from skunk#1 genetics


Well-Known Member
apologies to growone and redrum83420. you guys stuck with me on this, and i kinda been slackin. I lost alot of motivation to keep this journal going cause i thought i was going to chop chop early. I figured out a way so i dont have to chop em early, thus my motivation is back.

Ive been taking lots of pics since last time i posted here. I have lots of problems as you will see lol.

I tried to make a point to not over feed, which is what ive done on all my previous grows, and now, im pretty certain, 4 out of 6 are starving for something.. not sure exactly what. Lots of leaves curling up, lots of dead fan leaves, lots of yellowing then drying up.

Its seems that, with all of them, it starts out with the leaves curling up on the edges. Then some of the leaves curle so much to where the leave looks like a tube. Then yellowing occures, then some brown spots close to the middle vien of the leaves.

I started feeding them with more nutes, and only 2 of my plants seem to have gone back to normal, the others still have alot of curling tube like leaves, and very yellow.

Im also down to 6 plants. I was just running out of room, and at the time when i htought i was on a time limit, i threw out the 4 that looked to be budding the slowest.

ill start posting pics now


Well-Known Member
this pics are a great start - glad to see you finishing it off
the 2nd pic looks pretty good to me - not sure if there is a problem
might be a quirk of how the strain ripens, bulk of vegetation looks spot on


Well-Known Member
this pics are a great start - glad to see you finishing it off
the 2nd pic looks pretty good to me - not sure if there is a problem
might be a quirk of how the strain ripens, bulk of vegetation looks spot on
holy hell that was a quick response, hats off to you sir!

Just wait for more pics lol you will see the damage i created


Well-Known Member
holy hell that was a quick response, hats off to you sir!

Just wait for more pics lol you will see the damage i created
like the thread, glad to see how these seedsman skunks come out - i do see 1 pic with the leaves curled up into a tube - it's called canoeing and indicates too much heat(usually)


Well-Known Member
The last feed, i ended up givingthem the fox farm reccommended amount, which it 2 tsp tiger bloom per gal, 3 tsp big bloom per gal, and i gave them 1 tsp calmag per gal. But all the feeding before, i would do around 1/2 tsp tiger bloom per gal, 1/4 calmag per gal.

Im thinking they could all use a good flush, and im thinking ill flush them with somethin special, not sure what tho. I always flush with straight water, but i just recently been seeing stuff thats made for flushing. So ill be looking into that. if u guys got anything to reccomend that would be awsome.