Medical Marijuana for RSD ?


Well-Known Member
I have several disorder' main one being....RSD....witch causes sevear pain for me from time to time...i am in ohio....right next door to you guys in Michigan.... could i get medical marijuana?


Well-Known Member
most likely, if you move here. i think there is no time frame on your residency.


New Member
I've read through the law several times, and catch something new each time, but one thing I haven't noticed is mention of a minimum residency requirement.


Well-Known Member
So i could just move there...and amidelty get medical marijuana?
I've read through the law several times, and catch something new each time, but one thing I haven't noticed is mention of a minimum residency requirement.
so i could just move there...and get medical marijuana right away pritty much?..
.what if i have previous possion charges, and others that i have been convicted of in ohio?...will that affect my elgabilty?..
.what kinda paper work would i need to prove that i have RSD? and who would i need to go through to get my lisance?


New Member
In theory, yes. Bear in mind, however, that the law has a lot of gray areas that are being challenged in court to establish statutory rules that supplement the law. Not sure about the patient side, but I know if you have a drug related felony that you're ineligible for caregiver status. There's a form that you fill out and send in after you get a doctor to fill out a small portion of the form, along with $100. There is a discount, but I think it's only given to people who receive disability benefits. If you're talking about a driver's license for michigan... that's purchased at the Secretary of State office. They have branches all over the place. If you're talking about the patient card... you have to send that in to lansing and pretty much wait about six months or more. If I were to apply for patient status right now I could reasonably expect to recieve my card sometime around june or july, probably later. There's a huge backlog on the applications. I think they literally have a handful of people processing this shit in lansing.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand so far, you can't be a caregiver if you have a drug felony but you can be a patient.


Well-Known Member
i have a domestic violance felony charge i wasent convicted was lowered to a m1....and i pled out to othere felony ccharges but i have a record of possion...domestics...parfinalia...etc


Well-Known Member
Once you move here, see the doctor, send the money and paper work to the state, and confirmed that your check was cashed you'll be good to go.


New Member
100$ registry card and fee is supposedly what your paying for + money for a doctor visit and signature


Well-Known Member
how much on an estamate? just tryin to get all the facts together.. so i have info and $ ready put away to do this...


New Member
200$-300$ should be enough but you might need more it depends what your doctor charges you to sign the form (100$+doctor fees=the amount of money you need) .

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
$100 to the State of Michigan for the license... $100 for the doctor for his approval... $25 for the drivers license...

flop house for address.... Priceless.

Just kidding.

Remember you are not legit until, I've forgotten is it 30 days after they cash the check.

Someone please get this gentleman the correct wait period.