Been 2 weeks in 12/12 1st gros is there any signs of vegetation?


Well-Known Member
It's possible, but those spots could be anything. You can hardly tell from that photo. It could be......

The problem is, these forums are full of bad advice and terrible plant problem diagnoses by people that shouldn't be offering advice at all. When I spot something like this, I like to look into it and if i can, cast doubt on the bad advice or at least offer another explanation for the poster. Before causing panic and maybe initiating action that the grower never needed to take, wouldn't it be better to say.... "I think I might spot PM on your plant, can you get me some closer pics of plant ## so I can see it better"? Rather than declaring the crop a bust and saying good luck getting rid of it...


Well-Known Member
that is the same photo I saw, can you maybe edit it in paint and draw a circle on the spots you can definitely point out PM? I see one leaf with a couple of small spots that could be anything. Please let me know where you know for a fact PM is on that plant.


Well-Known Member
on the biggest leaf i can see about the mid of plant slightly to the left you can see little white spots....looks like pm to me but of course it would be better if there was a closer picture


Well-Known Member
Yep, saw those.. It could be PM, but neither of us has a good look at it. I certainly would not back a poster that claims the grow has PM based on that picture, but that's just me....

on the biggest leaf i can see about the mid of plant slightly to the left you can see little white spots....looks like pm to me but of course it would be better if there was a closer picture

kbo ca

Active Member
that is not how powdery mildew spreads..... Mildew spores move in the wind, they don't crawl up stems from the soil..... After looking at some of your posts, you truly have no idea what you are talking about in reference to growing marijuana or any other plant for that matter.
gotta love these guys who think they know it all. Just trying to help out with what i know. I've been growing successfully for a decade im not saying my way is the only way but i do know a thing or two. As for you and all the other dudes out here copping a self righteous attitude.... You can lick my balls.